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The Great Catholic Monarch Of Prophecy


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The Oracle on Ariel (continued)

{29:10} For the Lord has mixed for you a spirit of deep sleep. He will close your eyes. He will cover your prophets and leaders, who see visions.
{29:11} And the vision of all will be to you like the words of a sealed book, which, when they have given it to someone who knows how to read, they will say, “Read this,” but he will respond, “I cannot; for it has been sealed.”
{29:12} But if the book is given to someone who does not know how to read, and it is said to him, “Read,” then he will respond, “I do not know how to read.”

The human race (in my opinion) is the most evil it has been in the entire history of the world. The Church is in a dire state, and the nations are spiritually and in some instances physically harming/destoying themselves. And so the Lord has put a deep sleep over the Church and the world. Many do not realize that the Tribulation is about to fall upon us in order to crucify the Church and the world. Many do not understand the significance of the prophecies of Sacred Scripture and the modern Marian apparitions. Sacred Scripture is read aloud during the Mass and few people know its true meaning and relevancy for us living today. Some priests give watered down sermons explaining the Word of God. Yet when God initiates his End Times the Church will suddenly wake up from her slumber and be substantially changed in a short amount of time.

{29:13} And the Lord said: Since this people have drawn near to me only with their mouth, and their lips glorify me while their heart is far from me, and their fear of me is based on the commandments and doctrines of men,

A majority of Catholics go to Mass (if they decide to) worship God with their lips yet do not apply His Gospel to their lives. General fear of the Lord is a thing of ages past and is looked down upon as a childish way of the Israelites and Medieval peoples. For a few generations now the sinful secular ways have crept into the laity as well as the clergy (for the clergy comes from the laity). The Gospel is mixed with fallen human teachings becoming in many areas a sort of socio-anthropological endeavor.

{29:14} for this reason, behold, I will proceed to accomplish a wonder for this people, a great and mystifying miracle. For wisdom will perish from their wise, and the understanding of their prudent will be concealed.

I like the alliteration of the Jerusalem Bible text: "very well I shall have to go on being a prodigal of prodigious prodigies with this people." Meaning in the context that since you (the Church and the world) are acting the way you do, I (God) will start doing some extraordinary Deeds, which are out of this world in order to confound your false wisdom, as well as your foolish counsels and ways.

The wonder and mystifying miracle could refer to the day of the Miracle which is a prepartory event of the Tribulation, or it could refer to the miracle of the Tribulation taken as a whole in its first and second parts. For God shall truly acclomplish wonders and miracles and prodigious prodigies in those times.

And notice the understanding of the prudent will be concealed. Some theologians today are vastly popular and influential such as Christopher West and Mark Miravalle who have false teachings, yet the truly great and faithful teachers with profound understanding and direct expression are less well known or 'concealed' such as Avery Dulles.

{29:15} Woe to you who use the depths of the heart, so that you may hide your intentions from the Lord. Their works are done in darkness, and so they say: “Who sees us?” and “Who knows us?”
{29:16} This intention of yours is perverse. It is as if the clay were to plan against the potter, or as if the work were to say to its maker: “You did not make me.” Or it is as if what has been formed were to say to the one who formed it, “You do not understand.”

These are the people who plot deep within their hearts schemes which harm the Church and the world such as the sexual abuse scandals and political intrigues. They are foolish enough to think that God is not going to see and consider these horrific sins which harm the innocent and meek of the Church and the world.

{29:17} In not more than a little while and a brief time, Lebanon will be turned into a fruitful field, and a fruitful field will be considered to be a forest.

Lebanon is in a troubled area of the world where Muslims and Jews clash, Hezbollah agitates Israel, etc. Yet in a relatively brief amount of time Lebanon will be transformed from a dire state of extremist Arab rule during the first part of the Tribulation into a glorified and peaceful state of affairs in the Era of Peace. The land will be fruitful; the cedars of Lebanon will flourish once again. Yet more the people who live in that area will be fruitful in their good deeds and holiness like the cedars of Lebanon. It will be a heavy populated area of Catholics close to the new Basilica of Jerusalem under the peaceful reign of the great Catholic monarch.

{29:18} And in that day, the deaf will hear the words of a book, and out of darkness and obscurity the eyes of the blind will see.

In the spiritual level of meaning this refers to the wisdom and understanding of the people who survive the first part of the Tribulation and live during the Era of Peace. The wisdom and understanding of the Church and the world will be substantially transformed and deepened. The Gospel will be preached anew to the entire world. The Angelic Shepherd and the great Catholic monarch will be two of the leaders of this great endeavor.

{29:19} And the meek will increase their rejoicing in the Lord, and the poor among men will exult in the Holy One of Israel.

The poor and the meek will be exalted during the Era of Peace. They will inherit and enjoy the new world which God has miraculously healed from all the damage of the first part of the Tribulation. This foreshadows the exaltation of the true Saints after the Return of Jesus. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." The Saints will inherit the New Heaven and the New Earth at the very end in the very distant future.

{29:20} For the one who was prevailing has failed, the one who was mocking has been consumed, and all those who were standing guard over iniquity have been cut down.
{29:21} For they caused men to sin by a word, and they supplanted him who argued against them at the gates, and they turned away from justice in vain.

The one who was prevailing on one level refers to the great Arab king, and on another more complete level refers to the Antichrist. All those standing guard over iniquity may in one level refer to the extremist Arabs and on another deeper more complete level the followers of Antichrist and the False Prophet. Him who argued against them at the gates could be applied to the Church in general or perhaps the Angelic Shepherd condemning the actions of the great Arab king during the first part of the Tribulation, for the great Arab king will put a great host of Catholic Christians to death.

On another level it refers to Enoch and Elias who will be preaching against the Antichrist during the second part of the Tribulation. Eventually Enoch and Elias will allowed by God to be put to death in Jerusalem, after their mission of preaching and scourging the world is complete (about 3.5 years). So Antichrist will finally supplant them, only to be later humbled and broken in the dirt by the archangel Michael at the event of the false ascension and destroyed and cast body and soul into hell by Jesus.

{29:22} Because of this, thus says the Lord, he who has redeemed Abraham, to the house of Jacob: From now on, Jacob will not be confounded; from now on his countenance will not blush with shame.

The Church will be made very pure and holy during the first and second parts of the Tribulation. The true Faithful will be progressively perfected over the course of the entire tribulation.

{29:23} Instead, when he sees his children, they will be the work of my hands in his midst, sanctifying my name, and they will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and they will preach the God of Israel.

The Gospel will be preached anew after the first part of the Tribulation as well as at the very end and aftermath of the second part of the Tribulation.

{29:24} And those who had gone astray in spirit will know understanding, and those who had murmured will learn the law.

Many non-believers will convert during the first and second part of the Tribulation including Jew and Muslims. God will even allow some followers of Antichrist the opportunity to repent and reform their lives in the months leading up to the Second Coming.

edit: On another level it refers to Enoch and Elias who will be preaching against the Antichrist during the [b]second[/b] part of the Tribulation.

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[quote name='kafka' date='12 February 2010 - 04:12 PM' timestamp='1266009158' post='2056031']

The Gospel is mixed with fallen human teachings becoming in many areas a sort of socio-anthropological endeavor.

I messed up here. What I meant to say was socio-anthropocentric enterprise. Like I said I need to go back and do some editing and adding/subtracting when I finish all I have planned to post.

Btw I borrowed this point from one of my auxiliary bishop Callahan's sermons.

for Chapters 36 through 39 of Isaiah the historical figures Sennacharib, Isaiah, and Hezekiah can work on an implicit level for the great Arab king, the Angelic Shepherd and the great Catholic monarch and their situations during the first part of the Tribulation however I am not going to probe this other than to mention this verse here referring the the holy angels striking the Assyrian army. This foreshadows the holy angels role in WWIV:

{37:36} Then the Angel of the Lord went forth and struck down, in the camp of the Assyrians, one hundred eighty-five thousand. And they arose in the morning, and behold, all these were dead bodies.

Next up is the Book of the Consolation of Israel.

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The Book of the Consolation of Israel

The Book of the Consolation of Israel makes up the 40th to 56th chapters of the Prophecy of Isaiah. The Church is the New Israel so these very lofty, poetic and hauntingly beautiful expressions is our inheritance. They remind us and teach us of God's awesome and tender love for the Church in times of trouble. The scholars like to divide this section into the what they call the four Songs of the Servant of the Lord. The 'servant' expressed in these songs takes on many levels of meaning. The servant refers to Jesus. Some of the most beautiful and haunting, not to mention precise predictions of Jesus as well as his passion and death are expressed in these chapters. I have read a lot of literature, classic, modern, and obscure, but in the end chapter 53 of Isaiah is the most stunning and heart-rending verse I have ever laid my own two eyes on. The servant also refers to the Church, the sufferings she must bear through history, especially during the period of the Tribulation. On the literal/historical level the servant at times refers to Cyrus, the Persian king who released the Israelite captives from Babylon, giving them freedom to return to Jerusalem and rebuild. The servant also refers to Israel before the Birth of Jesus. In short there are a lot of 'things' going on in this section.

In my opinion this section is overflowing with mysterious expressions and predictions which refer to the Catholic Church living in the Tribulation. I feel that these are very important for the Faithful living during those times when the Church will undergo her passion and death. So I will write commentaries on some miscellaneous passages I have chosen, yet what I think is more important is that the Faithful familiarize themselves with this section. These passages are very effective and will help during any times of trouble, but especially of those living in the midst of the Tribulation.

{40:1} “Be consoled, be consoled, O my people!” says your God.

The Church will be consoled after the first and second parts of the Tribulation. Both consolations will be unprecedented in history.

{40:2} Speak to the heart of Jerusalem, and call out to her! For her malice has reached its end. Her iniquity has been forgiven. She has received double for all her sins from the hand of the Lord.

The double for all the sins of the Church are the two parts of the Tribulation. God corrects and punishes the Church for her sins only to perfect and console her in the end.

{41:14} Fear not, O worm of Jacob, you who are dead within Israel. I have helped you, says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

The Church will be brought so low during the Tribulation especially during the second part, that she will be considered no more than a worm in the dirt by the nations/world. This is just like what is expressed in Psalm 21 (22), "But I am a worm and not a man: a disgrace among men, and an outcast of the people. She will be a reflection of Jesus on the Cross.

{41:15} I have established you like a new threshing cart, having serrated blades. You will thresh the mountains and crush them. And you will turn the hills into chaff.
{41:16} You will winnow them, and the wind will blow them away, and the whirlwind will scatter them. And you shall exult in the Lord; you shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

Yet the Church will be risen and be renewed and be exalted by the Lord after the first and second parts of the Tribulation.

{41:1} Let the islands be silent before me, and let the nations take new strength. Let them draw near, and then speak. Let us apply for judgment together.
{41:2} Who has raised up a just man from the east, and has called him to follow him? He will place the nations under his gaze, and he will rule over kings. He will cause them to be like dust before his sword, like chaff driven by the wind before his bow.

These verses refer to the Era of Peace. The just man from the east is the great Catholic monarch, and the following expressions are of his war, which is WWIV.

{42:1} Behold my servant, I will uphold him, my elect, with him my soul is well-pleased. I have sent my Spirit upon him. He will offer judgment to the nations.

This is the beginning of the first Song of the Servant of the Lord. It explicitly refers to Jesus as do the following verses.

{42:9} The things that were first, behold, they have arrived. And I also announce what is new. Before these things arise, I will cause you to hear about them.

The first things which have arrived is the First Coming of Christ, his Birth which was foreshadowed and predicted in many ways in the Old Testament. Yet God announces what is new. That which is new is the Tribulation. The announcement is through the Modern Marian Apparitions. Mary in her apparitions has announced the Tribulation. She has made us hear in so many ways that the Tribulation is near. Though she adds nothing new to Divine Revelation. She is announcing what is already expressed in Divine Revelation, making it clear to the Faithful that the events and figures predicted in Sacred Scripture are about to fall upon us.

{42:14} I have always been quiet; I have been silent; I have been patient. I will speak like a woman giving birth. I will destroy and consume, all at once.

Jesus has been waiting for us patiently in quiet and silence under the appearance of bread in the Eucharist. Yet his Second Coming will be different for those who have not repented.

{42:24} Who has handed over Jacob into plunder, and Israel into devastation? It is not the Lord himself, against whom we have sinned? And they were not willing to walk in his ways, and they have not listened to his law.

The sins of Catholics are the primary cause of the Tribulation. If Catholics would at least remain faithful to God by not committing mortal sins the Tribulation would have never occurred.

{42:25} And so, he poured out over him the indignation of his fury and a strong battle. And he burned him all around, and he did not realize it. And he set him on fire, and he did not understand it.

Some members of the Church including some leaders will not understand the nature of the Tribulation. They might think Jesus will Return soon, when in fact the Tribulation is divided into two severe parts seperated by hundreds of years. It will take the Church as a whole some time into the Tribulation to realize that it is meant for Her to change. The Protestant Churches will eventually realize that they should reunite with the Roman Catholic Church, as will the seperated Orthodox Churches.

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[quote name='kafka' date='13 February 2010 - 04:25 PM' timestamp='1266096341' post='2056618']

{42:9} The things that were first, behold, they have arrived. And I also announce what is new. Before these things arise, I will cause you to hear about them.

The first things which have arrived is the First Coming of Christ, his Birth which was foreshadowed and predicted in many ways in the Old Testament. Yet God announces what is new. That which is new is the Tribulation. The announcement is through the Modern Marian Apparitions. Mary in her apparitions has announced the Tribulation. She has made us hear in so many ways that the Tribulation is near. Though she adds nothing new to Divine Revelation. She is announcing what is already expressed in Divine Revelation, making it clear to the Faithful that the events and figures predicted in Sacred Scripture are about to fall upon us.

The Old Testament Tabernacle was a preparation for the Temple of Jerusalem. The Tabernacle foreshadows Mary who is the Immaculate preparation for the Incarnation, which is the First Coming of Jesus Christ. Now in the modern era Mary is announcing and preparing her children in so many ways for the Tribulation which culminates in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. And Mary's true apparitions will continue to support and help the Church through the Tribulation.

This view fits perfectly with Mary's unique role in salvation history.

Forget about the fifth dogma ushering in an era of peace nonsense that Miravalle and others teach. Anathema.

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The Book of the Consolation of Israel (continued)

{43:13} And from the beginning, I am the same. And there is no one who can rescue from my hand. I act, and who can turn it aside?

God is Eternity, with no before and no after. He is One Eternal Act. There is no division and no changing plans with God. What has been predicted by Old Testament prophets, by Jesus, by the Apostle John will come to pass. The Deeds of God's Tribulation is One and the Same Act as salvation.

{43:14} Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: For your sake, I sent to Babylon, and tore down all their bars, with the Chaldeans who glory in their ships.

On the first explicit level of this verse God providentially sent the Persian Cyrus to take Babylon, thus setting up the opportunity for the Israelites to be released from captivity. However in the context there is an implicit meaning where Babylon symbolizes the extremist Arabs and the great Arab king. And the Chaldeans symbolize the Allies who glory in their ships, which could be a reference to the Air Force or Navy.

{43:15} I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.
{43:16} Thus says the Lord, who gave you a way through the sea and a path through the torrent of waters,
{43:17} who led out the chariot and the horse, the column of robust troops. They went to sleep together, and they will not arise. They have been crushed like flax, and they have been extinguished.

These verses explain the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. The first part of the Tribulation is a New Exodus for the Church. The first part of the Tribulation can also be looked at as the new release of the Church from captivity.

{43:18} You need not call to mind the past, nor consider the things of antiquity.
{43:19} Behold, I am accomplishing new things. And presently, they will spring forth. With certainty, you will know them. I will make a way in the desert, and rivers in an impassible place.

The new things are the events of the Tribulation. God promises again that his friends, the Faithful will know the events of the Tribulation. They are only hidden and confusing to His enemies or to those who turn their backs to Him in un-repentance. Even though the events set up severe and harsh circumstances for the Faithful (desert and rivers in an impassible place), God will make a way.

{43:20} The wild beasts of the field will glorify me, with the serpents and the ostriches. For I have brought waters to the desert, rivers to inaccessible places, in order to give drink to my people, to my elect.

The wild beasts are un-believers who repent and convert during the Tribulation. God will bring the Catholic Faith to areas which have no significant Catholic presence such as some nations of the Middle East which were formerly Muslim. He does this through the coming of the great Catholic monarch.

{43:22} But you have not called upon me, O Jacob, nor have you struggled for me, O Israel.

Now there is a transition. God returns to the reason why the Tribulation occurred in the first place after promising the Church He will lead her through it. The Church has burdened Him with her sins.

{43:24} You have bought me no sweet cane with money, and you have not inebriated me with the fat of your victims. Yet truly, you have burdened me with your sins; you have wearied me with your iniquities.
{43:25} I am. I am the very One who wipes away your iniquities for my own sake. And I will not remember your sins.
{43:26} Call me to mind, and let us go to judgment together. If you have anything to justify yourself, explain it.
{43:27} Your first father sinned, and your interpreters have betrayed me.
{43:28} And so, I have defiled the holy leaders. I have handed over Jacob to slaughter, and Israel to calumny.

Chapter 44

{44:7} Who is like me? Let him call out and announce it. And let him explain to me the order of things, since it is I who appointed the ancient people. The things of the near and the distant future, let him announce them.

No one can truly predict the future without the help of God's Revelation, Divine or private. Fallen angels use their intellect to make calculations of the future, and even these end up being false since they have no Faith. Thus all the private revelations and so-called marian apparitions such as Ida Peerdman's which are caused by fallen angels will soon become clear as the events of the Tribulation unfold.

All good eschatology should be based on Divine Revelation first, and true private revelation may be used as a guide, however private revelation studied alone will fall short of a complete understanding of God's plan of the future.

{44:25} I make the signs of the diviners useless, and I turn the seers to madness. I turn the wise backwards, and make their knowledge into foolishness.

The seers of the false private revelations and their followers will be silenced and put to shame during the Tribulation.

{44:26} I lift up the word of my servant, and I fulfill the counsel of my messengers. I say to Jerusalem, “You shall be inhabited,” and to the cities of Judah, “You shall be rebuilt,” and I will lift up its deserts.

On the implicit level the servant here is the great Catholic monarch. He will rebuild Jerusalem and the areas surrounding her. These areas are like a desert after WWIV and the final events of the first part of the Tribulation.

{44:27} I say to the depths, “Be desolate,” and, “I will dry up your rivers.”

The depths are the fallen angels. They will lose their influence over the world for a short time during the Era of Peace.

{44:28} I say to Cyrus, “You are my shepherd, and you will accomplish all that I will.” I say to Jerusalem, “You shall be built,” and to the Temple, “Your foundations shall be laid.”

The Temple is the new Catholic basilica of Jerusalem, built during the Era of Peace.

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Chapter 45

{45:1} Thus says the Lord to my anointed Cyrus, whose right hand I hold, so that I may subjugate the nations before his face, and I may turn the backs of kings, and I may open the doors before him, and so that the gates will not be shut.
{45:2} I will go before you. And I will humble the glorious ones of the earth. I will shatter the gates of brass, and I will break apart the bars of iron.
{45:3} And I will give you hidden treasures and the knowledge of secret things, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls your name.

The Persian emperor Cyrus ruled over a large empire from modern day Turkey to modern day Iran and Iraq, and from Egypt all the way to the frontiers of Asia. He was a wise ruler and for these reasons he is a pagan foreshadowing of the great Catholic monarch. In order to capture the city of Babylon, which in its time was considered impenetrable, Cyrus came up with the ingenious idea of diverting the Euphrates River so his army could wade across and enter the city without a battle. Perhaps that is the knowledge of secret things alluded to by Isaiah.

This passage works on an implicit level for the great Catholic monarch. I think Isaiah or (whomever) wrote this part was using Cyrus as a symbol for a prediction of the great Catholic monarch and later on in this chapter the expression shifts to predictions about the coming of Jesus Christ. Remember these prophets while under the inspiration of God used there own store of knowledge to express the future.

The great Catholic monarch will have knowledge of secret things through special charisms of the Holy Spirit as we call them. These will help him with his grave and lofty vocation of fighting the most horrific war in history as well as peacefully and wisely ruling a vast kingdom, larger than Cyrus' as well as Alexander the Great's. Perhaps he will also be told secret things by the Angelic Shepherd who will be directing him. The private prophecies of Saint Francis Paola agrees with this expression in Scripture:

"That man will begin to meditate on the secrets of God, about the long visitation which the Holy Spirit will make and the dominion that he will exercise over the world through the holy militia. O happy man, who shall receive from the Most High the greatest privileges! He will interpret the hidden secrets of the Holy Spirit, and he shall often excite the admiration of men by his revealed knowledge of the internal secrets of their hearts."

{45:11} Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, his Maker: Would you question me about the future, concerning my sons, and command me concerning the work of my hands?

After WWIV, the secular media and perhaps some jealous leaders will criticize the idea of the great Catholic monarch ruling over such a large area of the world.

{45:12} I made the earth, and I created man upon it. My hand stretched out the heavens, and I have commanded all their hosts.
{45:13} I have raised him up unto justice, and I will direct all his ways. He himself will build my city and release my captives, but not for ransom or gifts, says the Lord, the God of hosts.

The city is Jerusalem captives are the Catholics Christians of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa persecuted under the great Arab king. There will be a great martyrdom before WWIV and this will be one of the reasons the Allies will decide to wage it.

{45:19} I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth. I have not said to the offspring of Jacob, “Seek me in vain.” I am the Lord, who speaks justice, who announces what is right.

God reveals his plan to his friends. It is or becomes clear to them. For the enemies of God and those who turn there back on him, those who refuse repentance God's plan is confounding and threatening. It comes like a thief in the night.

Chapter 46

{46:4} Even to your old age, I am the same. And even with your grey hairs, I will carry you. I have made you, and I will sustain you. I will carry you, and I will save you.

The Church is maturing as she passes through space and time, so it is a fitting expression that she is old in age during the Tribulation. God will be with her to the end.

{46:10} From the beginning, I announce the last things, and from the start, the things that have not yet been done, saying: My plan will stand firm, and my entire will shall be done.

The Tribulation is God's last things. His final plan to bring His Faithful home once and for all. He will execute it as He always planned too, for He is Eternity.

{46:11} I call a bird from the east, and from a far away land, the man of my will. And I have spoken it, and I will carry it out. I have created, and I will act.

This I think is another allusion to the Allies and the great Catholic monarch. Now it expresses from the east because Cyrus and his people came from Persia which was in the east. He is being used as a symbol for the great Catholic monarch and the Allies. The bird in my interpretation refers to the Air Force which will play a vital role in WWIV.

Chapter 49

{49:1} Pay attention, you islands, and listen closely, you far away peoples. The Lord has called me from the womb; from the womb of my mother, he has been mindful of my name.

This is the beginning of the Second Song of the Servant of the Lord.

{49:2} And he has appointed my mouth as a sharp sword. In the shadow of his hand, he has protected me. And he has appointed me as an elect arrow. In his quiver, he has hidden me.

The words of Jesus Christ are a weapon. He wounds the good with holy fear and love leading to wisdom and purity of soul, heart, and mind. He wounds the sincere with guilt leading to repentance. He wounds the evil with remorse leading to bitterness and hatred.

{49:14} And Zion said: “The Lord has abandoned me, and the Lord has forgotten me.”
{49:15} Can a woman forget her infant, so as not to take pity on the child of her womb? But even if she would forget, still I shall never forget you.

During the first and second parts of the Tribulation, there will come times when the Church will experience utter abandoned from God like Jesus experienced in his human nature during his passion and death. Yet God still never forgets her whom He loves.

{49:19} For your deserts, and your solitary places, and the land of your ruination will now be too narrow, because of all the inhabitants. And those who devoured you will be chased far away.{49:20} Even the children of your barrenness will say in your ears: “This place is too narrow for me. Make me a spacious place in which to dwell.”
{49:21} And you will say in your heart: “Who has conceived them? I was barren and unable to give birth. I was taken away and held captive. And so, who has raised them? I was destitute and alone. And so, where have they been?”

In one sense these verses refer to the influx of people moving to the Holy Land after the first part of the Tribulation and the second part of the Tribulation when Christ Returns and hoists the signal to His Faithful spread throughout the nations.

In another sense these refer to the almost miraculous influx of new converts into the Catholic Church during the first and second parts of the Tribulation.

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[quote name='kafka' date='14 February 2010 - 03:13 PM' timestamp='1266178427' post='2057156']
{43:14} Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: For your sake, I sent to Babylon, and tore down all their bars, with the Chaldeans who glory in their ships.

On the first explicit level of this verse God providentially sent the Persian Cyrus to take Babylon, thus setting up the opportunity for the Israelites to be released from captivity. However in the context there is an implicit meaning where Babylon symbolizes the extremist Arabs and the great Arab king. And the Chaldeans symbolize the Allies who glory in their ships, which could be a reference to the Air Force or Navy.

just want to point out another error I made that I realized last night. Changed the last sentence in the above too:

And the Chaldeans refer extremist Arab people who glory in their ships, which could be a reference to the Air Force or Navy they consolodate and build up during the long years of the occupation.

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The Book of the Consolation of Israel (continued)

{50:4} The Lord has given me a learned tongue, so that I would know how to uphold with a word, one who has weakened. He rises in the morning, he rises to my ear in the morning, so that I may heed him like a teacher.
{50:5} The Lord God has opened my ear. And I do not contradict him. I have not turned back.

This is the beginning of the Third Song of the Servant of the Lord.

Jesus had a learned tongue yet he was not formally educated. Some of his disciples would call him 'Rabbi' out of respect for his deep teachings as well as out of disbelief that he was God. The Apostles and believing disciples would call him Lord. He was not formally educated as a scribe who were normally addressed as 'Rabbi'.

Jesus' human nature learned directly from his Divine nature most likely through prayer. He learned from his parents. From Sacred Scripture read and taught in the synagogues. From the natural world around him and from experience. God himself and all the good things of God contributed to give Jesus a learned tongue to proclaim the Gospel, and uphold the weak. His ear meaning his human soul was always open to the teaching of the Father who sent him, and not only open but ready and willing to execute His will. And so he was perfectly meek. This passage is a portrait of Jesus' meekness.

{50:6} I have given my body to those who strike me, and my cheeks to those who plucked them. I have not averted my face from those who rebuked me and who spit on me.

Jesus was struck in the face and spat upon by the Jewish guards as well as some of the members of the Sanhedrin in the morning of his Passion and Death.

{50:7} The Lord God is my helper. Therefore, I have not been confounded. Therefore, I have set my face like a very hard rock, and I know that I will not be confounded.

Jesus placed all his trust in his Father's plan for him. Those who place their trust in God are never confounded. So he bore the strikes and spittle with face like a very hard rock meaning his soul was determined to obey His Father's will at any cost.

{50:8} He who justifies me is near. Who will speak against me? Let us stand together. Who is my adversary? Let him approach me.
{50:9} Behold, the Lord God is my helper. Who is the one who would condemn me? Behold, they will all be worn away like a garment; the moth will devour them.

Those who persecuted Jesus or His Church and do not repent will have to answer for it and be punished like a garment devoured by a moth.

{51:2} Pay attention to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who bore you. For I called him alone, and I blessed him, and I multiplied him.

Abraham was truly great in his act of Faith in that he acted alone. There was no one to guide or direct him other than his Faith in God. Similarly the Church will often be alone during the Tribulation with nothing but her Faith to guide and direct her. During the second part of the Tribulation there will not even be a Pope to lead the Church during the entire reign of Antichrist.

{51:3} Therefore, the Lord will console Zion, and he will console all its ruins. And he will turn her desert into a place of delights, and her wilderness into a garden of the Lord. Gladness and rejoicing will be found in her, thanksgiving and a voice of praise.

The Church will be consoled and will triumph in the victory wrought by God after the first and second parts of the Tribulation.

{52:13} Behold, my servant will understand; he will be exalted and lifted up, and he will be very sublime.

This is the beginning of the Fourth and most sublime of the Songs of the Servant of the Lord. Some of the passages into Chapter 53 are predictions of Jesus' Passion and Death.

To conclude the commentary of Isaiah here is an expression of the New Earth:

{60:19} The sun will no longer be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon illuminate you. Instead, the Lord will be an everlasting light for you, and your God will be your glory.
{60:20} Your sun will no longer set, and your moon will not diminish. For the Lord will be an everlasting light for you, and the days of your mourning will be completed.

On the New Earth created by God at the very end. The Sun will no longer set and the Moon neither wax nor wane, since the Lord will light of the entire New Earth with His Presence. It will be an eternal day on the New Earth. God will light up the souls of the Just with the immediate vision of Himself, yet the Just will also have their resurrected bodies, so they will be able to see the New Earth. My understanding at this time partially based on a private revelation of Saint Hildagard is that the New Earth will cease rotating, hence so more sunrises or sunsets and the moon will no longer be seen since there will be no night. Instead the Presence of the Lord on the New Earth lights up everything in a golden hue. Some of the stars will undergo transformations and become so bright that they will look like jewels in the golden hue of the sky. In any case that is my understanding at this point in time.

{60:21} And your people will all be just. They will inherit the earth in perpetuity, the seedling of my planting, the work of my hand, so as to glorify me.

Next up is a short commentary on the prophecy of Jeremiah, then Habakkuk and Obadiah.

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Here is a refinement of the Oracle on the Vision of the Valley I just typed up. Some people here might be interested in it:

{22:22} And I will place the key of the house of David upon his shoulder. And when he opens, no one will close. And when he closes, no one will open.

The key is singular since it symbolizes authority to rule over the world. Jesus gave Peter the first Pope and his successors the keys in the plural. The keys are two: The first representing the temporal authority to rule the Church and the second representing the temporal authority to rule the world. This authority is depicted on the modern papal coat of arms by the gold and silver keys crossed behind the banner. Now in modern times the Popes prudently withdraw from exercising their temporal authority over the world, yet it is no less real. When a Pope gives counsel to a president or prime minister he does so truly in the name and authority of Jesus Christ in virtue of his apostolic authority as successor of Saint Peter.

The Angelic Shepherd will exercise his temporal authority over the world by giving the great Catholic monarch the key to rule over Europe, the Middle East and North Africa after the first part of the Tribulation during the brief Era of Peace.

David and the great Catholic monarch are alike in that they are both types of Christ. David being the Old Testament archetype of Christ's First Coming and the great Catholic monarch being the New Testament archetype of Christ's Second Coming. So house of David is a fitting expression for Isaiah to use for the temporal secular authority of the great Catholic monarch as well as those he chooses to assist him in his reign. This authority is bestowed upon him by the Angelic Shepherd, just as David was anointed by Samuel.

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The Prophecy of Jeremiah

{1:4} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:{1:5} “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. And before you went forth from the womb, I sanctified you. And I made you a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah is a prophet to the Church and the nations of his own times since he prophesized concerning the situation he was living in according to what he heard from God. He is a prophet to the Church and nations after his time since some of his prophecies are Messianic. He is a prophet to the Church and nations in the times of the Tribulation as well since they reveal the works of God leading up to the Second Coming of Christ.

The Oracle on Damascus

Jeremiah's oracle on Damascus agrees with Isaiah's oracle on Damascus. It concerns World War IV.

{49:23} Against Damascus. “Hamath has been confounded, with Arpad. For they have heard a most grievous report. They have been stirred up like the sea. Because of anxiousness, they were not able to rest.

Hamath and Arpad are cities in Syria. The grievous report the the Allies waging WWIV.

{49:24} Damascus has been broken. She has been turned to flight. Trembling has taken hold of her. Anguish and sorrows have seized her, like a woman giving birth.

Damascus is a military stronghold of the extremist Arab nations before WWIV. The news of the war will shake the inhabitants of the city including soldiers of the Arabs.

{49:25} How could they have abandoned the praiseworthy city, the city of rejoicing?

This is a mock.

{49:26} For this reason, her young men will fall in her streets. And all the men of battle will be silenced in that day, says the Lord of hosts.
{49:27} And I will kindle a fire at the wall of Damascus, and it will devour the defensive walls of Ben-hadad.”

The fire kindled in Damascus is the nuclear bomb dropped on the city during WWIV. Ben-hadad was a king of the Syrians in Old Testament times and a couple of descendents took the same name. Here it is being used as a symbol of the great Arab king. Damascus will be a military stronghold, hence the mention of the defensive walls and men of battle. This is the reason the Allies will strike Damascus with nuclear weapons. The Allies will use nuclear weapons ethically, striking only military targets.

The Prophecy of Habakkuk

The beginning of the prophecy of Habakkuk is a prediction of World War III.

{1:1} The burden that Habakkuk the prophet saw.
{1:2} How long, O Lord, shall I cry out, and you will not heed? Shall I shout to you while suffering violence, and you will not save?
{1:3} Why have you revealed to me iniquity and hardship, to see plunder and injustice opposite me? And there has been judgment, but the opposition is more powerful.
{1:4} Because of this, the law has been torn apart, and judgment does not persevere to its conclusion. For the impious prevail against the just. Because of this, a perverse judgment is issued.

Habakkuk laments over the revelation he has seen. The perverse judgment mentioned here is the judgment of the extremist Arabs related below to verse seven. Because of the lack of just Christain laws as well as the lack of just moral judgments of the Christians and people of Europe a perverse judgment is passed on them by the Arabs, providentially wrought by God.

{1:5} Gaze among the nations, and see. Admire, and be astounded. For a work has been done in your days, which no one will believe when it is told.

The extremist Arab nations led by the two great Arab kings will conquer all of Europe in World War III and occupy it for many years. This work providentially wrought by God is so astounding that no one will believe it until they see it, and no one will believe it when it is told as a story years after the fact. Of course some people like myself believe it will happen but to actually see it is in a sense beyond belief.

{1:6} For behold, I will raise up the Chaldeans, a bitter and swift people, marching across the width of the earth, to possess tabernacles not their own.

The Chaldeans are the extremist Arab. They are bitter and swift for not having repented on the first event of the Tribulation which is the Day of Repentance (or the Warning). They will be acting out of desperation. Tabernacles not their own is all the cities, building, and religous structures they take as a result of the war.

{1:7} It is dreadful and terrible. From themselves, judgment and their burden will issue.

They will establish their own laws, including Islam as the state religion, the imposing of veils on women, and their burden is that they will begin persecuting Catholics without mercy.

{1:8} Their horses are more nimble than leopards and swifter than wolves in the evening; their horsemen will spread out. And then their horsemen will approach from far away; they will fly like the eagle, hurrying to devour.

The horsemen and eagle represent modern weopans falling upon Europe. Tanks, missiles, aircraft, etc. Wolves in the evening meaning the war will be waged even into the night. There will be a lot of urban and guerilla warfare. They will be restless in their attack until they reach their goal, like a wolf in the night.

{1:9} They will all approach towards the prey; their face is like a burning wind. And they will gather captives together like sand.

They will capture and torture leaders and citizens of Europe, including some religious leaders such as bishops.

{1:10} And concerning kings, he will triumph, and sovereign rulers will be his laughingstock, and he will laugh over every fortress, and he will transport a rampart and seize it.

The he in this verse is the great Arab king. Transport a rampart is the transferring of weapons into Europe and building up their own defenses during the occupation. They will seize all the miltary bases, artillery, aircraft and ships of Europe. They will also seize the nuclear weapons of Europe.

{1:11} Then his spirit will be altered, and he will cross over and fall. Such is his strength from his god.

The great Arab king and his nation will be conquered by the great Catholic monarch and the Allies in WWIV.

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I am skipping Obadiah and moving straight to the Psalms. Then a short passage of Maccabees, then Revelation. This is getting to drawn out. I am going to go back and edit/add a lot to the commentaries I already wrote with some cross references to other passages. The Psalms should take up three more posts, Maccabees one, and Revelation perhaps two. Then I will do a final chapter on who the GCM is in my opinion. The Revelation and Who the GCM post I will reserve privately and save it for the book. I will then try and rework everything making it book-friendly and self-publish it. That is the plan.

Any questions or comments or criticisms? If you disagree with me that is fine, but a criticism would help me so I can clarify when I edit.

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[quote name='conchubar' date='25 February 2010 - 09:08 AM' timestamp='1267106883' post='2062824']
I was quite enjoying your posts but the wind seems to have left your sails....
thanks. I have a bit of a soar throat and God has revealed to me another problem. Basically I am a very close follower of Ronald Conte's eschatology. I've known him for years. I am so heavily influenced by his works, that I dont know where his insights end and mine start. I certainly do have some of my own original insights especially about the GCM, and have commented on passages that are in none of his works: Isaiah, the Psalms, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, but the foundation of most of my understanding rests on his works which I know so well I need not even look them up anymore. All the commentaries on the private revelations are my own, but I think he did something similar which I havent read.

His works are truly great and genius. Me I am just riding on the wings, though like I said I've put a lot of my own additional work and prayer, etc. into this stuff.

So I think the honorable thing to do is perhaps just let it die and recommend his works instead. There is no way I could go back and cite where in his works I first learned something. I dont even own his masterpeice "The Bible and the Future of the World" anymore.

Ultimately, his works might be a little different but they are better.

Plus its Lent. Time to repent and pray, etc.

Thanks for the support though I was wondering if anyone was reading ;)

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This is a little passage taken from Cardinal Ratzinger's/Pope Benedict's little book called "In the Beginning. . ." A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall. This resonated deeply with me and I found a new way of looking at the first part of the Tribulation which is layered in meaning for the Church and the world. I added my own comments so that one can see how it struck me and how I read it in light of all the eschatology I have learned:

The Sabbath Structure of Creation

"Now we have to go one step further and see how we can understand this better. In the creation account the sabbath is depicted as the day when the human being, in freedom of worship, participates in God's freedom, in God's rest, and thus in God's peace. To celebrate the sabbath means to celebrate the covenant. It means to return to the source and to sweep away all the defilement that our work has brought with it. It also means going forth into a new world in which there will no longer be slaves and masters but only free children of God---into a world in which humans and animals and earth itself will share together as kin in God's peace and freedom."

[What came to my mind at this point is that the seventh day of the creation account in Genesis is the actual New Heaven and New Earth. When God's work is complete and God is all in all. The Church and the world is no longer a work in progress. We are fulfilled after the resurrection. We may finally rest in God, enjoy His peace, and worship Him in freedom forever. All memory of evil, sadness, and suffering is wiped away. Everything begins anew. With this in mind read the account from Genesis:

{2:1} And so the heavens and the earth were completed, with all their adornment.
{2:2} And on the seventh day, God fulfilled his work, which he had made. And on the seventh day he rested from all his work, which he had accomplished.
{2:3} And he blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. For in it, he had ceased from all his work: the work whereby God created whatever he should make.

The seventh day is the New Heaven and New Earth. Man has reached his completion. The Church is fulfilled in God and in eachother. The New Heaven and New Earth is created after the general resurrection and judgment and I think this is a valid interpretation since the seven days are symbolic for periods of time. So with this eschatological interpretation we would be in the sixth day of Creation. Or sixth period of time. A work still in progress.]

continuing with Pope Benedict:

"It is from this notion that the Mosaic law developed, which has as its foundation the idea that the sabbath brings about universal equality. This is extended beyond the weekly sabbath in such fashion that every seventh year is also a sabbath, during which earth and human beings may rest. Every seventh year times seven there is a great sabbath year, when all debts are remitted and all purchases and sales annulled. The earth is to be recieved back from the creating hands of God, and everyone is to begin anew. We can perhaps best see the significance of this ordinance (which was in fact never carried out) from a brief observation that is made in the Second Book of Chronicles. Already in the first meditation I mentioned how Israel suffered during the exile inasmuch as God, as it were, denied himself and took away his land, his temple, and his worship. Even after the exile people continued to ask themselves: Why did God do this to us? Why this excessive punishment, which God seems to be punishing himself with? (They could have had no idea at the time how he would take all punishment on himself on the cross and of how he would let himself be wounded in the course of his love-history with humankind.) How could this be?"

[God worked into a mosaic law a way of renewing the life of his people in the form of cycles weekly, yearly, etc. The way God created us is that there is (or should be) a gentle rhythm to life, and at the heart of it all is worship, love and service of God and neighbor. This is suppose to ebb and flow from the beginning to the end of one's life. The sabbath is God's way of renewing this cycle. So that everything may be recieved afresh from God's creative love. A merciful and forgiving point of starting over.

Now the Sabbath day is transfered to Sunday the day Jesus rose from the dead. So each Sunday Sabbath which we celebrate foreshadows and leads up to our own resurrection on the Last Day as the Eternity of the New Heaven and Eternal Day of the New Earth.

This was a wise plan God gave the Israelites. Yet something of course went wrong. Men have free will and did not uphold this structure. The Israelites were taken into exile by Babylon.

The Tribulation is a new Babylonian captivity, a new exile, as well as a new crucifixion for the Church. These are all valid metaphors. There will be severe and even excessive punishments meted out on the Church which is Jesus' mystical body not to mention the world. Yet the question is why? God is deeper than just punishing the world for its sins.]

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Continuing with Pope Benedict:

"In the Second Book of Chronicles the answer reads: All the many sins that the prophets inveighed against could not, in the end, be sufficient reason for such inordinate punishment. The reason had to lie somewhere deeper, somewhere closer to the heart of things. The Second Book of Chronicles describes this deepest cause in the following words: "The land enjoyed its sabbaths. All the days that it lay desolate it kept sabbath, to fulfill seventy years" (2 Chronicles 36:21).

What this means is that the people had rejected God's rest, its leisure, its worship, its peace, and its freedom, and so they fell into the slavery of activity. They brought the earth into the slavery of their activity and thereby enslaved themselves. Therefore God had to give them the sabbath that they denied themselves. In their "no" to the God-given rhythm of freedom and leisure they departed from their likeness to God and so did damage to the earth. Therefore they had to be snatched from their obstinate attachment to their own work. God had to begin afresh to make them his very own, and he had to free them from the domination of activity. Operi Dei nihil praeponatur: The worship of God, his freedom, and his rest come first. Thus and only thus can the human being truly be alive."

[I think Pope Benedict had our modern society both Church and world in mind. He is indirectly referring to us in his gentle way of preaching. Pope Benedict emphasizes the overworking, yet there are many other symptoms and signs of our times that could be replaced as the variable to this 'equation.' The ultimate point I think is that we do not know how to live anymore. We humans living in 2010 seem to be completely out of touch with the reality God created for us. There is a gaping hole in the heart of humanity, a black hole closing in on itself and destoying us. This is our fault. This is caused by the radical turning away from God, from his worship, his love, his service, his Truth he has revealed to us through the Catholic Church. These are the things that make us happy and fulfill us in a healthy relationship not only with God yet with eachother and the earth. The harmony and rhythm of a life with God. Where is it anymore? Now we are enslaved to the chaos of millions of things other than God: technology, work, entertainment, emotions, competitions, wars, money, careers, stress, etc.

So by initiating the Tribulation, God will begin taking all these things away from us, and force on us a harsh sabbath, to make up for lost time. . .so that we can face and eventually overcome (if we choose) the problems we have wrought for ourselves. As the events of the first part of the Tribulation unfold God will take this very rough, horrific, mechanistic sin-filled world by His hand in order to make a new people coming out on the other end in the Era of Peace. The human heart will go places it has never gone before. There will be suffering, but the suffering is meaningless without love. So we have to become human again like Jesus Christ on the Cross. He reveals to man what man should be. We will be in situations where true love is the only answer. We will learn truth and morality on a whole new level in a very experiential way.

And when we learn this and recapture what it means to truly live as humans, as Christians, then the Gospel will be preached anew, since the Gospel is lived on a whole new level by the Church in the midst of sufferings. This is the deep meaning of the first part of the Tribulation.

Now lets look at the subsequent verses Pope Benedict quoted from the Second Book of Chronicles:

{36:21} and the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah would be fulfilled, and the land would celebrate her Sabbaths. For during all the days of the desolation, she kept a Sabbath, until the seventy years were completed.
{36:22} Then, in the first year of Cyrus, the king of the Persians, in order to fulfill the word of the Lord, which he had spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah, the Lord stirred up the heart of Cyrus, the king of the Persians, who commanded this to be proclaimed throughout his entire kingdom, and also in writing, saying:
{36:23} “Thus says Cyrus, the king of the Persians: The Lord, the God of heaven, has given to me all the kingdoms of the earth. And he has instructed me that I should build for him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea. Who among you is from his entire people? May the Lord his God be with him, and let him ascend.”

So we have here in Cyrus the great pagan foreshadowing of the great Catholic monarch. And one of the first major decisions of his reign will be to build the new basilica in Jerusalem. So the renewed people who passed through the new exile of the first part of the Tribulation may worship and love God in His house. And the cycle of the sabbaths may start in motion again ever moving closer to the final sabbath of the New Heaven and New Earth.

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