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Writing A Letter For Asking Being An Aspirant..


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As you maybe know, I've had a living-in for a week by the Benedictines in the Benelux, in their monastaria and it was very beautyfull! It was great to be there! I've talked with a couple sisters there, who you never speak when you're in the church during the Holy Mass or by their offices.

A month later, the novicemistress asked me for writing a letter to their abbess for a longer living-in (6 weeks!) and also asking for entrance. Now I'm very nervous and don't know to write... Eek!

With love,

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Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

I remember how much pressure I felt to 'get it right' with letters and applications. Eventually I think I realised there was no way to make it 'interesting' or 'original' so I just wrote in the very simplest terms, something like,

Dear Mother Abbess,
Your blessing!
I would like to come and visit your monastery because I am considering monastic life. When can I come and will there be a chance to discuss vocation?

In Christ,


Since you already know your monastery (I Googled it - very beautiful!) it is even simpler. You can just say, thank you for the last visit, may I come again for about six weeks, with a view to eventual entrance?

Best of luck! Let us know how it goes. :flex2:

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Maybe talk a little bit about your experience in your live-in; whether it felt natural/comfortable, what aspects you liked... if you had a specific moment when you felt God calling you there. If you have any questions that could be answered via letter, you could maybe ask those there.

But basically what marigold said. Short, simple. :)

By the way- congrats, and prayers!!!!

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I'm so way behind you in my discernment I can't really help but Lisa and marigold have given really excellent sounding advice.

And congratulations! I will keep you in my prayers.

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I can understand your nervousness, but remember that they are the ones who requested your letter and will be expecting it, so....just write what they asked you to write!

Begin with a prayer, and then sit down to write :)

Maybe a brief thank you for their hospitality during your last visit, and then a request to make another visit. If you're not comfortable requesting entrance at this time, you could maybe mention the possibility of entrance as a question rather than a request. Something like....'May I please visit again for a longer (6-week) live in, with the possibility of discussing entrance?'

But honestly, ignore my advice and just pray before you write the letter!

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I totally agree about praying before writing your letter and keeping it short and simple. Also if you have someone you would be comfortable having read the letter before you send it that can be really helpful. Something to remember as well, they have probably seen all sorts "awkwardness" in letters before so don't worry about it, you won't be the first nor the last!
Prayers for you!

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I'm getting nervous for you just reading your post. I don't really have any advice to add except maybe ask St. Benedict and St. Scholastica to help you write the right words. Its wonderful that they've invited you. Prayers

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Thx for your postings! It will helps me a lot. :)

I've visit them sometimes, in 1.5 year i've sleep 7 times in their guesthouse and the last time in their family department for 1 week. The last time was a living-in for a week. The novicemistress asked me for waiting serveral weeks and she was saying last time, two weeks ago, that the abbess have said that was ok for a longer living in, the sisters are very positive about me what I've heard from the novicemistress. Last september, I've met the abbess. We've talking one hour about my life and she was also talking about her life. The meeting was great! The last time that I've seen them was by Christmasnight. Their liturgy was perfect! :lust:

A year ago I was moving to an another city because I can visit them better, first I live 186 miles away from them, now 9.3 miles. :blush:

The abbess is asking for a letter because it will be official.

I know that many sisters before me have the same nervousity, but sometimes you want make a perfect move... But I'm not perfect, want to be holiness but that would be a long long way... That's one of reason that I like a lot of the Benedictine way. :hehe2: It's a school of being holiness..

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I think in my letter I did mention how nervous I was! I wrote it 5 times before I was satistfied. And even though it was a very personal letter I got my mom to proofread it for me before I sent it. I guess being turned away or feeling like the other orders I contacted didnt really get me.. Well it made me more cautious and nervous before I contacted the Benedictines.

I like you wanted it to be perfect. But nothing is perfect, some people have a hard time writing their thoughts on paper. But I encourage you to just write it! and if it doesnt feel right, then edit out those bits. Be yourself.

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