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Devotional Prayers During Consecration


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I was wondering if any of you practice devotional prayers during the Consecration of the Eucharist at Mass? When the Eucharist is lifted and the bells are rung, I say interiorly:

[i]Jesus, with this Sacred Host, keep me pure and chaste. Let my life be lived totally for You.[/i]

When the Precious Blood is lifted and the bells are rung, I pray:

[i]Precious Blood of Christ, wash over me and cleanse me from all my sins, that I may worthily approach the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar in praise and thanksgiving to your Holy Name.[/i]

The Precious Blood prayer stemmed from my devotion to Divine Mercy. I always think of the Blood and Water which flowed from the side of Jesus when He was pierced with a lance. It also came from an Act of Contrition that I read from a prayer book at the end of Confession. I loved the ending so I use it all the time. I just changed it a little. This is the original prayer from the book:

[i]O my Saviour, I am truly sorry for having offended You because You are infinitely good and sin displeases You. I detest all the sins of my life and I desire to atone for them. Through the merits of Your Precious Blood, wash from my soul all stain of sin, so that, cleansed in body and soul, I may worthily approach the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.[/i]

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Act of Faith, and this is a fun version:

[indent=1]O my God, I firmly believe that you are really present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I believe it really and substantially contains your Body and Blood, your Soul and Divinity. I believe these truths, I acknowledge these wonders, I adore the power that wrought them, the same power that said, "Let there be light," and light was made. Truly, you are a hidden God, the God of Israel, the Savior. Amen. [/indent]

Act of Hope:

[indent=1]O my God, relying on your almighty power, infinite mercy and promises, I hope to obtain pardon for my sins, the help of your grace, and life everlasting through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen.[/indent]

Act of Charity:

[indent=1]O my God, I love you above all things, with my whole heart and soul, because you are all good and worthy of all love. I love my neighbor as myself for the love of you. I forgive all who have injured me and ask pardon of all who I have injured. Amen.[/indent]

At the elevation of the Host:

[indent=1]My Lord and my God.[/indent]

At the elevation of the Blood:

[indent=1]Be mindful, O Lord, of thy creature whom thou hast redeemed by Your Most Precious Blood. [/indent]

... and always, for a thanksgiving, whatever prayers exist for that purpose in the hand Missal I brought to Church today. When in choir, it is in addition to the Fatima Prayer:

[indent=1]My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee! I beg pardon for all those that do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love Thee. [url="https://www.google.com/#hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=iij+kyrie&oq=iij+kyrie&gs_l=hp.3..0i30.418.2904.0.3077.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=f8988a7f1ebacbd3&biw=1111&bih=558"][i]iij.[/i][/url][/indent]

[indent=1]O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary I beg the conversion of poor sinners. Amen. [/indent]

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