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Life After College 3: More Rants And Revelations


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Sweet!  I did not know about LEVV!  :)  And lucky, if you get to go to LI for her.


(Most of my class will probably skip, I'd like to say I was selfless telling them they can go to the job fair instead if they want to, but really it was just a hope to have fewer of the troublemakers.)

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Today I have an ambitious to-do list that is long enough to require writing down. :lol: I don't know where my LOLCat post-its went, so here we go!




* proof God (religion pages, trololol)

* email

* set up when to go out to Columbia Ave. (couple who gave birth in car)

* Call Kim

* Call Diane

* check on SPCA shoot and add all photos to system

* try to make something coherent out of this pet obesity story




* proof the paper

* Atlantic calendar

* start recipes

* call Dr. Tucker after 8:30

* if time allows, put eating disorder story into system and email that urogynecologist back with ideas




*Take a long, hot bath

* Decompress

* Be at peace!

* Catch up with shiny fiance

* Watch Four Weddings

* Zzzzzzz



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Today I'm going to try my hardest to choose joy.  :flex2:



Jesus, Others, Yourself.....in that order.

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Jesus, Others, Yourself.....in that order.


I know, I know ... I'm workin' on it. :unsure:

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Strong words from our Holy Father:


Complaining too often can distance us from Jesus.


I saw something on Facebook today that said "Instead of saying 'This person gets on my nerves," think, "This person is sanctifying me."


I think there is a lot of good that I could get out of doing this. I tend to get very emotional over difficulties or crosses in my life. Embracing suffering is NOT my thing. But looking at it as sanctifying, as getting me closer to heaven, seems almost optimistic.


I think I can get behind that.

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Yo Brian, I just got off the phone with an amazing animal source. She literally does stuff for/with pets that I never knew existed. She was talking about how diet can affect an animal's health and I started talking to her a little bit about Tson-Tson. I know he's not yours, but I figure you might still be interested for the next time you watch him. :) Remind me to tell you about it.

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Tonight I am feeling inspired.


I want my life to be full of surrounded by joy, beauty and wonder. I don't have the time or energy for negativity. So instead, I'll fill up my life with things that make me smile, make me think, and make me grow.


Sometimes, adulthood is a beautiful thing. I am free to shape my life exactly the way I want it. :) 

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Missy, I do admit I rage on The Penn a lot for stinking as a paper, but this year it's been better.  On that note, I literally laughed loud enough in my office for a coworker to pop in to see what was so funny.  I'm sure this was intentional on the editor's part; Punxsutawney Phil lawsuit being dropped story, white space under the photo of the world's most famous groundhog is an ad for a law firm. :P

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Guess who did just about perfect at Mass today???? This girl right here! :bounce: Thank You, Jesus. I think I'm just about out of the woods. 


AND I got Confession today for the Divine Mercy indulgence. Unfortunately he didn't preach on it, but hey, I was just glad to be at Mass and be mentally present. Life is good!


Also asked my pastor the first of 26,000 questions about marriage prep and canon law on weddings today. It felt good to get the ball rolling, even if it was just a little. I like progress. It motivates me.

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Got up early since apparently my body is never going to let me sleep soundly again. :wall:


Gonna try to make the most of it ... I have lots of little errands to do at home today, and getting them done now should give me some calm, quiet reading time later this afternoon...

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