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Arfink: Thread Of Randomness (mk.iii)


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(She did give me her place in the Confession line once, though!)


On second thought, maybe this was a traumatic event...did Catholic Mom think I was such a bad person that she would give up her chance to go to Confession so that I wouldn't go to Hell???  :cry: 


("BE in Hell," as Charles Williams might correct.)


(Yes I'm kidding...it was a lovely gesture.)


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I am personally offended by your close relationship. My "Catholic Mom" brought me into this Church and then abandoned me at the altar. I didn't even get a kitschy Confirmation present. She says "HIII!!!!" if she sees me (which isn't often) but that's it. :hehe2:

Well, I rather abandoned mine myself.... I mean, I used to see her often by virtue of going to Adoration with her late on Friday nights, since she goes to a different parish, and spending Sunday afternoons with her. But then I decided that I'd rather get decent sleep and go to Adoration some other way, and I'd rather get more rest and time alone on Sundays, because I wanted to go to Mass on Saturday mornings and being around people every single day of the week was driving me nutty.
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Godparent relationships have been largely non-existent for me and many of my siblings. My godmother is a cousin of my mother's and lives a very long way from us now, and her husband has estranged them from the family. Last I heard he was flirting with sedevacantism or some such. It's a bit sad. My godfather is an uncle on my dad's side, and is becoming a middle aged bachelor, doesn't really practice his faith, and generally seems a bit lost. But I see him around and we're still friends. :) I think in his case, being my godfather has been one of the things that has kept him attached to the Church, even if it's a bit loose and confused at the moment.

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Well, I rather abandoned mine myself.... I mean, I used to see her often by virtue of going to Adoration with her late on Friday nights, since she goes to a different parish, and spending Sunday afternoons with her. But then I decided that I'd rather get decent sleep and go to Adoration some other way, and I'd rather get more rest and time alone on Sundays, because I wanted to go to Mass on Saturday mornings and being around people every single day of the week was driving me nutty.

Okay, I wasn't referring to my godmother, because I don't have one. I was referring to my confirmation sponsor. Anyway.
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Spem in alium

My godfather (who is my uncle) is also my Confirmation sponsor. My parents are big fans of "killing two birds with one stone" and made me choose one of my godparents as my sponsor. He's no longer a practicing Catholic, but is really awesome and cares a lot, so we have a great relationship.



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Well... today is the day of the First Communion of my Godson, and neither Mr. AL (his Godfather) or I could attend.   We tried, but he had to work and sleep before working again... and they don't run public transit that early on Sundays to his town.  So... while it was physically impossible for us to get there... and we feel really bad.   


Mr. AL doesn't think either our Godson nor his mom wouldd appreciate the idea of having to go to Mass with us another time.  Sigh.  Sadly I think this is true....  I will stand firm for a religiously themed First Communion Gift.... and we will be taking him out for brunch in a few weeks to celebrate, but still.....


I've been a BAAAAAD Godmother/Confirmation sponsor in terms of getting to things, but I do try to remember to pray for them fairly regularly.  But not as much as I should... :paperbag:   

Edited by AnneLine
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Aww.  :cry3: A friend's grandchildren were receiving First Communion, and their parents were both too sick to come.

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The doctors still think there is something wrong with my common bile duct even after the surgery to remove my gall bladder. So I had an MRCP scan today. It's basically a very long MRI scan where they hook up radioactive dyes with an IV and shoot them into you halfway through while you're inside the machine.


It took a long time, over 40 minutes. I'm not claustrophobic, but it was very uncomfortable since I had to have my hands over my head the whole time and that made my shoulders hurt. I was also told the machine would sound like a jackhammer. It didn't sound like any jackhammer I've used before. ;) For one thing, it wasn't as loud. Don't get me wrong, it was LOUD. But not jackhammer-loud. ;)


MRI machines are fascinating. If I was younger and thought I could get away with it, I'd want to ask tons of questions and look at everything. I mean, who wouldn't be fascinated by a machine that, just under the plastic cowling, has a big ring of superconducting electromagnets whirling around your head at several thousand RPM? Cool stuff.

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Spem in alium

Hope you get some definitive results :) 

The machines are pretty amazing! I had an MRI a couple of years ago on my knee, and it was an interesting experience. Not super noisy, but quite uncomfortable. And pretty painful too, because I dislocated my thumb during it. 

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You could always ask me, arfink :evil: I work next door to a 3.0 tesla magnet...I've got connections :mafia:

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I hope they figure out whats going on with you soon...I'm not liking this pain-lingering-on-thingie :(

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Spem in alium

You could always ask me, arfink :evil: I work next door to a 3.0 tesla magnet...I've got connections :mafia:



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ARFink had to have some additional surgery; it is finished and he is being released from the hospital.  


I know he is grateful for all your love and prayers!!!!

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Yep, I had to go back in for another operation. This time they didn't have to cut me, just shove a robotic endoscope probe with cameras and stuff down my throat and through the first part of my digestive systems to fish out a gallstone that somehow got left behind when they took my gall bladder out. It was blocking my common bile duct and causing all kinds of problems that made it difficult to track down.


I'm in recovery now. I look like a big yellow cheese puff still because of the jaundice, but it'll clear up soon. :) I'm also in no pain, and I can eat again.

Edited by arfink
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