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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Quote Game

Ancilla Domini

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It OUGHT to be Noah's Ark.... could it have been The Bible?

No. Not very close either.

I know what it is.....but I will not say, so that someone else might have a chance.

We all commend you for your mercy on us miserables vagrants, NTP :p

This is a wild guess, but is it Ice Age: The Meltdown?

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Seems appropriate moment to add a little Christmas (or 4th of July) cheer into the mix... .while I think of another quote!



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And for our next quote:


"Here we judge you by what you do, not by who your father was. Here you can be something. Here is the place to build a home. But it's not the land. There's always more land. It's the idea that we all have value, you and me. What we're fighting for, in the end... we're fighting for each other. Sorry. Didn't mean to preach. "

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