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Phatmass Walks Across America Thread - California To Maine!


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Thank you everyone... just knowing you are all around and praying means a lot.  


If you can spare a few prayers that she might just let herself go, it would be greatly appreciated.  She won't get any better, but she started with a very strong healthy body and it means that she just keeps going on and on and on right now... I'm stating to wonder if she is trying for a Guiness Book of Records notation or something....  


Even the hospice nurses (who have seen just about everything) are saying that she is just incredible... they keep saying goodbye to us and then kind of sheepishly come back in and say, "well... hmmm. I guess another day....?"  




Well, God knows best....


Going up to read a bit and nap... because I'll be on the night shift again tonight, and will pray for all of you.... maybe even draft a little more of the walk stuff if it is quiet while I'm here.... try to get some praying in and reading because there isnt' much else to do while sitting here in God's waiting room......





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Thanks, everyone, for all your prayers and support.   My MIL, "Charlotte" had the gentlest possible death, and the family is doing incredibly well.  All your prayers have made a huge difference.  Thank you!  I'll be around in a few days.  Thanks again!

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Last week I probably did about eight miles. Most of it light gardening and a full clean-out of my bathroom. Knee is still not normal and I'm heading to the doctor on Wednesday.

Edited by Spem in alium
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Spem in alium

Last week I probably did about eight miles. Most of it light gardening and a full clean-out of my bathroom. Knee is still not normal and I'm heading to the doctor on Wednesday.


Just as an update, friends. Just saw the doctor, and she is concerned that I'm still getting knee issues after almost three years, especially as I was diagnosed with a sprain which was expected to clear up after six months. I never knew I'd been ever diagnosed with anything, but hey, there you go. I'm heading back to the orthopedic surgeon, probably for another MRI. It's been hard keeping off my leg as I love to go around and DO stuff...but I think it's telling me it needs a bit of a break. Thanks for thinking of me. :)

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Spem in alium

Thanks Tigger. Prayer helps! I was walking to work today but only managed to get round the corner...I'm now back at home with my leg elevated and ice on it. Hey, I guess it means more study time, right? :)

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Spem in alium

This week I probably did five miles or so. I'll be away for the weekend so may end up doing more if things hold up. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all it has been a long week last week for me. My Husband ended up in the Hospital but for the week of 9/28/14 to 10/4/14 I got 12.00 miles so with all that was going on I did pretty well moving around.

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Spem in alium

Hi all it has been a long week last week for me. My Husband ended up in the Hospital but for the week of 9/28/14 to 10/4/14 I got 12.00 miles so with all that was going on I did pretty well moving around.


Hope things are okay, tigger, Will remember you and your husband in prayer.


This last week I managed about twelve miles. My knee is still causing trouble and now my hip and ankle are deciding to play along. I'm heading to the surgeon this coming Friday...hopefully I can get this sorted.

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