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Why Is Transgender(ism ?) Homosexuality Not A Mental Disorder


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there are some cases that deserve particular attention. Aberrations concerning the sex chromosomes, androgen insensitivity etc.

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There is no defined teaching yet on the moral permissibility of medical treatment for transsexualism.



Neither is there defined teaching yet on the moral permissibility of medical treatment to acquire Justin Bieber's looks, whiten your skin a la Michael Jackson, or to transition to a sheep with five feet. 

Edited by Catlick
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Neither is there defined teaching yet on the moral permissibility of medical treatment to acquire Justin Bieber's looks, whiten your skin a la Michael Jackson, or to transition to a sheep with five feet.

I suspect that is because the Church is too busy to mess with obvious stuff.
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Neither is there defined teaching yet on the moral permissibility of medical treatment to acquire Justin Bieber's looks, whiten your skin a la Michael Jackson, or to transition to a sheep with five feet. 


Whelp, props for establishing yourself as a not so friendly friend in your first post.


1) Those things are not comparable to the deep, personal, and difficult choice of gender identity (Dont make light, its rude)

2) It IS morally wrong to look like Justin Bieber

3) Five feet is better than four

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The APA is as much a political organization as it is a medical one.

The politics don't outweigh the science, though.
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Whelp, props for establishing yourself as a not so friendly friend in your first post.


Please don't slap me in the face with a 'Christ commands us to love all so we should take extreme care not to insult people with pathological fantasies'-Christianity.


Men who think they're female (and vice versa) are often mentally ill. Their condition should be taken very seriously. Their ideas not.


Anyway, my point was: Catholic moral theology often doesn't deal extensively with a sin. It emphasizes the good (in this case celibacy and marriage.) So it's logical that you won't find infallible denounciations of 'gender transitions'.

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Oh brother



Please don't slap me in the face with a 'Christ commands us to love all so we should take extreme care not to insult people with pathological fantasies'-Christianity.


Yes, yes you should take care not to do that. Because its unhelpful, ill informed, and uncharitable.

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Welcome to the neo-Stalinist world, where even unintended insults against the cherished feelings of dear LGTBBQ snowflakes can get you excommunicated.

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I never report people, but seriously. Asking for even a tiny bit of respect and charity towards LGTBQ+ is not the equivalent to communists oppression. 

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Also id like to remind you of what you belioeve as a Catholic and I expect you to follow through even with the tiniest amount of cooperation.


I bolded the points I thought would be most helpful to you. Do you believe the CCC is a product of Stalin's ideology? Of course not. So I will respectfully ask you to zip it with the rudeness.


From the glossary in the back of the Catechism:
HOMOSEXUALITY: Sexual attraction or orientation toward persons of the same sex and/or sexual acts between persons of the same sex. Homosexual acts are morally wrong because they violate God’s purpose for human sexual activity (2357).

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
Chastity and homosexuality
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,[141] tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.”[142] They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. (2333)

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection. (2347)

The footnotes for the above section:
141 Cf. Gen 19:1-29; Rom 1:24-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10.
142 CDF, Persona humana 8.



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Also id like to remind you of what you belioeve as a Catholic and I expect you to follow through even with the tiniest amount of cooperation.


I bolded the points I thought would be most helpful to you. Do you believe the CCC is a product of Stalin's ideology? Of course not. So I will respectfully ask you to zip it with the rudeness.






Today is the final talk of 3 by Father Jacques Philippe in my parish. Father Jacques Philippe is a very, very beautiful and humble man, and his talks have changed my entire perspective of the faith and my approach to it. He has been spending his talks explaining the meaning of "Poor of Spirit", the first Beatitude, and the following is part of being Poor in Spirit:

As Father Jacques Phillipe says: "Harshness is the fruit of pride; gentleness the fruit of humility."


Gentleness of course does not mean we are weak pushovers. We must be firm in our belief and firm in the truth. However, firmness does not mean harshness, and firmness and gentleness are inherently interlinked. As Father Phillipe says, because we have the Truth, we must express and share it to people with humility, gentleness, and love. We do it out of love, for love, with love. It is always for the good of others. Someone who expresses the faith through harshness is a prideful person, and is sharing the faith because he wants others to know he's right, not because he truly loves other people.


We must respect and love others. We will never convert anyone through meanness and harshness, and neither of those two things are the ways of Christ. We must be gentle, loving, and humble -- in essence, we must be Poor of Spirit.


If anyone is interested, he has written many books concerning the spiritual life, and they are very readable and infinitely valuable.

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Yes, homosexuality is a disorder and most non-Western cultures recognize this. As for why a significant minority of Westerners no longer do, well, it's the contemporary Weltanschauung.

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I bolded the points I thought would be most helpful to you. Do you believe the CCC is a product of Stalin's ideology? Of course not. So I will respectfully ask you to zip it with the rudeness.



You quite literally instructed me to take extreme care not to insult people with pathological fantasies. The reason I call that Stalinist is that such an attitude makes every normal human interaction impossible. You'll have to live with neverending fear of (accidentally) saying something someone dislikes. 


And rudeness? In nearly every page of the Gospels Christ calls the Pharisees wicked etc. And I'd say that St. Paul is even more rude when he straightforwardly says that whoever perserveres in sodomy will burn in hell.

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Oremus Pro Invicem

I never report people, but seriously. Asking for even a tiny bit of respect and charity towards LGTBQ+ is not the equivalent to communists oppression. 


I personally do not have respect for the LGTBQ+ becuase I do not agree with their agendas and because I do not believe they represent all homosexuals, especially Catholics who identify as homosexual and who live their faith.  I personally wonder why anyone would view the LGTBQ+ as being the spokes person for everyone who identifies as Lesbian,Gay, Transgender, Bisexual, and Questioning?  It's gotten to the point where any individual who identifies as one of these and who holds an opinion contrary to the status quo of the LGTBQ+, is accused of being either: not genuinly homoesexual ect.,  self-hating, or brainwashed -this especially in the case of those who have reformed their lives and views.

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