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Unique And Beautiful Nuns Habits?


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^ I love this image of a Cistercian nun. So beautiful.


Also, the Nashville Dominicans have a lovely habit.



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I can't even begin to tell you how long I've wondered who these sisters are! There was a very large number of them walking the Chartres Pilgrimage this year, and I couldn't for the life of me remember how to ask, "What order are you?" in French. XP Thanks a ton. :)


They accompany pilgrimages as part of their apostolate, along with summer camps, youth events, and retreats/spiritual conferences for adults. They also make arts and crafts (Br. Charles emphasised the importance of manual labour, because Jesus was a carpenter and Charles wanted to imitate him as he was at Nazareth - a hidden life of work and prayer). If you feel drawn to a community that celebrates the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and chants the Office in Latin, then you should definitely check these sisters out. Their daily prayer also involves a lot of Adoration, as this was something very important to Brother Charles - all the communities founded in his spirituality mandate at least an hour, daily.

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Ancilla Domini

They accompany pilgrimages as part of their apostolate, along with summer camps, youth events, and retreats/spiritual conferences for adults. They also make arts and crafts (Br. Charles emphasised the importance of manual labour, because Jesus was a carpenter and Charles wanted to imitate him as he was at Nazareth - a hidden life of work and prayer). If you feel drawn to a community that celebrates the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and chants the Office in Latin, then you should definitely check these sisters out. Their daily prayer also involves a lot of Adoration, as this was something very important to Brother Charles - all the communities founded in his spirituality mandate at least an hour, daily.


Wow...that's unbelievable. I can't believe I'd never heard of them before! Thank you so much for the information! They sound wonderful.

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