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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Gallbladder (Again) and Senioritis


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Please continue to pray about my gallbladder issues.  I saw my doctor on Friday and she wants me to go to a free clinic to get an ultrasound since I don't have health insurance.  I'm still in the process of making arrangements.  She also requested that I go on a Paleo diet because she believes I'm eating too many refined carbs and wants me to eat much more protein (at least 100g a day).  I've cut out all grains and potatoes (my biggest vice).  I've been on the diet 3 days and already noticed a difference.  I'm having gallbladder spasms, still, but they are much more tolerable so I hope this diet is a good step in relieving them.  I still need the ultrasound to check for gallstones and gallbladder function.

Also, if you could please pray for my last 4 weeks of this Spring semester, I'd appreciate it.  I'm a senior and graduation is this Fall.  Naturally, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, especially since I'm juggling 5 classes rather than my usual 4.  I'll be glad when this semester is over and I can start internship preparation courses this summer.  Thanks.

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