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in deep thanksgiving.

Spem in alium

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Spem in alium

I recently got a job teaching at my university, organised through my PhD supervisor. Yesterday I found out that she organised the job for me as a way of helping me pay for my recent research trip (for which I couldn't get any financial assistance, so it was completely self-funded) and, as I'm essentially taking her hours (I'm assisting her in one of her classes), my pay is taken from what her own would have been. I was amazed to hear this.

My father's heart is in top-notch condition. The doctor who assessed him thinks he had a coronary artery spasm, likely caused by stress. It is still serious, as there is a chance it could happen again, and it can be fatal, but we are relieved to know there is nothing really wrong.  

In thanksgiving for these graces, please pray with me - glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 


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