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Which Saint Are You Quiz


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This reminds me of when I attended a strange parish a few years ago, wearing a creamy lace mantilla and an ankle-length turquoise dress. A small boy about four or five years old came up to me at the end of Mass and said, curious and very much in awe, "'Scuse me, are you Mary?"

Oh my gosh that is adorable.


Which Saint Are You?

You got: Saint Valentine

Patron Saint of love and happy marriage, you warm the world with your heart. Your commitment to the romantic tradition keeps couples, young and old, in love year after year.

Interesting. :P

And then I took the last quiz-link...

Saint Valentine, patron saint of love

You are always happy to help people and have a deep appreciation for inner beauty. You are a good listener. You know how to help people with their problems. You give guidance and support whenever someone needs it.


I sense a theme here. :P

That is freaky.


I disappointed him with "I'm afraid not, but she's around here somewhere".  I wish I'd had a good response like the Franciscan Friar of the Renewal who was approached by a little girl at the zoo - the girl asked him, "Are you Jesus?" and he replied, "No, but I work for him." The little girl turned round and yelled back to her friends, who had evidently sent her on this reconnaissance mission, "HE'S NOT JESUS, BUT HE WORKS FOR HIM!"

And that is hilarious!

Maybe it means you'll have more chance of being murdered than converting anybody, despite having some missionary zeal :P

I'm pretty sure their statistical calculations aren't that sophisticated. :P 

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1.  St Teresa of Avila

2.  30% Scholastic; 30% Missionary; 30% Monastic; 10 % Hidden

3.  St. Bruno

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Credo in Deum
You got: Saint Augustine

An intellectual giant, you are one of the deepest thinkers of all time. Your confessional style makes you a compelling writer and a persuasive converter of sinners by letting them know we all come from humble beginnings.


Saint Bruno, founder of the Carthusian Order

You are thoughtful and intellectual, always appreciating the profound things in life. You have great wisdom and know the worth of silence. You are happy to have time to yourself. You never make hasty decisions.

Scholastic: 50%

Hidden: 30%

Monastic: 10%

Missionary: 10%

Martyr: 0%

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You got: Saint Augustine

An intellectual giant, you are one of the deepest thinkers of all time. Your confessional style makes you a compelling writer and a persuasive converter of sinners by letting them know we all come from humble beginnings.


Saint Bruno, founder of the Carthusian Order

You are thoughtful and intellectual, always appreciating the profound things in life. You have great wisdom and know the worth of silence. You are happy to have time to yourself. You never make hasty decisions.

Scholastic: 50%

Hidden: 30%

Monastic: 10%

Missionary: 10%

Martyr: 0%


We're soulmates!

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St. Cecila for the first

100% hidden saint (what does this mean?)  

St. Francis for the last one. 

I think "hidden saint" means that you're the kind of saint nobody notices is a saint. You know, the "everyday saint" type who doesn't do really visible saintly deeds that get lots of attention, but rather the quiet, "hidden" type.

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