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Baby names


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Since I was a little girl I enjoyed looking up name meanings and making lists of favorites. Ha, I'm sure the bookstore lady was concerned by the 11 year old buying a baby name book (and the bridal magazine too). 

What is your favorite baby name for a boy or girl? I have to admit I'm kind of snobby and pooh pooh invented names or spellings. However recently I am starting to love more adventurous stuff for MIDDLE names - like Mercy, Magnolia, Honor, Briallen (not made up, it's the Welsh word for primrose), Posey, Clover, Poet. Basically names that make me sound like an upper class British twit. 

Boy names, I like standard classics, pretty boring there, except for the Irish name Eamon which I think is so cool but confusing for Americans. And for a middle on a boy I like a saint's last name like Campion or Becket or Bellarmine.

What do you like?

Edited by Maggyie
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I'm french, so here I am my favorite name. Some are bourgeois, other are hebrew. For the girls, I like very noble name, with a sense of history, or hebrew name that have a meaning. For boys, I like name that can goes for boys and girl. 

Girl : Philomène, Constance, Célestine, Violaine, Aliénor/Eleonore, Marie-Louise, or, Eliana, Eliora/Liora, Talia 
Boy : Siméon, Camille, Alix, Gaël, Benjamin, Ambroise, Charles. 

I could never choose a name for a baby. 

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Credo in Deum

Boys: Lucian, Alexander, Dominic, Logan, Joseph, and Markus.

Girl: Jean, Serena, Sarah, Maria, Emily, and Khloé.

Nothing really extravagant or rare. Just very simple names.

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Archaeology cat

Well, my kids are Kieran Anthony, Charlotte Claire, and Leo Vianney. This one's middle name will honor Bl Louis & Zélie Martin (so middle name will be Zélie or Martin). Sometimes I like the sound of a name first and then the Saint; sometimes I like the Saint and then want to use the name (thus my fascination with Flora, due to St Flora of Cordoba).

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Credo in Deum

I figure if I have a boy/girl I will put a bunch of male/female saint names in a hat and then close my eyes and pick one.  This way if my kids ever get upset about their name I can tell them they can't blame me since God chose it for them.   Take that Jude Jr. 

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A few weeks ago I finished reading a book of St Gertrude the Great's writings and am now admiring her awesomesauceness. The problem is that 'Gertrude' sounds so...Gertrude-ish. Foiled by Victorian female stereotypes! Curses! Stupid era making women wear harmful corsets and sullying a fantastic name.

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He is Risen!

I have some good names in my family that I would consider if I had a baby, for a girl: Clare, Shirley, or Jane.  For a boy: Conrad or Theodore.

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Credo in Deum

A few weeks ago I finished reading a book of St Gertrude the Great's writings and am now admiring her awesomesauceness. The problem is that 'Gertrude' sounds so...Gertrude-ish. Foiled by Victorian female stereotypes! Curses! Stupid era making women wear harmful corsets and sullying a fantastic name.

Sounds like a great name.  Other options could be: Mildred, Beatrice, and Winifred.

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Archaeology cat

A few weeks ago I finished reading a book of St Gertrude the Great's writings and am now admiring her awesomesauceness. The problem is that 'Gertrude' sounds so...Gertrude-ish. Foiled by Victorian female stereotypes! Curses! Stupid era making women wear harmful corsets and sullying a fantastic name.

So bring back the name. :) Or choose a nice nickname from it.

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Spem in alium

Esther, Roisin, Sylvia, Ineke, Grace, Majella (my mother's middle name) are nice to me.

For boys, Killian, Theodore, Xavier, Joseph. 

Also, Maggyie, I LOVE Eamon! I've known a couple of Eamons but not sure how much trouble they've had with people pronouncing the name (plus I'm in Australia and there's a definite Irish presence where I've lived). 



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My husband loves Eleanor... And I love it too. But we already have a beautiful niece named Nora so I feel the names would be too similar!

Vianney is another great one... Although I would use it on a girl! I love our Catholic unisex tradition where girls can have boy saint names and boys can have Marie in there... St John Mary Vianney himself is a great example of this. Pretty progressive of us eh.

I adore the name Mary as a girl's first name, but worry people will think we didn't put any thought into it. But there are more girls named London nowadays than Mary. Plus it's a family name, a royal name, and a Jane Austen-y name, satisfying my need to be Britishy. 

My other favorite that I forgot to mention is Alice. It just sounds so fresh and beautiful!

My husband also likes Lucy and Amelia. Lucy is my childhood dog's name and Amelia is mega popular (not Sophia levels but worsening). So I'm trying to put the kibosh on that. 

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Archaeology cat

My husband loves Eleanor... And I love it too. But we already have a beautiful niece named Nora so I feel the names would be too similar!

Vianney is another great one... Although I would use it on a girl! I love our Catholic unisex tradition where girls can have boy saint names and boys can have Marie in there... St John Mary Vianney himself is a great example of this. Pretty progressive of us eh.

I adore the name Mary as a girl's first name, but worry people will think we didn't put any thought into it. But there are more girls named London nowadays than Mary. Plus it's a family name, a royal name, and a Jane Austen-y name, satisfying my need to be Britishy. 

My other favorite that I forgot to mention is Alice. It just sounds so fresh and beautiful!

My husband also likes Lucy and Amelia. Lucy is my childhood dog's name and Amelia is mega popular (not Sophia levels but worsening). So I'm trying to put the kibosh on that. 

Great names. I love Alice! My cousin just took that one, though.

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Ancilla Domini

I've always loved my grandmother's name - Evelyn. It sounds so elegant and feminine. If I ever have a daughter, I'll name her Evelyn. I also like the name Katherine (with a K).

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My husband loves Eleanor... And I love it too. But we already have a beautiful niece named Nora so I feel the names would be too similar!

Vianney is another great one... Although I would use it on a girl! I love our Catholic unisex tradition where girls can have boy saint names and boys can have Marie in there... St John Mary Vianney himself is a great example of this. Pretty progressive of us eh.

I adore the name Mary as a girl's first name, but worry people will think we didn't put any thought into it. But there are more girls named London nowadays than Mary. Plus it's a family name, a royal name, and a Jane Austen-y name, satisfying my need to be Britishy. 

My other favorite that I forgot to mention is Alice. It just sounds so fresh and beautiful!

My husband also likes Lucy and Amelia. Lucy is my childhood dog's name and Amelia is mega popular (not Sophia levels but worsening). So I'm trying to put the kibosh on that. 

I don't think that Elenor (aka Ellie) and Nora are that close. 

I really like the name Lucy...it's a name I'd consider for future kids.  My aunt's dog is named that but who cares.  I had a dog named Sophie and now I have a relative named that.

It's funny you mention having a boy named Marie as being progressive.  In French Canada and parts of New England having a boy with the first name of Marie isn't unheard of.  Or a family who's 6 boys all had the first name of Joseph.  Joseph Francis, Joseph Maurice, Joseph Leonard, Joseph Thomas, Joseph...well you get the picture...and only the eldest went by Joseph...or sometimes none of them.  I know they had a (male) cousin Marie Anthony.  We're talking born in the early 1900's but still not *that* long ago and not *that* different.

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