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I just watched "The Help"

Ash Wednesday

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Ash Wednesday

I've never craved chocolate pie so badly in my life.




Without the "two slice" incident ingredient. 




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Haha that was such a great scene XD

The book is a.maz.ing!! It was so sad at the end that I cried though, and books/movies hardly ever make me cry.

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I don't know how she could eat it and not notice...

That's what I thought too. Actually I thought she made made the pie without the special ingredient, and was lying about it to get her to freak out. But later in the movie she says she didn't plan on telling her about the special ingredient, just wanted to see her eat it- so she really had cooked it in. How is that possible? I'd have a gag reflex if I tried to cook something like that, even if it came from myself. 

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