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With a humble heart...


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"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves..."
-Philippians 2:3

You can do nothing worse to someone who observes a sacred religious practice than to demean it. If people wear religious garb, or have religious practices or views that are different from yours, do not ridicule them. You may even be right, but don’t ridicule. That is not what Christ teaches. He teaches us humility and love. So, if you want to convince others to change their views a bit, approach them with love, compassion, and a listening and humble heart.

For those of you on the stricter side of things, realize that not everyone sees things the way you do. If you feel exacting about certain things, it is good that you be gentle, especially if you’re right. Don’t stand on your bully pulpit, don’t preach, and don’t post things online.

Christians need to have an ethic about the Internet, and about what we say because real people read those posts and really get hurt. Might we just agree for a minute that we will stop that? We can be above it and have real dialogue with one another.

For the sake of love and people that are hurting, let’s agree to stop bickering, judging, and ridiculing one another. Can we agree on that?


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Thanks to those who read and replied 

just a few extras:

Don't pretend. You can be honest about what you believe and what you care about, but do it with a kind and humble heart. 

Don't presume. See the best in others even when you believe, principally, they're wrong. Believe that at some level the person still wants what is good and right.

Don't push. Stand for what is right, stand for God, but let God do the pushing.

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Archaeology cat

Thanks to those who read and replied 

just a few extras:

Don't pretend. You can be honest about what you believe and what you care about, but do it with a kind and humble heart. 

Don't presume. See the best in others even when you believe, principally, they're wrong. Believe that at some level the person still wants what is good and right.

Don't push. Stand for what is right, stand for God, but let God do the pushing.

Excellent reminders for me


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Is there a way this post could be pinned somewhere as the "guidelines" for Phatmass?

Yeah. This is better than the Winchester Line.

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Once again, thanks to those who replied or read my little piece. I don't think it needs to be pinned anywhere as it's really not that good just common respect, but I am grateful for the suggestion. :flowers:

Just a thought: 

All of us myself included  ought to become the kind of person that, when you see the worst in people, you choose, instead, to be something different. You do what Jesus does. You see the best in people.

That's what disciples do. We do what Jesus did. When everybody else saw a tax collector, he saw a disciple. He saw someone that could change the world. When everyone else saw a prostitute, he saw someone that could be a part of heaven's initiative.

Believe in people. Don't presume. That's Christian love. 

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I like that - assuming the best about everyone and trying to see them more as God does. Love always hopes. Reminds me of some of the Saint stories I read and how they acted towards people :) hopefully I could learn that too with God's grace. 

Edited by MarysLittleFlower
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