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The Pope on 20/20 last night.


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Nope. Have to have a tv to watch that. They make you click your "television provider".

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I thought it was a bit "fluffy" not enough substance...

I did stand up and applaud when he told the single mom that she was brave for not killing her children in her womb.  I bet that made the 20/20 crew a bit squeamish...

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Watched the first 10 on Youtube. Dunno if I can make it through the rest due to my low tolerance for cheesy stuff. It's pretty cheesy so far. Either that or I am a cynic.

I am a big Pope Francis fan though . . .

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I was annoyed by the media's usual taking of what he said out of context. In regards to homosexuality, they quoted him saying, "Who am I to judge," making him sound relativistic or even implying that he was going to change Church teaching on that. 

I shouldn't be surpised by the media doing that anymore, but it's still irritating.

I liked it when he said that the single mom was courageous for not aborting her daughters despite her poverty though. 

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Is there a transcript somewhere? Our pastor asked us at Mass this evening if we watched 20/20 last night, and I was like, "Who watches 20/20 EVER?" We don't have cable anyway, so I'd need to read a transcript or see the video offered on YouTube or something. I'm very curious about it, though. Just an interview with Pope Francis? What was it?

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Thanks, @nunsense. That worked for me, too.

On the one hand, I think it was way overdramatized. They really need a chiller narrator. They built up a lot of stuff unnecessarily. I also think there was a political agenda in the content they chose.

That being said, the fact that technology made this possible and that the Holy Father agreed to do it is pretty amesome. The idea of it is cool. I just wish American media weren't so stinking sensationalist.

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