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Pell quotes Arinze


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Cardinal George Pell speaking about the synod and the letter he sent the pope:

During the interview, he discussed what he called the “controversial issue of Communion for divorced and remarried”, saying, although there are many theologies, “doctrine is one”.

“You cannot say that in Germany they will believe in the Divinity of Christ and in Poland they will say Christ is not Divine. You cannot have two people in the same situation with the same dispositions; one goes to Communion and it (is) a sacrilege and in the country next-door it is a cause of grace,” the cardinal said.

“Cardinal Arinze said you cannot nationalise right and wrong. We have one creed, one baptismal formula, one faith. One God, one faith, one baptism. ‘Catholic’ means ‘universal’, not ‘continental’. We are not ruled by synods. We are led by individual bishops and led by the Holy Father and the Holy Father (Saturday) morning emphasised the central role of the Successor of Peter.

“He emphasised, too, that he is the authentic guarantee of the tradition. We only can live and work within the tradition, the essentials of the tradition.”

Source: http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2015/10/20/cardinal-pell-i-am-not-a-synod-rebel/



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It's soooo beautifull ! 

"The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one"

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Card. Arinze always faithful. He had similar things to say in a interview with Life Site News.

“Marriage is not a human invention. God created Adam, and God said, ‘it is not good for man to be alone.’ So, he created Eve. The first man and woman were created by God, which means marriage comes from the creating hands of God. It isn’t the pope who made it; it isn't the United Nations; it isn't the parliament of any nation — no matter how powerful — which means that nobody has the right, or even the power, to reinvent marriage.”


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