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Gaming with Faith

Not A Mallard

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Not A Mallard

I've posted about this site in my Lame Board "Absurdly amesome Thread", but now that it's no longer a one-person project thanks to Catholic Skywalker, it's time I make and official thread about it:

Gaming with Faith, administered by me, reviews classic video games from Catholic perspectives, with each review mentioning the game's cultural impact and deciphering the game's ethics and entertainment value. It's a volunteer project, so don't expect consistent updates, but I hope that it will be insightful to its readers.

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One of our adult fosters reviews games for nintendo. He does walk through videos for people who get stuck on hard levels. They send him games ahead of times to look for glitches. He even has an advance copy of the NX to play with. 

They wanted him to take a business trip to California and we had to explain that he's "special" and would have to have an escort. They got it immediately. I think they may have others like him that have aspergers or autism or other stuff. 

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11 minutes ago, CatherineM said:

One of our adult fosters reviews games for nintendo. He does walk through videos for people who get stuck on hard levels. They send him games ahead of times to look for glitches. He even has an advance copy of the NX to play with. 

That sounds like a great job!:smile3:

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Do you take special requests? Please explain the theology behind A Boy and His Blob, Yo! Noid, Metroid, and Jordan vs. Bird.

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3 hours ago, Era Might said:

Do you take special requests? Please explain the theology behind A Boy and His Blob, Yo! Noid, Metroid, and Jordan vs. Bird.

A Boy and His Blob, I use to play the mess out of that game.

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