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For an unhappy situation


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My sister decided to tell the family tonight (Christmas) that she is 6 weeks pregnant.  She is not married and until today lied about being in a relationship with this guy.  I couldn't bring myself to congratulate her or even pretend to be happy for her.  I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying how upset I am because I always try to think of the writings of many saints and even scripture itself advising us not to speak right away but to wait for our emotions to simmer down.  I am as pro-life as they come and I'm certainly not trying to insinuate that she should have an abortion; I just feel so disappointed in her and hurt that she lied to me for so long.  On top of that, she lives about a thousand miles away so even if/when I work through these emotions to be excited about being an aunt, I won't be around to be involved in my niece or nephew's life.  Add to that, I was determined to make 2017 the year I finally applied to enter a religious congregation and I'm still set on that path. If that happens, I may not get to meet the child when he/she is born.  And the last selfish feeling I'm struggling with is that I know that this will change the dynamic of my relationship with my sister who I'm very close to and I'm particularly sad about that.  I feel like some of these emotions are justified and others are very selfish but I'm still in shock and right or wrong, this is how I feel.  I'm asking for your prayers because you guys have always been great intercessors for me and because I want to handle this situation in the best way possible.  Please also pray for my sister and the baby, not only for their physical well being but for my sister to find her way to God and His Church.

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