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You Know You're A Catholic Nerd When...


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[quote name='Raphael' date='Jun 27 2004, 10:52 PM'] When you have to correct your priest's homilies...

When you have a stack of Catechisms to hand out to Mormons who come to your door...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

When the Jehovah's Witnesses come to your door, you try to convert them, and they walk away (actually happened to me)

When you go to Kingdom Halls to try to convert the Jehovah's Witnesses to Catholicism

When the tie you wear matches the vestment color of the day (I actually used to do that)

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when people ask, "wow, what is that smell? are you wearing perfume?"
and you reply, "oh, that's incense. isn't it lovely?"

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' date='Jun 27 2004, 09:05 PM'] You Know You're A Catholic Nerd When...

Use of the term "ejaculation" has nothing to do with reproductive organs. [/quote]
when you have SEVEN CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES under your name from playing arcade games on a Catholic website!!! lol

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your favorite quotes/sayings/prayers are in Latin...

you know that God and humor must go together since he's always messing with you...

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When you know who's feast day it is.

When you know all your friend's feast days.

When you know who's feast day is your birthday. (Alphonsus Ligouri!)

When you know all the doctors of the Church.

When you can quote Canon Law off the top of your head. (Read 1250 and say what you think. :) )

When you and your friend play a game trying to see how many Saints you can name and you go on for over a half hour.

When you can start quoting Psalms from Liturgy of the Hours.


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[quote name='Raphael' date='Jun 27 2004, 11:43 PM'] You want to start a local chapter of the Chi Rho Fraternity House on your college campus... [/quote]
Nah... you're even more so when you want to start the Kappa Beta Sigma (Knights of the Blessed Sacrament)...

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[quote name='Luthien' date='Jun 27 2004, 09:59 PM'] When you're trying to fall asleep, you say a rosary instead of counting sheep [/quote]
yep... I'm a nerd :P

when you have worn out about 5 scapulars

Edited by Tony
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[quote name='Norseman82' date='Jun 27 2004, 11:53 PM'] When the tie you wear matches the vestment color of the day (I actually used to do that) [/quote]
haha...the choir at my Newman Center intentionally does that...the congregation probobly doesn't ever realized....hmmm most of the choir is wearing red....

you know the numbers of all your favorite and not so favorite hymns in the hymnal....Yes!!!! Number 881!!!!

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Lounge Daddy

...you say things to your Guardian Angel out loud
...you have a name for your Angel (hey, your Angel really is a life long companion and friend)

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote] Nah... you're even more so when you want to start the Kappa Beta Sigma (Knights of the Blessed Sacrament)...

LOL...I didn't know that was a Fraternity...

Wow...I need to get both of these started at UNL next year...the Chi Rho frat is only at KSU so far.

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When you're watching Star Wars and have a strong inclination to say "and also with you" when they say "May the force be with you"

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' date='Jun 28 2004, 11:04 AM'] ...you have a name for your Angel (hey, your Angel really is a life long companion and friend)
:cool: [/quote]
The Church has actually spoken against this practice. In the 2001 document [i]Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy[/i] issued by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, the Congregation warned against deviations from legitimate devotion to the holy angels:

“The practice of assigning names to the holy angels should be discouraged except in the cases of Gabriel, Raphael and Michael whose names are contained in Holy Scripture” (n. 217).

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

... when you know the names of more than 5 cardinals.

... when the first thing you do after you get a new car is have it blessed.

... when you get into a debate with your friends on whether or not leftovers need to be blessed.

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When you start making comments to people based on sacramentals (sp?)
i.e. "What beautiful scapular brown hair you have!" or "What pretty Mary Blue eyes you have!"

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