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On Homosexuality And Church Teaching...


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I thought it necessary to explain the Catholic Church's teaching on the matter because you won't hear it anywhere else. It's been my policy as Pastor to point out the ways in which Catholicism speaks to the culture.
Something else that has been misrepresented by the media.

And so adultery, fornication, oral sex, masturbation, contraceptive sex within marriage, as well as sodomy, are sinful because they don't respect God's intended context for sex, i.e. marriage, and/or because they are not oriented toward the procreation of children.   Obviously Homosexuality is not uniquely contrary to Catholic sexual morality.

Ditto from above.

Even leaving aside Old Testament condemnations, New Testament passages such as Romans 1, I Cor. 6, and I Tim. 1 could be quoted, making it is clear that in the first century Christian community homosexual acts were not acceptable. And they never became so.  Homosexuality has always been with us, but it has never been approved of. Therefore, quoting again from the Catechism, "Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that 'homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life . . . Under no circumstances can they be approved."(2357)
Edited by llrddvl@stpius
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But I think it's important to stress that neither God nor the Catholic Church rejects homosexuals. Rather, just as with heterosexuals who sin sexually, the Church loves the sinner, but hates the sin. All homosexuals, like all single heterosexuals, are called to live chastely without sexual relations for the sake of their own happiness.
Once again, something that the media is ignoring and will continue to ignore. Then Catholics believe the media instead of their own church. :(

From the gay perspective, for a homosexual NOT to be sexually active is to be untrue to oneself. And a homosexual who follows the Church's teachings and lives chastely is denying who he or she really is, because for gay homosexuals sexual activity lies at the very center of their self-identity. Therefore, the logic of the gay rights movement requires not mere legal toleration of homosexual acts, but their acceptance as normal, beautiful—morally and legally equivalent to heterosexual acts; and homosexual unions as true marriages.

We must respect and love ALL persons with homosexual orientations, but we must also resist a gay ideology contrary to the gospel.
"This saying is hard; who can accept it?" To return to our gospel today, we learn from it that Jesus' teaching will challenge and offend His disciples—us. Jesus reveals in the second reading from Ephesians that He loves His disciples, the Church, as much as a husband loves His bride. That image should comfort those who feel Christ's message is harsh. But Christ does expect fidelity from His bride. He does not run after those who leave Him, offering to change His teaching if they will only stay. He insists, rather, we make a choice as Joshua insisted to the chosen people 1,000 years before. "If it does not please you to serve the Lord," Joshua said, "decide today whom you will serve." We, too, must make that choice.

Our society increasingly demands in matters of sexuality that we conform to the world's standards, that we serve other gods than Christ. In the years ahead none of us will be able to avoid that choice. And the cost of staying with Christ will only increase.

The only way we can be sure of doing that in these challenging and confusing times is to stay united with the successor of St. Peter and the Catholic Church. Then, when Christ asks us, as He eventually asks all His disciples, "Do you also want to leave?" it will be our salvation, and I pray the salvation of the society, that we will answer with the first Fisherman, "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life?"

We've already seen the cost start to rise, whether within our own families or communities or whatever. In one way, it makes me sad that it is happening, but in another way, it makes me glad I'm Catholic.

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hyperdulia again

i hate to be the burster of bubbles, but most gays and lesbians don't think of thheir partners as giant sex toys.

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If only all priests really expounded on the Church's moral teachings in their Sunday homilies!  God bless this priest!

Amen! :)

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Vera is this one of your local priests?

No, unafortunately not.....but that doesn't mean my local priests aren't amesome! It's only that THEIR homilies are not typed up and posted!

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