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Sex Education And Pandora’s Box

Cure of Ars

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littleflower and cure,

I agree with both of you that the system as a whole definitely does not promote abstinence or the sacredness of sex within a marriage. It is very sad. :( I wish that most public sex ed programs were sufficient in presenting ALL sides of the issues.

However, I think it would be very difficult to accomplish that, so the only logical choice left would be to not teach sex ed in public schools. But then teens are not even aware of STDs or any number of serious problems that can occur with premarital sex. I don't know that this would be any better. I'm sure without actually addressing the issue in a class that the culture of "sex is good for you at any point in your life" would still manage to get to them, then they would all be infected with STDs. I feel like sex ed classes in public schools are generally not good, but they are the lesser of two evils that we are forced to choose between in the short term.

Rather than saying the current sex ed programs stink, do something to try and change it! See if you can get an NFP educator to give a talk to the sex ed classes at a local high school, become involved in solving the problem. They should allow an NFP educator to come speak, it is an effective method of contraception. ;) (ya just have to be careful how you word things when talking to the school district)

I know that we are all very busy people, and we have to choose our battles, but I don't think it's fair to complain about how horrible something is without making any effort to change it. I find that whenever I complain without trying to find a solution, it leaves me feeling really down about the outlook of our world, but there are things we can do to solve it!! :) :)

Peace of Christ,


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im' sorry if my post made it seem like i wasn't doing anything.

remember i took the class?

i'm worked my butt off to change things and still am working on things to change.

im not sitting around.

thanks for the advice though!



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However, I think it would be very difficult to accomplish that, so the only logical choice left would be to not teach sex ed in public schools. But then teens are not even aware of STDs or any number of serious problems that can occur with premarital sex. I don't know that this would be any better. I'm sure without actually addressing the issue in a class that the culture of "sex is good for you at any point in your life" would still manage to get to them, then they would all be infected with STDs. I feel like sex ed classes in public schools are generally not good, but they are the lesser of two evils that we are forced to choose between in the short term.
I think a solution would be to teach maturation, anatomy, and even STD’s but tell students to ask their parents about what sex means. Also read my post on “Safe Sex oxymoron” to see if we are doing any favors with teaching condom use.

Rather than saying the current sex ed programs stink, do something to try and change it! See if you can get an NFP educator to give a talk to the sex ed classes at a local high school, become involved in solving the problem. They should allow an NFP educator to come speak, it is an effective method of contraception.  (ya just have to be careful how you word things when talking to the school district)

I know that we are all very busy people, and we have to choose our battles, but I don't think it's fair to complain about how horrible something is without making any effort to change it. I find that whenever I complain without trying to find a solution, it leaves me feeling really down about the outlook of our world, but there are things we can do to solve it!! 

I am doing things to help change things although it is modest. This is my whole point of bringing attention to this issue so that it can be fixed or at least parents can take responsibility to teach what sex means in the context of marriage to their children. I also teach confirmation and I make sure that they know the Church’s theology on human sexuality. I also give out the booklet “Pure Love” which is really good. Here is the link if you would like to read it.


As for trying to change things in public school like I stated before I do not feel they can address this issue accurately and remain secular because you have to bring God into it. So the only alternative is to not teach it and most secularist are not going to go for this. God bless

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