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Bill Pryor Becomes Latest Victim of Senate Filibuster

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Abortion advocates in the Senate promised Bill Pryor would be filibustered and that pro-life Senators were powerless to stop it. That's exactly what happened Thursday when virtually all of the Senate Democrats filibustered one of President Bush's pro-life judicial nominees for the third time this week. The Alabama Attorney general was hoping for a position on a federal appeals court, but any Bush nominee who refuses to back Roe v. Wade has almost no chance of coming up for a vote. Pryor received only 53 votes of the 60 needed to end debate and approve his nomination. Once again, Senator Zell Miller (D-GA) and pro-life Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE), were the only two Senators to support the cloture vote. Pryor is strongly pro-life and has vehemently criticized the Roe v. Wade decision.


John 8:43 Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot bear to hear my word.

44 You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies.

45 But because I speak the truth, you do not believe me.

46 Can any of you charge me with sin? If I am telling the truth, why do you not believe me?

47 Whoever belongs to God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not listen, because you do not belong to God."

Democrook senators...

They do not care what people want. They only care about keeping power. Keep the poor, poor... they want to give handouts without end because they know the poor will not bite the hand that feeds. They keep their power with lies and half truths... like anti-Catholic churches keep their congreations.

Speak up. Speak out. Fight for Christ!


Edited by ironmonk
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that was quite possibly the on post on this phorum that i have never agreed with more. Iron you just hit what I was thinking EXACTLY. How can any good standing Cathoilc read that post and yet back the demigods???

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First, a couple of disclaimers:

I am strongly pro-life

I do not support gay marriage

I am a social worker that is a conservative Catholic

But...I don't think that conservative (re: republican) economics are required to be a "good" Catholic. I deplore what the Senate democrats have done, but on issues of social justice and economics, I find myself more democrat than republican. Sure, the welfare system needs to be completely overhauled, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to help those in need. Hasn't the Pope warned about the excesses of capitalism.

Again, I'm not supporting pro-death policies, or anything else, I just don't think that all democrats are evil.


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But forcibly taking people's earnings to give it to those who won't work isn't true charity either.

My husband works two jobs to support our family, and we still definitely struggle. I understand the plight of the poor, perhaps better than many here...

But when someone gives his coat to the poor, that is charity.

When the government takes your coat, tears the sleeves off, and gives the poor a vest, that isn't true charity...

Pax Christi. <><

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True, like I said, the welfare system needs a complete overhaul.

Being a social worker, and growing up with 8 kids on a small town pastor's salary was true poverty for me. I know what its like. However, until we have a better system, we can't just take pot-shots at the existing one. Again, not really defending the way the system works but rather saying its better than nothing.

This is in no way to imply that republicans are cold hearted. I know that they aren't.


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The republicans do try to help those in need. More than the democrats.

Think of this...

You've got a child... Do you pay his way through life and let him do nothing, and just keep giving hand outs?

or do you put him through school, and help him get on his feet, so now he can support himself.

Which way is the truer love?

I've seen democrats and the media lie time and time again about republican economic plans... just like ian paisley lies about the Catholic Church.

US Democrat Politicians are the "ian paisley's" of the political world.

They lie about the other side instead of coming up with a solution, they say "we need to fix this or that", but they never have a real solution to do the fixing.

Republicans are all about helping the poor... republicans give money to groups that do nothing but help the poor... 'faith based organizations'... but because it deals with God, democrooks say it's unconstitutional... which is a crock.

Republicans want to give tax cuts to big businesses that help the poor... which in turn creates more jobs, which in turn means less poor... etc...

Democrats lie about republican policies, just as jack chick lies about Catholic teachings.

God Bless, Love in Christ & Mary


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I truly resent you comparing me to Jack Chick, who may truly be from the pits of Hell.

I stated no lies about the republicn party, or its economic policies, I simply questioned if they were the right way.

Faith Based Organizations are a whole 'nother topic.


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It's late, read my post a little slower.

It was a reitteration of "US Democrat Politicians are the "ian paisley's" of the political world."

When I say democrats lie, I'm speaking of those in office. NOT YOU!

CONTEXT people... context.

I stated no lies about the republicn party, or its economic policies, I simply questioned if they were the right way.

... then I wasn't saying you were lying. I know very well what you wrote.


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I lived in "low class" neighborhoods all my life. I basically grew up in a downtown Boys Club. I know what it's like to be poor. I know what's it's like for a family of five to live in a one room efficiency apartment (not one bedroom--literally, one room).

I can tell you "helping the poor" doesn't mean giving them handouts. Helping the poor means providing opportunities for those that want help, to help themselves. I see what "the poor" do with foodstamps and unemployment checks. It doesn't bring them any closer to not being poor.

Just one man's perspective.


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hyperdulia again

Where does this notion of people who won't work come from? The fat welfare-queen with 12 children and no husband is a lie (she never existed). Most people in this country who don't have jobs are not un-employed because they like it that way.

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IronMonk said they as in Democrat politicians, the spin-meysters, if you will...

I'm not a registered Republican, so I can take pot shots at either one of them! :lol:

just kidding...

I do see it as a greater good for society as a whole to improve working conditions for those who will work, to improve people's chances of getting work, to build up businesses that provide jobs...rather than to keep propping up a heavily burdened system of hand-outs with no hand-up out of the pits of poverty.

Most "benefit" programs are designed for easy entry, but near impossible exit...Once in the system, the recipient is in a form of dependency upon the system...a form of bondage. Stay poor and you'll be fed, earn the least bit of money, and you'll be cut off from your benefits. This is the program that the Republicans seem to want to overhaul, and Democrats seem to want to keep throwing taxpayers' money into...I can't agree with their taking other people's hard earned money and sqandering it keeping people down. But that's just my opinion...for what it's worth (less than .02 in food stamps.)

Pax Christi. <><

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I lived in "low class" neighborhoods all my life. I basically grew up in a downtown Boys Club. I know what it's like to be poor. I know what's it's like for a family of five to live in a one room efficiency apartment (not one bedroom--literally, one room).

I can tell you "helping the poor" doesn't mean giving them handouts. Helping the poor means providing opportunities for those that want help, to help themselves. I see what "the poor" do with foodstamps and unemployment checks. It doesn't bring them any closer to not being poor.

Just one man's perspective.


I lived about 3 blocks from Martin Luther King Blvd for 13 years....

We use to get gov. coagulated milk all the time... and every other food from them.

I worked at a grocery store when I was 18, a cashier... Litterally, the majority of people that had food stamps didn't need them. One lady was covered in gold, and a mink, and drove a Jag... paid in food stamps.

I know you said it needs an overhaul. It's been the democrooks way... and the democrooks are in office, and those in office now, lie about the republican plans to scare people so that people won't vote for the republicans.

God Bless,


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Where does this notion of people who won't work come from?  The fat welfare-queen with 12 children and no husband is a lie (she never existed).  Most people in this country who don't have jobs are not un-employed because they like it that way.

You're almost there, Hyper....She did exist, but her kids didn't! She sucked the system for thousands of dollars of benefits she didn't deserve, claiming dependents she didn't have. It's called welfare fraud...happens all the time.

No, seriously, though, in my area it's quite economically depressed. Many paper mills have shut down, farms have folded. Yet, the hard working folks muster a way to make a meager living. We have literally generations who never get off public assistance. It's a small town. We all pretty much know each other. It's sad, but these folks just don't want to work. They are content with their benefits lifestyles. It gets them by...

If they have to wait to see their social worker, oh, what a stink they put up. They're missing their soap operas. They can't afford food, but they've got an x-box. They can't afford milk for their children, but they never run out of cigarettes. They blow what money they have on lottery tickets and bingo. Yes, my town has many such families. And my hubby is a former social worker.

Pax Christi. <><

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Where does this notion of people who won't work come from?  The fat welfare-queen with 12 children and no husband is a lie (she never existed).  Most people in this country who don't have jobs are not un-employed because they like it that way.

No one brought that up anything about a walfare queen. The fact is, the number is about 8 kids, because after the 8 or 9 kid, the financial gain is not as much.

People getting the no ending hand out don't have jobs because they make more on welfare.

I've lived in it. I'm from it. Don't tell me what most people have and don't have, your basis is the media... My basis is actual study and statistics.

It does get annoying how you tend to pipe up about things you haven't studied.

It's late, I'm tired. So it's going to be blunt.

Have you lived in the inner city??? Have you spent actual time studying it or have you been just listening to the liberal media you so love?!

Bro, I mean this as a wake up call... you really should do some real study before you come up with an opinion. Yes, I have studied it, and everything that I have an opinion on, is because I studied it from all sides. Helping the poor is high on my priority list. Issues of politics to sticking to things that go against Church teachings seems like you need to study more.

If you are going to debate... study the subject, and think about it a while. How do I know that you haven't really studied it? Because you don't have the facts.

God Bless,


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