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The Most Important Things In My Life


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1) The number one thing is the conception and bring up my sons and daughter and there happiness ever after.
2) My spouse
3) Homemade Apple pie
4) Work
5) Sunny days, Autumn foliage and walks in the woods
6) It first sip of coffee in the morning
7) My Marriage

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I actually made a prioritized list the other day.

1. Hubby
2. School work (I constantly complain, but live for it)
3. Choir
4. Water Aerobics class
5. Human Trafficking Committee
6. Catholic Women's League
7. Sewing
8. Disc Golf
9. Writing

That's just activities. Obviously family, church, friends stuff would be right after hubby.

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Domine ut Videam

1. God
2. Being present in reality
3. Developing virtuous friendships
4. Vocation as a student
5. Family
6. Women's Night Committee

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Madame Vengier

Books. Books are truly important things in my life that I could barely live without.
Ice Cream.
Being able to travel to the places I love. I hold this as a very great blessing in life.

Plus, the other stuff already stated. I mean, who isn't going to say Mass, the Church, Jesus, etc? All those good things.

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I didn't mention my yo-yos. I love that. I almost took a seminarians head off the other day in class with one. He came around a corner to quick. Hope he never gets elected Pope, or I might get excommunicated or something.

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1) my faith/Jesus/prayer/Catholicism/etc. :)
[insert future vocation here]
2) family and friends
3) school
4) work
5) food
6) reading
7) music
8) my kitties
9) ice cream and chocolate
10) phatmass/computer stuffs

psh... sleep. I don't sleep. :rolleyes:

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