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Missionaries Of Charity Contemplative Sisters

Laudem Gloriae

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I loved them very much too but Ive changed a little my mind, at least thinking of how they are rigid and have a very very hard life!
They are eroic but I m not surprised that many leave or have left due to their absolutely hard life!

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The missionaries of Charity are amazing but I was wondering if their level of detachment from things is found in all orders or just their order because it is their mission? I do realize that all women religious take the vow of poverty but I was wondering if it was as serious as the missionaries of Charity.

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I would think that in contemplative communities at least the aspects of poverty would be similar - though naturally the carism of some is more in one direction than another.

In my own order we had to kneel and ask for everything from a pin to personal products, and once every month had to ask a general permission to wash our laundry each week. I had to ask permission to sing a song for another sisters jubilee since even my voice was not considered my own to bestow as I wished.

It is only now, in retrospect and as a result of the many posts on phatmass VS that I realise how austere my order was, considering it was not Carmel or PC.

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The Missionaries of Charity take a special fourth vow of devoted service to the 'poorest of the poor'. It would be impossible for the MCs to serve these people unless they live alongside them as real sisters who share in all their hardships, so they do keep their vow of poverty in a rather special way that other orders don't have. Their life is austere, and challenging - but it's challenging for the poor too, and they don't have any choice. The MC life is not for everyone, but if you feel called to serve God's poorest in this profound way then you will be given the grace to live it. Remember it's not you at work, it's Him in you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have called and spoken with the contemplative branch's vocation director of the MOCs..She said that they do focus more on prayer, but they go out 4 days a week (I think it was Mon-Thurs) for a couple hours and go to the homebound, etc. So they are definitely not cloistered! I loved speaking with her, and she offered a visit, but I do not think I am right for the order. They are beautiful though, and it is great that Mother Teresa realizes the important of the contemplative life in building up the active life--so many pit them against each other when they are meant to help each other!

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