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Jp2's Term New Evangelization


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I posted this in Open Mic, but a day later and no responses. I know some people in VS don't venture over there, and although this doesn't necessarily deal with Vocations, I know you guys and gals are pretty active, and perhaps would be willing to help me out.

I am presenting a paper at a conference in May in which I am going to reference extensively the new evangelization project of JP2 and now of B16. I am trying to find the origin of this phrase, when exactly did Jp2 begin to use this phrase. I read in an article for my research that in 1979 during one of his first foreign trips to Guadalupe, he entrusted to Mary the new evangelization. Going along with the term new evangelization, I am also trying to find the first reference to our lady as "Star of Evangelization". In the same article, the author referenced this title and the article was from 1992, so it is not a fairly new title.

Do you have any recommendations on papal encyclicals to read? I just read Novo Milennio Ineunte, which was a quick read but also good and fruitful. There is another one maybe Redemptio Missio or something that I have my eye on. I also just searched the vatican website with the term new evangelization, so I'll go through and peruse that this weekend when I really hit the library to begin prepping to write this paper.

I thank you all in advance for any help you can give or offer. Know of my prayers for each of you as you discern your vocation.

Gratefully Yours,

A Seminarian.

Edited by the_rev
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I got nothing useful.

But could I, pretty please with sugar on top, get a copy of your paper when you finish it?


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Novo Millenio Ineunte, definitely.

Also try Ecclesia in America, January 22, 1999: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_22011999_ecclesia-in-america_en.html for specific referencing of the new evangelization.

This was just a quick response, but I will try to think on it and come back with any other suggestions.

And, as krissylou says ... I would love a copy of that paper when you are done, as well ... ;)

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Please do provide a link to your paper when you finish! Perhaps you already have, but I'd suggest getting in contact with religious communities that have sprouted and blossomed around the New Evangelization. In particular, the Dominicans of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. On their website, under the tab, "About Us", is "New Evangelization". Here is the link:

Hope that helps!

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