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For those who defend Trump


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U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded North Korea is attempting to secretly make more nuclear fuel suitable for weapons despite the Singapore Summit earlier this month. The conclusions appear in an intelligence assessment which was first reported Friday by NBC News:

That didn’t last long :idontknow:

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The DOJ under Trump is standing up for religious freedom

In a refreshing change of course from the prior administration’s uneasy relationship with matters of religious liberty, the Trump administration has delivered a consistent and staunch defense of conscience rights. The latest example is a religious liberty task force, the purpose of which is to ensure that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has all the enforcement power it needs to fully implement last October’s guidance to federal agencies on matters of religious freedom.

Americans of faith, troubled as they are by a growing hostility to religion in the country, are hailing the move. They worry about their ability to participate freely in the public square as they watch faith-based adoption agencies shut down for refusing to place children with same-sex couples, Catholic hospitals sued for declining to perform abortions, and nuns made to pay for abortifacients.  The new task force will be dedicated to fighting a growing type of discrimination:  discrimination against Americans of faith. The last few years are full of examples of this type of bigotry.

LINK: http://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/400877-the-doj-under-trump-is-standing-up-for-religious-freedom

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  • 2 years later...

Lile any other politician Trump did some good, some wrong.

I don't really care much, i never liked democracy.

Let the towers fall I say!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/12/2021 at 6:50 AM, Didacus said:

Lile any other politician Trump did some good, some wrong.

I don't really care much, i never liked democracy.

Let the towers fall I say!!


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  • 1 month later...
On 10/4/2021 at 12:22 PM, Didacus said:

TRUMP 2024!!!!


The Biden administration seems to be helping out, but after this past election, I am so disillusioned that 50% of Catholics voted for a phony-Catholic who is an abortion lover, that I see a strong possibility that Catholics and the bishops who provide very ambiguous voter guidelines (giving cover to vote for the leftists/baby-killers) will once again not come through and cancel out each others votes. We could be a force to be reckoned with and could have kept a Catholic-friendly, unborn baby-friendly president in office, but because of poor leadership we didn't. (And we wouldn't have inflation and high gas prices either).

Edited by Vernon
punctuation fix
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On 11/15/2021 at 1:24 PM, Vernon said:

The Biden administration seems to be helping out, but after this past election, I am so disillusioned that 50% of Catholics voted for a phony-Catholic who is an abortion lover, that I see a strong possibility that Catholics and the bishops who provide very ambiguous voter guidelines (giving cover to vote for the leftists/baby-killers) will once again not come through and cancel out each others votes. We could be a force to be reckoned with and could have kept a Catholic-friendly, unborn baby-friendly president in office, but because of poor leadership we didn't. (And we wouldn't have inflation and high gas prices either).

See when I read stuff like this I do not think it will bear any fruit because it seems to come from a place of pride and judgment, rather than a place of charity. It’s the same sort of thing as liberals who accuse conservatives of wanting to “control women’s bodies,” “only caring about children until they are born” and so forth. We are just throwing insults at people who disagree with us to signal our own virtue and feel good about ourselves.

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On 11/15/2021 at 6:24 PM, Vernon said:

I see a strong possibility that Catholics and the bishops who provide very ambiguous voter guidelines (giving cover to vote for the leftists/baby-killers) will once again not come through


Maybe you should advocate giving up tax exempt status if you want them to "come through" in your way.

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11 hours ago, Peace said:

See when I read stuff like this I do not think it will bear any fruit because it seems to come from a place of pride and judgment, rather than a place of charity. It’s the same sort of thing as liberals who accuse conservatives of wanting to “control women’s bodies,” “only caring about children until they are born” and so forth. We are just throwing insults at people who disagree with us to signal our own virtue and feel good about ourselves.

Nope. I'm calling out Catholics who are traitors, not people who have a "difference of opinion."

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On 11/18/2021 at 11:19 AM, dominicansoul said:

I just think the White House needs to fix their tanning bed... 



Um, Trump would like a word.

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