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  1. Today
  2. Bishop Barron reports, in one of his YouTube videos, that he ordained three transitional deacons this year for the diocese of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota. And he will ordain three priests in about a week.
  3. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    I'm posting this song because it was recommended by Fr. Mark Mary, ofm. His name is Seph Schlueter and the song is "Counting MY Blessings." It's a more modern sound than most of what I posted so far, but I like it real well. I especially like the line, "(knowing) I can't count that high" - I've been saying that for years myself, so I'm happy to hear it in a song.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Yuriicomform

    Gender Theory

    Привет! Рады встретить вас здесь и надеемся на плодотворное сотрудничество! Позвольте вашему бизнесу расти вместе с нашей услугой рассылок по формам обратной связи. Ваши предложения смогут увидеть миллионы компаний. Эффективно и доступно! Признательны, что выделили время на рассмотрение нашего предложения. Пожалуйста, посетите наш веб-сайт или передайте информацию вашему руководителю. Желаем вам успешного бизнеса и всех благ. Приходите: Сайт: http://formsait.tilda.ws Почта: marketing.trafik@mail.ru Эффективная рассылка: быстрый и надежный способ привлечь клиентов.
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  10. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning" was written in the late 1800s by an American, Philip P. Bliss. It has the typical poetic lyrics that were popular at the time. The lyrics are posted under the video. It's a "ship" metaphor - I've posted other songs of that type previously. This version is by the Redeemed Quartet, a professional Gospel group made up of two sets of brothers. Very good voices, great harmonies.
  11. Last week
  12. Albertneuch


    Хотите попробовать что-то новое? Парикмахеры предложат смелые решения https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/parikmaxerskie-uslugi/strizhki Цены выполненных работ https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/spa-proczeduryi/ высокие цены https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/liczo/permanentnyij-makiyazh Салон парикмахерская DAVINCI – это то место, где вы можете не только сделать стрижку или изменить цвет волос, но и отдохнуть https://sharys-salon.ru/prais-list Не стоит забывать, что хороший парикмахер – по совместительству еще и психолог, с которым можно просто поговорить по душам https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/spa-proczeduryi/obertyivanie Роберт - настоящий профессионал! Пунктуальный, вежливый и адекватный) Работу выполнял в маске и перчатках https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi Цена за стрижку такого уровня просто отличная, всем рекомендую! Роберту ещё раз огромное спасибо) СОЛЯРИЙ https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/vrachebnaya-kosmetologiya/botuloterapiya
  13. Luigi


    Thank you for this. As a language teacher - composition, interpreting - I've been telling my students for a long time, "Yes, actions speak louder than words, but words convey meanings that are much more specific than actions." It takes both - we have to talk the talk, but then we have to walk the walk.
  14. Luigi

    Well, That's Fun!

    Many thanks to whichever mediator of meh cleaned up the spam topics!
  15. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    I stumbled on this song this morning on an "alternative rock" radio station. It's MAJOR. (that's how he styles his name) singing "Joy in the Battle." This is new music, and I like it! The video has some interesting graphics in it, too, plus a little bonus message (in print) at the end.
  16. tinytherese

    June May Be Pride Month, But. . .

    At the risk of getting off topic, it's not a sin to celebrate Halloween. It's the day before All Saints Day and two days before All Souls Day. You can wear costumes and ask for Halloween candy without doing anything occult activities. https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/whats-the-point-of-all-saints-day https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/is-halloween-a-pagan-festival
  17. This announcement if from the diocese of Lansing, Michigan, from around the end of May. The ordinations took place today. The Mass, about 2 hours long, is available on YouTube. No word here on whether any deacons were ordained. **************************************************************************************************** Please join us for the Presbyterate Ordination on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at St. Mary Cathedral (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception) at 10:30 a.m. Please include in your prayers the two seminarians and their intentions leading to Holy Orders. Rev. Mr. Joshua Fons, Christ the King, Ann Arbor and Rev. Mr. Riley O'Shea, St. Michael, Grand Ledge
  18. Anthonyblags


    Гороскоп на 10 мая https://astroforyou.ru/ru/independed/composite Доброе утро https://astroforyou.ru/ru/independed/progression-now Фрагмент https://astroforyou.ru/ru/independed/natalmap Собака https://astroforyou.ru/ru/independed/event-formula В течение дня ситуация будет меняться, что может привести к напряженной обстановке и конфликтам https://astroforyou.ru/ru/independed/transits-date Россия начинает с низкой стартовой позиции в производстве электроники, поскольку эта сфера не получала должного внимания и не развивалась достаточно интенсивно https://astroforyou.ru/ru/faq Однако сейчас ситуация изменилась, и стало понятно, что самое важное нужно производить внутри страны, так как мир полон опасностей https://astroforyou.ru/ru/learning/5/predskazatelnaya-astrologiya Сфера знака Зодиака Рыбы стихия Воды https://astroforyou.ru/ru/articles/obuchenie-astrologii-i-paru-slov-ob-izraile-1696922261 Гороскоп на 6 и 7 мая https://astroforyou.ru/ru/individual Доброе утро https://astroforyou.ru/ru/learning/4/karmicheskaya-astrologiya Суббота https://astroforyou.ru/ru/independed/synastry Фрагмент https://astroforyou.ru/ru/independed/natalmap
  19. graciandelamadrededios


    St. Teresa Association Established in 1975 In order to strengthen each other in living their contemplative vocation in the Church, a group of American Discalced Carmelite Monasteries joined together as an association. The five original founding Carmels were Danvers (Massachussets), Pittsford (New York), Lafayette (Louisiana), Fort Worth (Texas), and Terre Haute (Indiana). Since then it has developed to include communities from Canada, as well. Nature of the Association Our monasteries share the same vision of the Teresian ideal. We seek to go ever deeper into the life and doctrine of Our Holy Mother, St. Teresa, the source of our authentic renewal and the true source of our spiritual affinity. Our monasteries respect the juridical autonomy of each Carmel. Our monasteries are guided by the 1991 Constitutions of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns, the documents and teachings of the Catholic Church
  20. JesseKeelt

    Feed Your Ears

    Hey anyone, Do some of you lease dump trailers as part of your enterprise, or do you use dump trailers for private or business use? I'm always curious about learning how others in the industry are running their fleets and what brands you're having success with. I wanted to talk about my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I decided to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a great decision. I own four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely trustworthy and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!Hey everyone, Do any of you folks rent dump trailers as part of your business, or do you own dump trailers for personal or business use? I'm always interested in understanding how others in the industry are running their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I thought I'd share my thoughts on Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I chose to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a fantastic decision. I own 4 of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I made a trip down to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they shipped the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely dependable and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!
  21. Franklin Guerrero

    June May Be Pride Month, But. . .

    Absolutely agree with you. Such a devil's trick as is Halloween and others to draw attention away from what's really important. But the love of Jesus Sacred Hearth will rise above all of those evil ideologies and philosophies.
  22. In Catholicism, June is the month dedicated to The Sacred Heart. I can't help but think that that's divine providence. The LGBTQ+ movement is a counterfeit to the love that we really need and long for. Jesus offers us HIS fulfilling love.
  23. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    "Coeur de Jesus" is a hymn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a long-standing tradition at all schools staffed by the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the RSCJ. It is always sung in French. It's sung on the feast of the Sacred Heart, at graduations, and at weddings and funerals of the alumnae. This is a one-minute version, chorus and first verse only, sung at Villa Duchesne in St. Louis. I cannot find a full version on YouTube, and the other versions I find are sung too fast. I post the lyrics as well. Refrain: Coeur de Jésus sauvez le monde, Que l’univers vous soit soumis En Vous seul notre espoir se fonde Seigneur, Seigneur, Vous nous l’avez promis. (Heart of Jesus, save the world) (May the world be submitted to you,) (In you alone our hope is founded) (Lord, Lord, you have promised us this.) Verse 1: Vous l’avez dit: Votre promesse Fait notr’espoir, notre bonheur: « Je bénirai dans ma tendresse Les enfants de mon Sacré Coeur. (You have told us: your promise) (Will be our hope, our happiness:) (“In my tenderness, I will bless) (The children of my Sacred Heart.”) Verse 2: Vous l’avez dit: Sauveur fidèle, Votr’ amour nous l’a révélé: « Le coeur brulant pour Moi de zèle Par le Mien sera consolé ! » (You have said, O faithful Savior,) (Your love has revealed it to us:) (“The heart that burns with zeal for Me) (Will find consolation in my Heart.”) Verse 3: Vous l’avez dit: notre faiblesse En Vous trouve son Protecteur, Dans votr’amour soyez sans cesse Jésus notre Réparateur Verse 4: Vous l'avez dit: les vies flammes De grace et de l'maour vain-queur Aideront au salut des âmes, Les apôtres de votre Coeur. Verse 5: Vous l'avez dit: Source de grâces, Votr'Amour se delatera, Comblant de ses dons efficaces Le Coeur qui vous honorera. Verse 6: Vous l'avez dit: quand votr'image Meuvra la gloire et l'honneur Parmi nous ce sera le gage Des bien-faits de votre grand Coeur. Verse 7: Vous l'avez dit: le coeur qui M'aime Sur le Mien pourra s'endormir Dans la paiz, à l'instant suprème D'un jour qui ne doit plus finir. Last Refrain: Qu'importe si l'orage grande Ça Vous nos coeurs sont affermis Jésus, Vous êtes Roi du monde, Régnez, malgré nos ennemis! Courtesy of RSCJ Archives.
  24. Why do we speak? We talk, chat, write, text, email, learn new languages, sing, and speak. The individual voice adds a layer of complexity to our words; no one speaks quite the way you speak. We speak all the time (some of us more than others…), and we do it for all sorts of reasons. Because we need something, because we want something, because we want to offer something, because we long for expression of self, because we long for connection and communication is a quick means to that end. We speak because something inside of us needs to get outside of us. Some scientists who study the origins of language say that humans started speaking because we needed to negotiate. To work together. To exchange various goods. To ensure safety for our community or tribe. Speaking is particular to humans. Yes, all sorts of animals communicate – with song and motions and gestures and even languages of movement. But humans speak – with verbs and nouns and adjectives, stringing sentences together. Do you know that with just 25 words, you could make over 15,000 sentences? Incredible But here’s another question, perhaps a more fitting question for us: Why do Christians speak? How do we speak? What do we speak? The Apostle Paul, in this piece of his letter to the Corinthians, says, quoting a psalm, “ I believed, and therefore I spoke.” He goes on in the present tense: and so, “ we too believe and therefore we too speak.” St Paul has had some disagreements with the Corinthians. They’ve gone back and forth in their correspondences. But Paul wants to assure them of his continued fondness, the truth above all truth: they are a letter of Christ. But now this letter of Christ must be spoken, read, shared. “ we too believe and therefore we too speak” This is at the heart of Christian speech. Our speech should flow from our belief; we speak because we believe. What have you spoken this week? We fall short of Paul’s words – we often don’t speak because we are afraid of talking about our faith, scared that we’ll offend someone, nervous that we’ll get it wrong. We’d rather “preach with our lives” than with our lips. It’s difficult to put words to our faith, isn’t it? However, St Paul tells us there is a letter written on our heart. Christ himself wrote it. We might need to stop speaking so that we can listen to Christ’s letter on our hearts. So that we might hear his words to us, his voice that calls our names, his speech of peace and goodness and love. By listening to the letter written on our hearts, by listening to the words of Jesus, by being pulled ever deeper into God, we might then learn to speak, to read this letter out loud to the world around us. Christians have long loved the quote attributed to St. Francis – “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.” At this point, it is necessary to use words, to begin speaking our belief. How else will others know the story of Jesus Christ? How else will they know that they are not defined by their worst sin? How else will they know that there is a family of God waiting to welcome them with open hearts? How else will they know that God is for them? We share our faith because it is a gift given to us by God. It is the greatest love letter of all time. And who doesn’t want to hear that they are beloved by the Creator of heaven and earth, that they are known for who they truly are, that they’ve been given gifts to use for the good purposes of God, that they can change for the good, that there is hope even in the mess, that in the end, love has won. To keep such a message to ourselves, to bury it deep within us, is to slow the movement of the Spirit, the message of Jesus Christ, the Word of God. It is meant to be believed. It is meant to be spoken. It is meant to be lived. Christ has written a letter on your heart. He has created you to speak it to those near and far. Will you proclaim it boldly to the world around you?
  25. The Oldenburg monastery (Carmelite Communities Associated) is now closed. [It used to be Indianapolis.] The remaining sisters live in the health care wing of the Oldenburg Franciscan motherhouse. I visited them last March, as two of the nuns are good friends of mine.
  26. JesseKeelt

    Feed Your Ears

    Hey everyone, Do any of you folks lease dump trailers as part of your company, or do you own dump trailers for personal or business use? I'm always keen on understanding how others in the business are running their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I wanted to share my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I operate a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I chose to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a fantastic decision. I own 4 of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely dependable and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!Hey anyone, Do any of you folks rent dump trailers for your company, or do you have dump trailers for private or commercial use? I'm always curious about understanding how others in the industry are running their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I thought I'd share my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I run a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I chose to go with Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a great decision. I now have four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely trustworthy and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!
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