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  2. Thank you, Nunsuch! It will take me at least two more years to complete my degree, and if the community would like me to have been practicing for three years, I can stay for an additional year. I am slightly worried that, on paper, it might look like I'm rushing into religious life; when I start going to come and see events, I will have been practicing for ~6 months. I'm hoping that I would be able to explain my situation a little more to a vocations director if that turns out to be the case. All that being said, I think the requirement to wait a few years is a prudent thing for communities to do. There's already so much formation needed to grow into religious life without having to teach postulants the ropes of being Catholic on top of that! For anyone else who comes across this post, I found a thread from several years ago where several users shared their experiences of their parents opposing their vocation. That's not quite my situation (yet?), but I was happy to commiserate vicariously with some fellow converts! :)
  3. Today
  4. You govern your creation, O God, and bring it to perfection by the work of our hands. Hear the prayers of your people who ask for work that will enhance their human dignity and promote the upbuilding of your kingdom. Enable them to provide for those confided to their care either by family ties or by charity we owe to one another for the betterment of human life. We ask this blessing in the name of Jesus who laboured with his own hands while he lived on earth. Amen.
  5. Hello and thank you all for your wonderful posts in this area of the site, it's truly been so helpful and a source of light while discerning my own vocation. I'm planning to enter as a postulant with a community in about one year's time as I still have some student debt that I am working at paying off. I've got a conditional acceptance; once I am debt free or have at least reduced my debt to something selling my car + one year's payments via my savings could cover, I can go. At the end of summer I will be moving back in with my parents to dedicate as many funds as possible to the cause. I figured this would be a good time as any to start paring down my belongings in preparation for entrance, but I don't want to get rid of too many things as I've seen in some posts around here that there are some things people wish they had kept over the years. I haven't been able to find much in recent posts of things you'd definitely hang on to when entering in 2024. Anyone have some insight they could share? I have a sort of desire to just get rid of it all but the practical side of me knows that isn't necessarily the right answer. I'll be entering an active-contemplative order, if that's relevant. Thank you and God bless you!
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  7. Welcome. Just one point of information that you may not be aware of. Most communities require converts to be practicing Catholics for at least 2-3 years before they will consider them as candidates. Keep that in mind as you begin to inquire into particular communities.
  8. Archaeology cat

    Rosary - Let's Pray It.

    G2.6 Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
  9. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    Bob Dylan wrote "Forever Young" in 1973. It follows the form of a traditional blessing that Jewish parents bestow on their children at the Friday evening meal, but he goes beyond that. While not a Gospel song per se, it does express a father's wishes for his children, with religious references. This rendition is by The Band; I like their soulful feel. Happy Fathers' Day!
  10. little2add

    fides' Jack's Mega Anti-Vax Thread

    asking for a friend...
  11. Yesterday
  12. little2add

    Feed Your Ears

    Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of Battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke Him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl through the world, seeking to ruin of souls.
  13. LavillCit

    Feed Your Ears

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  14. little2add


  15. Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Ann Spanjers is interviewed by Diocese of Tucson Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger. She says that once she joined the Convent, she realized she had actually been a Franciscan all her life. https://fscc-calledtobe.org/2024/06/13/diocese-of-tucson-bishop-interviews-franciscan-sister-mary-ann-spanjers/
  16. little2add

    Father’s 2024

  17. little2add

    Коринфянам 13

    Это Троица, три послания в одном 1. Любовь терпелива 2. любовь добра, не завидует, не хвастается, не гордится. Он не бесчестит других, не корыстен, его нелегко разгневать, он не ведет учета обид. 3. Любовь не радуется злу, а сорадуется истине. Он всегда защищает, всегда доверяет, всегда надеется, всегда упорствует.
  18. StJohnBosco

    Коринфянам 13

    I thought this was a Russian spam message until I translated it…
  19. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    Dion DiMucci started out as a doo-wop singer in the late 50s. ("The Wanderer," "Runaround Sue"); he was a relevant singer-songwriter in the late 60s ("Abraham, Martin, and John"); and he released Christian albums in the 80s. He's still around, and still making good music, too. This is "Come to the Cross," his own composition, in the musical style he was playing in the 80s - he doesn't try for a "Gospel sound" or for a "Contemporary Christian" sound. It's just Dion writing and singing like Dion.
  20. little2add

    Коринфянам 13

    «Если я говорю языками человеческими или ангельскими, а любви не имею, то я лишь медь звенящая или кимвал звучащий. Если я имею дар пророчества и могу постичь все тайны и всякое знание, и если я имею веру, способную передвигать горы, но не имею любви, то я ничто. Если я раздам все, что имею, нищим и отдам тело мое на нужду, чтобы хвалиться, а любви не имею, то я ничего не приобрету. Любовь терпелива, любовь добра. Не завидует, не хвастается, не гордится. Он не бесчестит других, не корыстен, его нелегко разгневать, и он не ведет учета обид. Любовь не радуется злу, а сорадуется истине. Он всегда защищает, всегда доверяет, всегда надеется, всегда упорствует. Любовь никогда не подводит. А где есть пророчества, они прекратятся; где есть языки, они утихнут; где есть знание, оно пройдет. Ибо мы отчасти знаем и отчасти пророчествуем, но когда приходит полнота, то, что есть отчасти, исчезает. Когда я был ребенком, я говорил по-младенчески, думал по-младенчески и рассуждал по-младенчески. Когда я стал мужчиной, я оставил пути детства позади. Пока мы видим только отражение, как в зеркале; тогда мы увидим лицом к лицу. Теперь я знаю частично; тогда я буду знать полностью, так же, как я полностью известен. И теперь остаются эти три: вера, надежда и любовь. Но величайшая из них — любовь».
  21. Last week
  22. little2add


    Glory to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth. Lord God, heavenly King, Almighty God and Father, we worship You, we give You thanks, we praise You for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us; You are seated at the right hand of the Father: receive our prayer. For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of the Father. Amen.
  23. tutVeida


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  24. little2add

    Feed Your Ears

    pray for us sinners
  25. little2add


    pray for us sinners
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