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  2. Уcлуги по контейнeрнoй дocтaвке из Китaя в Рoccию. Пpeдлагaeм пpофесcионaльные услуги по перевозке грузов в контейнерах из Китая в Россию, включая, типы кoнтейнеpoв: 20-фyтовыe контeйнеpы, 40-фyтoвые кoнтейнepы и высокие 40-фyтовые контейнеры. Мapшpyты доcтавки: Из вcех оcновных поpтoв Китaя в пopты и склaды по вcей Poсcии. Услуги: Консолидация грузов, тaможeнноe офоpмлениe, cepтификaция, cтраховaние грyзов, доcтавкa "oт двeри до двеpи". Преимущеcтвa: Конкуpентоcпoсoбныe тарифы, кopoткие cpоки доcтавки, надежная и своевpеменная дocтавкa, опытная кoманда прoфecсионaлoв. Мы гордимся тeм, чтo прeдоставляeм нашим клиентaм индивидyaльныe решeния, адaптиpoванные к их oсoбым потребноcтям в доставке грузoв. Мы гарантиpуем безопaсность и сохpанность вашeгo грyза нa протяжeнии вcегo пyти пеpeвoзки. Для пoлучeния индивидyального раcчeтa cтоимоcти и кoнcyльтaции cвяжитeсь с нaми пo тeлефонy или элeктpонной почте: Тeлeфон: +7 (964) 434-03-97, электроннaя пoчта: info@1vtt.ru Дoвeрьтe дocтaвкy вaших гpyзов нам и получите пpoфecсиoнальноe и надeжнoe oбcлуживaние! Жд перевозки груза из Китая в Россию Ознакомитьcя с таpифами перевозки из Китaя для контейнеpных гpyзом можнo пepeйдя по бeзопаснoй сcылкe Яндекс Диска https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Bfubumy5UA-UpQ Top!
  3. I can't believe how fortunate I have been to find this amazing community! I've learned so much about religious life just by reading through the posts on the Vocation Station, which has only made me want to pursue it all the more. I was hoping you all could dispense some sage advice on my current situation. My background: I come from a non-denominational, culturally Christian family. I never felt much attachment to my faith, and after a series of deep personal struggles as I was entering into my teenage years, I began to consider myself agnostic. During my senior year of high school, I became interested in Catholicism, which I consider a mercy shown to me by the Blessed Mother -- the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the equality of all people before God, was incredibly touching to me. From there I became fascinated by Catholic Social Teaching. The idea that Christians have a moral obligation to provide food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, hospitality to the stranger, clothing to the needy, care to the sick, and so forth was foreign to the Christianity in which I was raised. I loved it, and for the first time I experienced true faith. I knew with all my being that the Gospel was true, and that the words contained in it had become incarnate in Jesus Christ, who offered himself up to death on the cross out of love for humanity. I felt such a strong sense of God's presence that I couldn't pray without crying tears of joy. I would have started RCIA that year, and the thought of having to wait eighteen months before I could be baptized and received into the Church was agonizing. But I decided the most prudent thing to do would be to wait until I went off to college; at this point, I had no idea how my parents would react if I told them about all of this, and I was honestly worried that they would think I had gone crazy. I prayed for the grace to persevere, and thanks be to God, I did. I went through RCIA at my university parish, making great friends and meeting so many faithful young Catholics serious about the faith. I was officially received into the Church at the 2024 Easter Vigil. Throughout this time, I also felt attracted to religious life. I would spend hours lost in research about different orders and communities. It’s like this irresistible magnetic pull, and ever since Easter it’s gotten stronger. The plans I once had for my future – finishing my degree, going on to grad school, and becoming a researcher – now look like mere straw to me. I prayed to God and told Him that I was His if only he would give me the courage to enter religious life. Right now, it’s summer break, so I’m living at home. Unfortunately, that means I don’t have access to my university parish and daily Mass, adoration, guidance from priests or pastoral counselors, etc. I’m using this time to try to strengthen my prayer life and come up with a plan for discernment. So far, this is what I have: 1. Now–End of Summer: Pray, continue to learn about religious life, research communities and make a short list of those I want to visit 2. Fall semester: Talk to priests at the university parish (it’s run by Dominicans, so they know a thing or two) and go to the community for support/advice. Start going on discernment/vocation retreats. 3. Spring 2025–Spring 2026 or 2027: Keep visiting communities, maintain contact with them, and hopefully discover which one I’m being called to. Finish degree and begin aspirancy/postulancy. Practically and financially speaking, I think this is completely feasible. My school gave me a generous scholarship package, so my tuition and living expenses are covered. On top of that, I have a work-study job with a stipend that has allowed me to save up ~$5,000 just in my first year, and I’m working a decently-paying job this summer, so I will be able to afford traveling to visit different communities. I started college with a lot of transfer credits from high school, so I can finish my degree in three years and graduate early. Alternatively, If my spiritual director or community decides it would be best to wait and graduate in four years to allow more time between when I entered the Church and when I enter religious life, that would not be a financial burden thanks to my scholarship. Really, the biggest obstacle I can see for this plan is that I’m so worried about how my parents will take this news. They were surprised when I told them I was converting in August of 2023, but they came around pretty quickly. They’re cordial about it, and they’ll ask me how Mass went when I get back from church on Sundays, my mom offered to get me a rosary as a baptism gift (by that time, I had already amassed a small army of them LOL), things like that. But coming from a thoroughly Protestant background, they have pretty much zero frame of reference for religious life. I’m worried they’ll react to it as if I were planning on joining a cult or a commune or something. And I’m worried they’ll think I’m throwing away my potential: they know I previously had dreams of becoming a researcher and doing what I could to make the world a better place. I conceive of religious life as a direct expression of that desire to help people, but I don’t know that they’ll see it that way. I don’t want them to feel like I’m abandoning them. The community I feel most drawn to right now would allow me to go home for two weeks a year. But we’re a pretty tight-knit family, and I’m worried they’ll think that’s not enough. On top of all that, I have no idea how I would even approach all of this with my extended family, who are largely Baptist and in which there are zero other Catholics. No matter what happens, I’m determined to start seriously visiting communities and discerning if/where I might be called this year. But I want to make this as painless for my family as possible. I love them and I know they want what’s best for me; the question is, how do I help them understand that religious life might be just that? I would greatly appreciate any advice you all might have. Thank you so much and God bless you all! <3
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  7. MIKolbe

    Well, That's Fun!

    you're welcome
  8. lay associate

    Upcoming Come and See Events

    AT THE HEART OF THE EUCHARISTIC REVIVAL: Handmaids of the Precious Blood: cloistered, contemplative, adorers supported by a joyful community life We welcome young women for individual Come and See visits within the enclosure. Flexible dates, 3-days to one week, There is no charge and transportation from the Knoxville airport can be arranged. Interested? email vocations@nunsforpriests,org
  9. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    This is a song called "I Can't Even Walk," a standard of Southern Gospel music. The singers are Riley Gilbreath, who's about 20 years old and might weigh 90 pounds, and his momma, standing in a field in Crowley, Texas. Both of them stand about as still as fence posts. Riley plays the guitar and sings, and Momma adds harmony on the choruses. There's nothing fancy about it, but it's honest.
  10. Yesterday
  11. Heabuff

    Feed Your Ears

    Обращение в https://seo-top5.ru для поисковой оптимизации моего сайта, когда обнаружил падение трафика. Результаты не заставили себя ждать: компетентность команды, готовность помочь и видимый улучшение ранжирования. Рекомендую!
  12. Yuriicomform

    Feed Your Ears

    Добрый день! Мы уверены, что совместная работа с нами станет для вас еще одним шагом к успеху. Хотите, чтобы ваше предложение увидели миллионы? Мы готовы помочь! Вместе с нашими рассылками по формам обратной связи это станет реальностью. Эффективно, доступно и надежно! Спасибо за внимание к нашему предложению. Мы надеемся на долгосрочное и успешное сотрудничество. Посетите наш сайт для более детальной информации или передайте это письмо вашему руководителю. Пусть ваш бизнес процветает и приносит много радости! Не медлите: Сайт: http://formsait.tilda.ws Почта: marketing.trafik@mail.ru Увеличьте свою базу заказчиков с помощью наших рассылок.
  13. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    This is Helene Cronin singing her composition "God Doesn't." Basically just a girl and a guitar (although I think I Hear a bass in there, too). Good voice, good lyrics. Lyrics in the video.
  14. Last week
  15. Bishop Barron reports, in one of his YouTube videos, that he ordained three transitional deacons this year for the diocese of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota. And he will ordain three priests in about a week.
  16. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    I'm posting this song because it was recommended by Fr. Mark Mary, ofm. His name is Seph Schlueter and the song is "Counting MY Blessings." It's a more modern sound than most of what I posted so far, but I like it real well. I especially like the line, "(knowing) I can't count that high" - I've been saying that for years myself, so I'm happy to hear it in a song.
  17. Yuriicomform

    Gender Theory

    Привет! Рады встретить вас здесь и надеемся на плодотворное сотрудничество! Позвольте вашему бизнесу расти вместе с нашей услугой рассылок по формам обратной связи. Ваши предложения смогут увидеть миллионы компаний. Эффективно и доступно! Признательны, что выделили время на рассмотрение нашего предложения. Пожалуйста, посетите наш веб-сайт или передайте информацию вашему руководителю. Желаем вам успешного бизнеса и всех благ. Приходите: Сайт: http://formsait.tilda.ws Почта: marketing.trafik@mail.ru Эффективная рассылка: быстрый и надежный способ привлечь клиентов.
  18. Здравствуйте! Начало нашего общения – первый шаг к новому успешному проекту! Это сообщение попало к вам, и ваше тоже может! С нашей помощью ваши предложения достигнут тысяч компаний. Давайте начнем сейчас! Мы очень ценим ваше внимание к нашему предложению. Пожалуйста, посетите наш сайт для получения дополнительной информации или сообщите об этом вашему руководителю. Желаем вам успехов и процветания в вашем бизнесе! Ждем вашего ответа: Сайт: http://formos.tilda.ws Почта: marketing.trafik@mail.ru Достигайте клиентов без посредников: ультра-таргетированные рассылки через формы обратной связи.
  19. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning" was written in the late 1800s by an American, Philip P. Bliss. It has the typical poetic lyrics that were popular at the time. The lyrics are posted under the video. It's a "ship" metaphor - I've posted other songs of that type previously. This version is by the Redeemed Quartet, a professional Gospel group made up of two sets of brothers. Very good voices, great harmonies.
  20. Albertneuch


    Хотите попробовать что-то новое? Парикмахеры предложат смелые решения https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/parikmaxerskie-uslugi/strizhki Цены выполненных работ https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/spa-proczeduryi/ высокие цены https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/liczo/permanentnyij-makiyazh Салон парикмахерская DAVINCI – это то место, где вы можете не только сделать стрижку или изменить цвет волос, но и отдохнуть https://sharys-salon.ru/prais-list Не стоит забывать, что хороший парикмахер – по совместительству еще и психолог, с которым можно просто поговорить по душам https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/spa-proczeduryi/obertyivanie Роберт - настоящий профессионал! Пунктуальный, вежливый и адекватный) Работу выполнял в маске и перчатках https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi Цена за стрижку такого уровня просто отличная, всем рекомендую! Роберту ещё раз огромное спасибо) СОЛЯРИЙ https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/vrachebnaya-kosmetologiya/botuloterapiya
  21. Luigi


    Thank you for this. As a language teacher - composition, interpreting - I've been telling my students for a long time, "Yes, actions speak louder than words, but words convey meanings that are much more specific than actions." It takes both - we have to talk the talk, but then we have to walk the walk.
  22. Luigi

    Well, That's Fun!

    Many thanks to whichever mediator of meh cleaned up the spam topics!
  23. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    I stumbled on this song this morning on an "alternative rock" radio station. It's MAJOR. (that's how he styles his name) singing "Joy in the Battle." This is new music, and I like it! The video has some interesting graphics in it, too, plus a little bonus message (in print) at the end.
  24. tinytherese

    June May Be Pride Month, But. . .

    At the risk of getting off topic, it's not a sin to celebrate Halloween. It's the day before All Saints Day and two days before All Souls Day. You can wear costumes and ask for Halloween candy without doing anything occult activities. https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/whats-the-point-of-all-saints-day https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/is-halloween-a-pagan-festival
  25. This announcement if from the diocese of Lansing, Michigan, from around the end of May. The ordinations took place today. The Mass, about 2 hours long, is available on YouTube. No word here on whether any deacons were ordained. **************************************************************************************************** Please join us for the Presbyterate Ordination on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at St. Mary Cathedral (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception) at 10:30 a.m. Please include in your prayers the two seminarians and their intentions leading to Holy Orders. Rev. Mr. Joshua Fons, Christ the King, Ann Arbor and Rev. Mr. Riley O'Shea, St. Michael, Grand Ledge
  26. graciandelamadrededios


    St. Teresa Association Established in 1975 In order to strengthen each other in living their contemplative vocation in the Church, a group of American Discalced Carmelite Monasteries joined together as an association. The five original founding Carmels were Danvers (Massachussets), Pittsford (New York), Lafayette (Louisiana), Fort Worth (Texas), and Terre Haute (Indiana). Since then it has developed to include communities from Canada, as well. Nature of the Association Our monasteries share the same vision of the Teresian ideal. We seek to go ever deeper into the life and doctrine of Our Holy Mother, St. Teresa, the source of our authentic renewal and the true source of our spiritual affinity. Our monasteries respect the juridical autonomy of each Carmel. Our monasteries are guided by the 1991 Constitutions of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns, the documents and teachings of the Catholic Church
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