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  2. Hey anyone, Do some of you rent dump trailers as part of your company, or do you own dump trailers for private or commercial use? I'm always curious about learning how others in the business are handling their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I wanted to talk about my thoughts on Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I chose to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my entire business, and it has been a wonderful decision. I now have 4 of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all equipped with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I made a trip down to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely trustworthy and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!
  3. JesseKeelt

    Feed Your Ears

    Hey everyone, Do any of you folks lease dump trailers as part of your company, or do you own dump trailers for personal or business use? I'm always keen on understanding how others in the business are running their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I wanted to share my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I operate a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I chose to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a fantastic decision. I own 4 of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely dependable and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!Hey anyone, Do any of you folks rent dump trailers for your company, or do you have dump trailers for private or commercial use? I'm always curious about understanding how others in the industry are running their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I thought I'd share my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I run a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I chose to go with Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a great decision. I now have four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely trustworthy and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!
  4. CharlesLouis

    A Priestly Vocation ~

    A Young Boy's Search for God
  5. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    "Peace Is My Last Gift to You" was written by two music directors at two different (Catholic) churches in Dallas - Justin Brooks and Paul Denner, along with a friend of theirs, Jon Cole.. The song was written for the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday, but I hadn't found this song by that feast. If you click on ... more in the text box, you can see the lyrics as well as the story behind the writing of the song. It's contemporary music, but gentle and well performed - no musical interlude like you'd get in a pop song. The lyrics are all taken from John's Gospel.
  6. Luigi

    Well, That's Fun!

    And now for something completely different - medications for head lice! This is terrific!
  7. Nihil Obstat

    Hello friends

    I just want to mention again, for additional emphasis, that we have a Catholic school district which is fully publicly funded. Catholic kids have the right to attend a Catholic school and be taught Catholic teachings, at no cost to their families. All year I've had the privilege of teaching my classes about the Sacred Heart devotion, Marian dogmas, the meaning of Catholic Tradition, the sacraments, magisterial authority, even Catholic teachings on sexuality. Provincial government foots the bill. There are few examples these days of the Church maintaining Her authority and presence in the public sphere, or of any workplaces where one can be publicly, recognizably, formally Catholic.
  8. Yesterday
  9. Nihil Obstat

    Hello friends

    I got that position I was hoping for. Staying at my current school, now with grade 4, and probably music classes for 3 and 4. As long as my evaluations go well next year, and there's no reason to suspect otherwise, then my contract now renews automatically each school year. So barring some really catastrophic budget cuts, I'm essentially guaranteed this job until I choose to retire. In four more years or so they'll pay me to do a master's degree as well. On the other hand, our collective agreement expires in August, and the central table bargaining is going to go south very quickly when the union presents its opening proposal and the government laughs in our collective face. Saskatchewan teachers have been at it for almost a year now, including strikes and work-to-rule. I'm assuming their situation is a bit of a weather vane.
  10. where can i buy ivermectin for head lice is stromectol the same as ivermectin ivermectin worm medicine ivermectin dosing for scabies where to buy ivermectin for people
  11. graciandelamadrededios


    Carmelite Communities Associated Association President: Sr. Colette Ackerman of Baltimore Carmel
  12. Hello: I haven't been on here for a while and life has certainly been happening! I'm professed in OCDS and am discerning a Private Vow. My living situation is such that we have an open room for rent in my home for an adult male. My disabled adult son lives with me, and another disabled young man, and myself. This is fundamentally a "disabled" male household, with myself as sort of house-mom. We are very dedicated to a robust sacramental and prayer life, and have another room open for someone who is interested in joining the household. I own the house, so this is a stable situation. I've had other catholic men rent this room but they didn't share our prayer life, and it was just kind of awkward having a disunified household, so we are explicitly looking for someone who would join our prayer life habitually. My son is autistic and the other fellow is blind. I am not offering a "program" and I am only looking for someone who is pretty self-sufficient and can contribute to the home life and be active in the community to the extent they are able. Ie, my son, who is on SSI, goes to a day program for a few hours, volunteers at the sacristy, and makes dinner every night. The other fellow does all the laundry and is involved in an outreach and Legion of Mary. As a household, we get up at 5:30AM and go to Lauds at 6:00AM, and stay for 7:00AM Mass, and I go back to church in the evening for Vespers, and we say a rosary before bed. We would like to add Compline at home as well. We have a fondness for TLM but sometimes go to the N.O. and also partake of some excellent eastern liturgies from time to time. We just like beautiful liturgies however they come. I've been told that this Parish is one of the "five best places to live as a Catholic" in the USA. We have 24 hour adoration, and lots of activities. I work full time from home and can be supportive (ie I do all the driving!) but I expect whomever to "pitch in" as they are able to some degree and not just rely on me completely. So, this is "disability friendly" but it is not a "program". Rent is required but low enough so that someone on SSI can afford this. We have two very friendly cuddly cats and an old boxer who thinks he's a lapdog, and a good air circulation system. Another alternative is for a non-disabled man who is interested in working with people with disabilities, who would also be interested in joining our prayer regime. If you are interested or if you know someone who might be interested in this arrangement, please message me and we can start a conversation and see if this is a fit.
  13. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    This is "Ave Maria" by four guys singing a cappella in a stairwell - good acoustics! The four guys call themselves Kings Return.
  14. Last week
  15. MIKolbe

    Маникюр И Педикюр В Одном

    Your ideas intrigue me. Is there a place I can sign up for your newsletter?
  16. Luigi

    Well, That's Fun!

    YAY! Two more spammers - in Russian, no less! Do we have any Russian Orthodox on the board who could tell us what Albertneuch and Keithtot are selling?
  17. Настройки таблицы https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/kosmetologiya/margys-monte-carlo Уходы для волос https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/kosmetologiya/margys-monte-carlo Мастера стилисты салона красоты Davinci SPA https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/spa-proczeduryi/pressoterapiya Александр С https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/spa-proczeduryi/massazh/ от ~5000 до ~8800 р https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/parikmaxerskie-uslugi/strizhki Цены https://sharys-salon.ru/uslugi/vrachebnaya-kosmetologiya/apparatnaya-kosmetologiya
  18. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    Pastor Hezekiah Walker organized a Gospel flash mob in 2014, I think, somewhere in Virginia. They sing "Every Praise Is to Our God." The words and melody are simple, but the flash mob is impressive.
  19. Thy Geekdom Come

    Testing, don’t like this post

    @dUSt, make me a Church Scholar and a Mediator of Meh again, lol. I’ll delete this croutons.
  20. Luigi

    Congratulations phuturepriest

    Can I ask where your first assignment is? Maybe a bunch of us can arrange to come to Mass at your parish and heckle you during your homily. (You know I'm kidding, right?)
  21. Luigi

    Well, That's Fun!

    Welcome aboard, Jesse Keelt! We haven't had a good spammer on here in just the longest time! This old school message board must be reviving if we're drawing the attention of a spammer. Maybe we could use your trailers as "prayer trailers" - we could get some good over-the-road evangelization going, become prayer warriors on the move, take up itinerant MO-BILE preaching, that kind of thing. I do have to say I was disappointed that your post in Feed Your Ears didn't include a Gospel song. I was hoping you had posted some new song or new sound to delight our ever-loving Gospel-loving ears. Post your favorite Gospel song - it will give us insight into who you are and helpus get to know you better!
  22. JesseKeelt

    Testing, don’t like this post

    Hey anyone, Do any of you hire dump trailers as part of your business, or do you have dump trailers for personal or business use? I'm always curious about learning how others in the industry are running their fleets and what brands you're having success with. I wanted to talk about my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of looking around and comparisons, I chose to go with Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a fantastic decision. I currently have four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I made a trip down to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they shipped the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely dependable and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!
  23. JesseKeelt

    Feed Your Ears

    Hey everybody, Do any of you hire dump trailers for your enterprise, or do you have dump trailers for personal or business use? I'm always keen on hearing about how others in the business are running their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I wanted to talk about my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I run a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of looking around and comparisons, I decided to go with Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a great decision. I now have 4 of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all equipped with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they shipped the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely reliable and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences!Hey anyone, Do any of you rent dump trailers for your company, or do you own dump trailers for private or business use? I'm always curious about understanding how others in the business are running their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I wanted to talk about my thoughts on Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of looking around and comparisons, I chose to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my entire business, and it has been a great decision. I currently have 4 of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all equipped with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I made a trip down to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they shipped the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely trustworthy and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!
  24. Thy Geekdom Come

    Congratulations Jennie And Micah!

  25. Catholic Young Professional Women and students are invited to a By the Seaside-By the Beautiful Sea Retreat on July 7-13. This discernment opportunity is held at our Motherhouse, 2409 S. Alverno Road, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Come for one day, some of the days or the whole time of this Franciscan reflection experience. We are quite flexible in helping to plan with you to ensure that if God is calling you to be with us, it will happen. https://fscc-calledtobe.org/2024/06/01/young-catholic-professional-women-and-students-discern-by-the-sea/
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