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  2. Didacus

    Gender Theory

    Their precepts are a matter of faith although they will never admit it.
  3. Didacus

    Rosary - Let's Pray It.

    G1.2 Je vous salut Marie, pleine de grâce, le Seigneur est avec vous, vous êtes bénie entres toutes les femmes et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles est béni. Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu, priez pour nous pécheurs, maintenant et a l'heure de notre mort. Amen
  4. Today
  5. Luigi

    Upcoming Come and See Events

    OUR LADY OF THE MISSISSIPPI ABBEY - TRAPPIST NUNS near Dubuque, Iowa Come and See Weekends June 21-23, 2024 October 25-27, 2024 Join the community in prayer for the liturgy of the hours and Eucharist. Listen to some of the sisters speak about our way of life, and how God led them to Mississippi Abbey. Meet other women exploring God’s call in their lives. Have the opportunity to ask questions, take time for extra silence and prayer, visit one-on-one with a sister about your own discernment, and enjoy the beauty of nature around us. Open to single Catholic women ages 18 – 40. If you are interested in joining us for the weekend click here to fill out our Vocational Inquiry form. https://mississippiabbey.org/come-and-see-october-25-27/
  6. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    "If Serving God Is Wrong, I Don't Want to Be Right" was originally a secular song. In its original form, "If Loving You is Wrong, I Don't Want to Be Right," it's about an adulterous love affair. A lot of people recorded it, but Luther Ingram had a hit with it in 1972. Somewhere along the way, Gospel singers converted the lyrics to a Christian message. To me, it's another example of Gospel singers taking current events (trains, telephones, airplanes, wars) and using them to proclaim the Gospel message. Here are Willie Neal Johnson and the Gospel Keynotes with their 1989 recording.
  7. Yesterday
  8. Didacus

    Rosary - Let's Pray It.

    The Fifth Glorious Mystery The Cornonation of Mary, Queen of Heaven Le Cinquième Mystère Glorieux La Coronation de Marie, Reine des Cieux Notre Père, qui est au cieux, Que Ton nom soit sanctifier, Que Ton règne vienne, Que Ta volonté soit faite sur la terre, comme au ciel. Donnes-nous aujourd'hui, notre pain de ce jours. Pardonnes-nous nos péchers, comme nous pardonnons aussi a ceux qui nous ont offensé. Ne nous soumet pas a la tentation, mais délivres-nous du mal. Amen G1.1 Je vous salut Marie, pleine de grâce, le Seigneur est avec vous. Vous êtes bénie entres toutes les femmes et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles est béni. Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu, priez pour nous pécheurs, maintenant et a l'heure de notre mort. Amen
  9. On April 27, 2024, Feast of Saint Rafael Arnáiz Barón, Sister Ashwini Worlikar made solemn profession at the monastery of Wrentham (USA). Sister Ashwini was born in 1989 in Mumbai (India). She entered Wrentham in 2016 and made first profession in 2019.
  10. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    When Johnny Cash died, it had a profound impact on his daughter Rosanne Cash. Her mother and stepmother had died within the previous eighteen months, too. Being a songwriter and singer, she wrote and sang about it. One of her songs is called "Crossing to Jerusalem." It's not a Gospel song in the traditional sense, but it has Gospel themes in it. It's really sort of a 'life review,' the 'life' being that of a Southern professional musician from a family of professional musicians who's on the road frequently ("the towns through tiny windows, the rooms that look the same," "look how the curtain rises, it courses through our blood"). But the song counts as Gospel at least from my perspective if only for the line "We'll be crossing to Jerusalem with nothing but our love."
  11. Last week
  12. After washing everyone’s feet, Jesus commissions the disciples saying, “ I shall not call you servants any more, I call you friends,” We are friends of Jesus, too, we might say. This friendship with Jesus means to fold us into the Body of Christ, the Christ who comes to live among us as one who serves, not one to be served. To serve others with God’s steadfast love for all humanity. To seek and serve Christ in all others. We are to serve all, not some, not many, surely not a few, but all others, loving our neighbour as ourselves – as we would like to be served. It ought to strike us, if it has not already, the astonishing irony of John’s story of the Last Supper. Jesus commissions us to be his friends so that his “joy may be in [us], and so [our] joy may be complete,” overflowing from our lives into the lives of others – all others. Jesus is filled with joy despite the fact John tells us, “Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world and go to the Father. (John 13:1). And yet he remains filled with joy, commissioning those who wish to follow him to go into the world as those who wish to serve others, not be served by others. Such love for one another, such seeking to serve Christ in all persons, is the source of the same joy that fills the Risen Christ. Jesus imagines a new world unfolding from the events that are to follow that Last Supper. Jesus imagines his friends will now continue in the midst of God’s work: not only the judgment of the world, with all its problems, and troubles but also the renewal and repair of a broken world, as we become the Body of Christ, bringing his joy of service to others as a new reality for all people! We hear in the First Readding about Peter, who, has had a vision. As he is praying, he is hungry. The Lord shows him a vision of all manner of creatures to eat that are not Kosher and says, “Get up, Peter; kill and eat.” Peter says three times, “No, I have never eaten such things.” We are meant to remember that this is Peter, who had denied even knowing Jesus three times. As Peter emerges from this vision, Cornelius, a centurion, sends men to bring him to his home, where Peter is faced with a house filled with Gentiles, who want to hear about the Word. They want to hear of the God and desire to enter into his new command to love one another, even as Jesus did, marching toward pain. Peter begins to speak, , ‘The truth I have now come to realise’ he said, ‘is that God does not have favourites, but that anybody of any nationality who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to him.’ And then it happens. The Holy Spirit comes upon these outsiders, and suddenly they, too, are extolling God in ways that anyone could understand! Peter and his Jewish, Christ-following friends of Jesus stare in disbelief. So that’s what the vision was all about, he must have been thinking. These are not just words I am speaking. God really, truly does not show any partiality whatsoever! And so, what could they do, but baptize this house filled with Gentiles? They would spend the next few days together, filled with the joy of Jesus, with God’s steadfast love for all persons: male and female, Jew and Roman, slave and free. All divisions would need to cease because the repair of the broken world had begun! God’s Word on this day means to ask us: Do we accept Jesus’ invitation to become his friends? Do we wish to serve? Do we wish to serve even those who are most unlike us, as Peter and the friends of Jesus do? In the Church, each of us has been begotten by the love of God. But the Scriptures today reveal that this divine gift brings with it a command and a duty. We are to love one another as we have been loved. We are to lay down our lives in giving ourselves to others—that they too might find friendship with Christ and new life through Him.
  13. I started with Kenrick Seminary in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Some seminarians from the dioceses below are educated there. Then I went to the diocesan web pages to see if there were any additional ordinands. This is what I've found. Below, the term "deacon" refers to transitional deacons; if I found information about permanent deacons, I specify by using the word "permanent." Bismarck, ND: 2 priests will be ordained 6-11-24 (no deacons this year) Kansas City, KS: 3 deacons on 5-18 and 1 priest on 5-25 Kansas-City-St. Joseph, MO: 1 deacon on 5-18 and 1 priest on 5-25. Website has no further information. Omaha, NE: 3 deacons on 5-24 and 2 priests on 6-1 St. Louis, MO: 3 priests on 5-25 (no diaconate ordinations this year) Springfield, IL: 1 permanent deacon, 3 deacons on 4-12 and 5 priests on 5-25, Wichita, KS: 5 deacons on 5-23 and 3 priests on 5-25 (A photo on the website shows 41(!) seminarians, which would be 7 or 8 classes, I guess.) Belleville IL, Dodge City KS, and Sioux City IA all have one deacon graduating from Kendrick this year. All three will be ordained on 61-24.
  14. Didacus

    LOTR - the third Eagle!

    One of the best details in the movies of the LOTRs, and most significant, is at the very end when Gandalf sends to 3 eagles to rescue Frodo and Samwise. Why the third eagle? Very few ever ask... and fewer know the significance. The third eagle was for Golum! Why would Gandalf send a third eagle? The easy awnser is that he didn't known Golum had died... The truth however, is that Gandlaf being the Christ-like figure of the trilogy, sent a third eagle because he still believed Golum was worth saving! As corrupted, eaten by sin and evil as Golum was, Gandalf still believed he was worth saving! The Lord Himself must have spoken through Tolkien on that inspired detail. Next time you think your sins are too overbearing, or that you truly screwed up too much, remember the third eagle, and know that God's love is greater than any of your sins.
  15. The previous post refers to St. Anselm (no -'S) abbey in New Hampshire. They're part of the American Cassinese congregation, descended from Saint Vincent's Archabbey. There is another St. Anselm's (note the -'S) Abbey in Washington, DC - they're in the English congregation, along with the abbeys in Portsmouth RI and St. Louis MO. St. Anselm's in Washington DC now has two men in formation - one in first vows, and another who was received as a novice in late February. The quotation is from their FB page: "Tonight John Castonguay was clothed as a novice of our community. He will spend the next year learning to be a monk while the community sees if he “truly seeks God and whether he shows eagerness for the Work of God, for obedience and for trials” (RB 58:7). He will be known in religious life as Br Maximilian after St Maximilian Kolbe. Please pray for him."
  16. St. Anselm Benedictine Abbey in New Hampshire celebrated an ordination to the diaconate in February and an ordination to the priesthood on April 13th.
  17. Joseph Thermadom is a Deaf man who was born and raised in India. He came to the US to join the Dominicans for the Deaf Apostolate and studied for the priesthood. I knew him in that phase of his life. For reasons to which I am not privy, he left that order and returned to India where he joined the Congregation of the Holy Cross. He continued studying for the priesthood, and he was ordained a priest today, becoming the first native-born Deaf priest in India, and perhaps the only Deaf priest in India.
  18. From the FB page of Subiaco Abbey (Benedictine monks in Arkansas), on 30 April. They also posted a photo but I didn't paste it here. "SAVE THE DATE: Rev. Mr. Cody Eveld (Subiaco Academy class of 2014) will be ordained as a priest in the presbyteral order for the Diocese of Little Rock on Saturday, May 25th at 10:00 am, at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Little Rock, by Bishop Anthony B. Taylor. If interested in attending this wonderful event for our entire diocese, then email an RSVP to vocationsoffice@dolr.org. If you are not able to attend, then you can also watch this via livestream on youtube at the diocesan channel "cdolr". Our monastic community joins Deacon Cody's family and friends in wishing him prayerful best wishes for this wonderful occasion and congratulate him for answering God's call to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. For this we monks chant: UIOGD!"
  19. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    The Hillbilly Thomists sing "Keep Your Lamps Trimmed." There are a lot of variations on this song out there - it's a common theme in the repertoire of spirituals. But I think the Thomists must have come up with some of their own verses based on various Bible verses. Which is fine. The only accompaniment is a guitar, and that's just in the intro and between the verses; for all practical purposes, the song is sung a cappella. I also like the final chorus and outro, which they sing as a round.
  20. Didacus

    Rosary - Let's Pray It.

    Notre Père, qui est au cieux, Que Ton nom soit sanctifier, Que Ton règne vienne, Que Ta volonté soit faite, sur la terre comme au ciel Donnes-nous aujourd'hui notre pain de ce jours, Pardonnes-nous nos pêchers, comme nous pardonnons aussi a ceux qui nous ont offensé Ne nous soumet pas a la tentation, mais délivres-nous du mal. Amen
  21. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    I just figured out that I didn't post a song yesterday. I picked one, wrote a little intro, and posted the link, but I never hit Submit Reply. Oh, well. "All My Tears" was written by Julie Miller. I first heard it sung by Emmylou Harris. But this recording is by Selah, featuring Kim Hill. My cousin was buried today - this one's for The Captain.
  22. Didacus

    Rosary - Let's Pray It.

    Gloire au Père, et au Fils et au Saint Esprit, comme il était au commencement, maintenant et toujours pour les siècles des siècles. Amen Oh mon Jésus, préserves-nous des feux de l'enfer, conduisez au ciel toutes les âmes, spécialement celles qui ont le plus besoin de Ta miséricorde. Amen
  23. Didacus

    Rosary - Let's Pray It.

    G4.10 Je vous salut Marie, pleine de grâce, le Seigneur est avec vous, vous êtes bénie entres toutes les femmes et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles est béni. Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu, priez pour nous pécheurs, maintenant et a l'heure de notre mort. Amen
  24. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    Patty Loveless is Loretta Lynn's cousin, and Patty had her own very successful career in Country music. Like Loretta Lynn, Loveless is from the hills of Kentucky. Here she sings the traditional hymn "Daniel Prayed," a la bluegrass, with Ricky Skaggs. While our non-Catholic brothers and sisters don't have the rich tradition of the Communion of Saints or the Lives of the Saints, they nonetheless do look to Biblical figures as models of Christian living. On a side note, I love how Skaggs handles the rowdy fan, after the first verse.
  25. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    I really like the original Carter Family, in spite of the primitive recording equipment and the rather tinny sound it produced. They were one of the most prominent transitional groups from folk music to the Country Music Bidness. This is "Fifty Miles of Elbow Room" with Sarah Carter singing lead. It's a vision of the heavenly Jerusalem. When trains were invented, Gospel singers incorporated them into Gospel songs; by the same token, when planes were invented, Gospel singers incorporated them into Gospel songs. And Sarah Carter became an airplane pilot rather late in life, after she had quit the Country Music Bidness.
  26. little2add

    the Apostles' Creed

    I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen
  27. Earlier
  28. Luigi

    Feed Your Ears

    Josh White (1914-1969) was a guitarist, singer, actor, and civil rights activist. He had an interesting life; you should look him up in Wikipedia and read about him. Here he sings the traditional spiritual "Paul and Silas Bound in Jail." Keep in mind that a lot of spirituals were put together by and for illiterate people - the Word would be read to them, preaching explained it more or less, and the song would help them remember the Biblical story and its meaning. Plus, everybody likes music!
  29. NP4BBZ

    Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma

    I actually entered with Sr. Mary Christ. Let's hope she does better.
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