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St Therese and roses


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There seems to be a lot of stories of St Therese sending people roses as a sign of her intercession. Has it ever happened to you? (If its too personal you don't have to share!). Anyone else have a devotion to her?? I'm sure there must be :) i have been meaning to read Story of a Soul again this time more carefully and finish it - its such a great book but I somehow didn't finish it yet.

So one thing about St Therese is she helped bring me into the Catholic Church. I was writing my story on another thread of how I wasn't sure if I should be Catholic and St Therese was the first Saint I really prayed to because I wasn't sure about praying to Saints. I feel she really helped in my conversion because almost every day of the novena roses would turn up immediately in very unusual ways.

The first time I literally looked up after finishing the novena to see a bouquet of roses placed right in front of me. This also helped me believe in the intercession of Saints. I believe it happened cause my faith was shaky and I needed encouragement so nothing to boast of :) I believe she sent me roses again when I was really struggling with fear and doubt about my conversion. It happened in a very unusual way again that involved elevator "problems". (The relevance of it being in an elevator just got to me! If you read her book you would know what I mean)

I'm sure her intercession helped and I chose her as my second patron when I became Catholic (I was already confirmed). So she's a very dear Saint to me and I wanted to share about her just to thank her :) her little way is also perfect. Any other St Therese friends? :)

Edited by MarysLittleFlower
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Archaeology cat

MLF - I have seen roses during a novena to her. I have more of a devotion to her parents, but have 3rd class relics of both.

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Ash Wednesday

Funny you should post this, I'm praying a novena to her right now. :)

I prayed the novena many years ago and a friend of mine emailed me a picture of a big, beautiful red rose. It wasn't commonplace to receive emails from her, nor is it commonplace for me to receive pictures of roses in my inbox. Just when I prayed that novena. Go Therese!

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Love St Therese and her Little way -  she is my Confirmation and patron saint and a long time companion.

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Thanks for sharing everyone! I knew there would be others :D I have a few Saints who are very dear to me and she's one of them. She's like a sister I find :)

one thing I like is how you can see in her book that she's a very loyal friend. For example there was the girl she always considered a friend even years later, though she kind of ignored St Therese. Now in Heaven she has even more charity towards souls :) 

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I love St. Therese! Therese is my middle name, and I keep a statue of her in my room. I have prayed the novena and received roses! :) One of my friends, who is now in religious life, also has a devotion to St. Therese and even chose a variation on the name Therese as her religious name.

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Another St. Thérèse fan here! :) I got interested in her when I was around 8 or 9 because my middle name is Therese.  And we've been buddies ever since! ;) Even though at times in my life I haven't had a very strong devotion, she's never given up on me, and she's been helping me a lot the past several months. :heart: As MLF put it, she's very loyal -- or as a friend of mine described her, "relentless"!

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Archaeology cat

 :heart: As MLF put it, she's very loyal -- or as a friend of mine described her, "relentless"!

I'd say her parents are the same way. ;) 

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I jsut remembered a good story thanks for her intercession.  I had to move last year.  Life happened and suddenly I was in need of a new place to live ASAP.  The housing market in my city is tight, getting a nice and affordable apartment is a miracle.  I started the novena, contacted a couple of people and lo and behold an apartment had just vacated and wasnt even on the rental market yet.  The landlord and I actually knew each other it turned out and she was happy to have me as a tenant.  Moreover while I was out of town for a couple of weeks they took the time to have the kitchen renovated and the carpets cleaned.  So I ended up with a fantastic apartment with a brand new kitchen great price great location great everything.  I got a miracle but not just what I needed, I got so much more! :flowers:

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He is Risen!

I've never done the St. Therese novena.  This is prob just my protestant roots but I've always felt a little strange about praying for a sign/ casting a fleece (and yes, I know that that's not really what the novena is all about when it is done with faith) but I DID have a weird thing happen after a St. Joseph novena and had a homeless guy just walk up to me and give a a bouquet of white lilies (I had been praying for purity).  I took them home to church and put them in front of the statue of St. Joseph.  Kind of spooky.

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Cool stories :D. Actually St Therese helped me to believe in the intercession of Saints in this way. But I leave things like that up to God - if He sees I need a sign as an encouragement then ok, but I'd be happy with St Therese's prayers without a sign if its not His Will. When I first did the novena I didn't think it would be like this but it helped me believe in the Saints :)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I used to pray the little chaplet of st therese when i was in the middle of a rage and she used to send me these most beutiful flowers on the ground in the strangest of places usually within 30 minutes after the novena and i was going on a calm down walk, and it was always the same semi large pink and white flower.

The little chaplet is easy, you just say "st therese of liseux pray for us" and than" little white flower in this hour show your power. x8" i found it great for my anger issues, in fact i need to start doing it again, i have been in a bit of a rage lately.

I was desperate at the time and didn't know what to do, unsure where i got the little chaplet from or who. :)

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I used to pray the little chaplet of st therese when i was in the middle of a rage and she used to send me these most beutiful flowers on the ground in the strangest of places usually within 30 minutes after the novena and i was going on a calm down walk, and it was always the same semi large pink and white flower.

The little chaplet is easy, you just say "st therese of liseux pray for us" and than" little white flower in this hour show your power. x8" i found it great for my anger issues, in fact i need to start doing it again, i have been in a bit of a rage lately.

I was desperate at the time and didn't know what to do, unsure where i got the little chaplet from or who. :)

Thanks for the chaplet ! I did not know it, but I wanted to pray Ste Therese tonight, and I will try it ! 

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