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Franciscan Sisters Of The Immaculate

laetitia crucis

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laetitia crucis

I didn't want to hijack :hijack: nunsense's thread just to post pictures, so I started this one! :photo:

These are from my summer visit to the [url="http://www.marymediatrix.com"]Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate[/url]. The visit was fantastic, by the way! I know I've said it before, but I can't help reiterating over and over again -- these Sisters are AMAZING! They are uber: Marian, Franciscan, semi-contemplative, missionary, and faithful to the Holy Father, Magisterium, and Tradition of the Holy Mother Church. Check 'em out!!!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures:

Fun times with a fancy camera (borrowed)!
From left to right: Sr. M. Lydwina, Sr. M. Eucharistica, Sr. M. Consolatrice, and Mother M. Francis.




Sr. M. Eucharistica and little Benedict (yes, that's his real name! :twothumbsup: )


Postulant Alicia with Benedict's little brother. (They are too cute!)


Mother M. Francis and Sr. M. Eucharistica


Sr. M. Consolatrice renewing her Vows


One of my favorite signs posted around the convent. There's various quotes from their Constitutions, Directives, Traccia Mariana, and saints.


And if you want to see the rest (there's 54 pictures in total), here's the [url="http://s802.photobucket.com/albums/yy305/laetitia_crucis/FSI/?albumview=slideshow"]slideshow[/url]. :))

Also, I tend to ask a lot of questions wherever I go, :nerd: so if anyone has any questions about this Order, feel free to ask or pm me -- because more than likely, I probably asked it myself! :blush: :lol_roll:

Ave Maria!

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laetitia crucis

Thought this would do nice here. Just in case anyone's interested. :whistle:

About the Sisters:

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They're beautiful! And I love the "Ave Maria"-- I think I remember hearing about a community that had that as a custom, but I didn't know which one.

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' date='15 January 2010 - 04:26 AM' timestamp='1263544013' post='2037627']
They're beautiful! And I love the "Ave Maria"-- I think I remember hearing about a community that had that as a custom, but I didn't know which one.

The "Ave Maria" is really lovely -- when I visited I was probably rather tickled pink hearing it so much. Loved. It. :lol:

- In the mornings for wake up, one of the Sisters knocks on your door and says, "Ave Maria!" and to let her know you're awake, you respond "Ave Maria". The same happens when you are wakened from siesta. (Ah, the beauty of siesta.. I wish this was something common in the U.S.!)

- All telephone calls, e-mails and letters are started and ended with "Ave Maria".

- When someone comes to the door, knocking or ringing, a Sister replies: "Ave Maria"!

- When the Sisters/Friars greet anyone! And instead of saying, "Goodbye", it's "Ave Maria!"

- the list goes on, I'm sure!

I asked one of the Sisters about this while I was there -- since I was so tickled by it :blush: -- and she said it comes from the tradition of St. Maximilian Kolbe in the City of the Immaculate. All of his friars would always greet each other with "Ave Maria!" as a way of greeting our Blessed Mother within each of us, as we are all children of Mary. It is also a way of giving the entirety of our words, thoughts, and actions to her in all we say, think, and do. :love:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='loveletslive' date='15 January 2010 - 02:01 PM' timestamp='1263578490' post='2037772']
oh my gosh, eucharistica is THE coolest religious name i have ever heard!!!

Her whole name is Sr. Mary Eucharistica Pio of the Divine Mercy.

Isn't that intense? :woot:

One evening at lunch we were talking about religious names and your "mission" that goes with it. And Sr. Eucharistica said when she was praying about her name, she didn't really know what God wanted for her, but she knew she loved the Eucharist, Padre Pio, and the Divine Mercy. When Mother announced her name during her investiture, she was surprised, happy, and in awe of it's immensity of meaning and "mission". :saint:

One Sister then said something along the lines of, "Suffering and Mercy -- That's a BIG mission to have!"

And another Sister added, "Yeah, when she see's the Fraction Rite, she RUNS!"


It had the whole table laughing hysterically for quite some time!

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' date='17 January 2010 - 08:12 PM' timestamp='1263773568' post='2039345']
Did they mention anything about their daydreams of a City of the Immaculate?

Hmm... not that I can remember... :scratchhead:

Do tell!! :D (Please!)

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It was just something that people mentioned to me from time to time. "When we have 100 Poor Clares we can have a City of the Immaculate, it's in our Constitutions."

Driving up to [url="http://www.thedome.org/VisitUs/OnlineTours/grounds.asp"]this Benedictine monastery[/url] one of the Sisters said wistfully "What a wonderful City of the Immaculate that would make!" "Now, now!" I said because there were still Sisters living there--albeit much below capacity and not nec. the same "genre" as one might perhaps wish. But as we wandered through on the tour I kept thinking about how it would be! :topsy: It's actually dedicated to the Immaculate Conception too!

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Thomist-in-Training' date='17 January 2010 - 08:35 PM' timestamp='1263774925' post='2039368']
It was just something that people mentioned to me from time to time. "When we have 100 Poor Clares we can have a City of the Immaculate, it's in our Constitutions."

Driving up to [url="http://www.thedome.org/VisitUs/OnlineTours/grounds.asp"]this Benedictine monastery[/url] one of the Sisters said wistfully "What a wonderful City of the Immaculate that would make!" "Now, now!" I said because there were still Sisters living there--albeit much below capacity and not nec. the same "genre" as one might perhaps wish. But as we wandered through on the tour I kept thinking about how it would be! :topsy: It's actually dedicated to the Immaculate Conception too!

I've been to that monastery! :shock: It was actually the first religious community I ever visited... I had [i]no idea[/i] what to expect. :popcorn: :blink:

To say the least, I think it would make a [b]wonderful[/b] City of the Immaculate!!

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  • 9 months later...
Hinter dem Horizont

I have high respect for this order and for the male order as well. They're faithful for the traditional church which I am a part of. The Extraordinary Rite is the most beautiful. And they are AMAZING at Gregorian Chant.

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I've visited the Benedictine Monastery Immaculate Conception. It's still a strong community (not nearly as many Sisters as it was built for, granted, but still lots of them and new vocations coming in regularly).

The City of the Immaculate sounds like a lovely idea, but not there!

Hands off! :P

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[quote name='Hinter dem Horizont' timestamp='1288871735' post='2184675']
I have high respect for this order and for the male order as well. They're faithful for the traditional church which I am a part of. The Extraordinary Rite is the most beautiful. And they are AMAZING at Gregorian Chant.

That is def what caught my eye the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and Gregorian Chant! :like2:

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  • 1 year later...

thanks [color=#575757][font='Segoe UI', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(243, 243, 243)]laetitia crucis [/background][/size][/font][/color]for posting the pics..where is that convent located?

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