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What Is Your Favourite..


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[quote name='Archaeology cat' date='23 January 2010 - 12:03 PM' timestamp='1264269785' post='2042882']
Hmm, that's a tough one. I am quite fond of Ruth, though.

Person... not really sure (though probably a tie between St. Paul and Mary Magdalene). But my favorite part of the Bible right now is Apocalypse 12.

Edited by goldenchild17
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It's no fun watching people list off random books and people.. The idea is to explain [b]WHY[/b][size="4"][/size] you find something interesting, and what might be most interesting to study next. Thank youuuu

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I like the uniqueness of the Gospel of St. John apart from the other gospels. I also like the Gospel of St. Luke, because this gospel pays so much attention to Our Lady.

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My favorite person in the bible is St Michael the archangel, he is tough, a fighter and crusader for right. He is also the one who God trusted as his helper and called him his prince. He brings to mind images of power and might , wrath and justice, also mercy and beauty. He is mentioned by name four times in the bible, twice in Daniel, in the epistle of St Jude and also in Revelations, he kicked the Dragon's booty out of heaven. He is also has in christian tradition four offices 1. To fight satan 2. To rescue the souls of the faithul from the enemy, especially at the hour of death. 3. He is the champion of God's people, jews and christians alike, also the patron of the church. 4. He brings mens souls to justice.

All around he seems a very cool being, a fine being to look up to as a role model and an all around guy. That is why I took Michael as my confirmation name.


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