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Question For Mulls


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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Apr 12 2004, 02:43 PM'] Here we have two people, totally in love with God, desiring the Truth no matter where it leads them, and they are lead in opposite directions. Interesting. [/quote]
Which is of course impossible, which means either only one of them is being led by God, or neither.

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[quote name='mulls' date='Apr 13 2004, 03:58 PM'] so how can we reconcile it?

i would tell you that the Lord is leading my life.

from your perspective, am i fooling myself, or being led my something else, or is it possible that i'm actually where i need to be? [/quote]
Well, if I had to guess, I'd say that you're on the road to coming back to His Church. I'd also guess that when you left the Church, it was because you were being lead by something else--but not God.

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I hope you guys don't think I'm wacko... and this is totally OT... but I was reading this thread from the beginning.. back and forth between Mulls and dUSt... They come to the conclusion that "it's interesting"... then in steps Brother Adam... and it seemed like Rod Serling stepping in to introduce an episode of the Twilight Zone... "Here we have two people..." Just struck me as humorous... And now back to your regularly scheduled debate... doo doo doo doo...

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Apr 14 2004, 11:06 AM'] I'd also guess that when you left the Church, it was because you were being lead by something else--but not God. [/quote]
if it's not God, there's got to be only one other choice, right?

would the devil lead me to give my life to Christ, abolish my old sinful self, study the Word, fellowship with Christians, and worship God truthfully?

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[quote name='mulls' date='Apr 14 2004, 11:09 AM'] would the devil lead me to give my life to Christ, abolish my old sinful self, study the Word, fellowship with Christians, and worship God truthfully? [/quote]
No, probably not. God probably did that part, but the Devil lead you away from the Church.

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[quote name='mulls' date='Apr 14 2004, 11:51 AM'] but the starting point for all of this was a non-catholic church. [/quote]
I contend that you were lead out of the Church before that point (lack of catechesis, lack of interest, etc) and your path back to the Church started in the non-Catholic Church--for one has to have a desire to know Christ before one has a desire to know His Church.

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Let me make an analogy....

I'll work in computer graphic program terms. Let's say that your family owns the company Adobe, the makers of Photoshop--the industry standard graphics program. All your life you had all the access to Photoshop you wanted--free programs, free training, tutorials, etc. You never took advantage--you took it for granted--it was there for you, but you never had an interest. You really weren't into graphics.

Along comes Paint Shop Pro (different graphics software).... Easy to use and inexpensive, but most importantly, it was something new! You take an interest in this software (maybe because a friend uses it and showed you all the things it could do). Paint Shop Pro introduces you to graphics--you fall in love with graphic design--you dedicate your life to being a graphic designer--all because of Paint Shop Pro...

Now.. You start to realize that, although very good, Paint Shop Pro just doesn't have all the tools that Photoshop does. After applying for jobs and studying, now an experienced graphic designer, you realize that Photoshop is in fact, the industry standard--there's just no comparison. You slowly start to learn it, and eventually, your graphic design skills far exceed what they did when you used Paint Shop Pro. Using the industry standard software--the best of the best--you are now the best graphic designer you can be. And to think... it was there for your taking the whole time... it just took an inferior program like Paint Shop Pro to get you interested in becoming a designer.

God bless.

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the lumberjack

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Apr 14 2004, 10:30 AM'] I hope you guys don't think I'm wacko... and this is totally OT... but I was reading this thread from the beginning.. back and forth between Mulls and dUSt... They come to the conclusion that "it's interesting"... then in steps Brother Adam... and it seemed like Rod Serling stepping in to introduce an episode of the Twilight Zone... "Here we have two people..." Just struck me as humorous... And now back to your regularly scheduled debate... doo doo doo doo... [/quote]

I am SOOOO with you!!!! :rolling:

I was ABOUT to post..."I thought you were gonna go Rod Serling on me there..."

but decided against it!...

he he...anyways...I'm out.

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dust, i've heard it all by now, you simply could have said that i'm uneducated and am settling for a cheap, flashy, second-rate novelty.

sugarcoating it made it more offensive than it otherwise woulda been.

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Brother Adam

I think God could have lead Mulls to a non-Catholic Church, even if Catholicism is the one true church.

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[quote]dust, i've heard it all by now, you simply could have said that i'm uneducated[/quote]
That would not have been accurate.

[quote]and am settling for a cheap, flashy, second-rate novelty.[/quote]
Those terms wouldn't have been a good description of my point. I think Protestantism is different and inferior, yes--but the terms you use are offensive--which is the last thing I was trying to be.

[quote]sugarcoating it made it more offensive than it otherwise woulda been.[/quote]
My intent was not to sugar-coat. I'm sorry if you took it that way.

God bless.

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I think that dUSt's post still kept to the Idea that the Holy Spirit moves with in your seperated church. Also, the Holy Spirit is constantly leading you.

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