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Australian Bishop Sacked By Pope Benedict Xvi


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VATICAN CITY, 2 MAY 2011 (VIS) - The Holy Father removed Bishop William M. Morris from the pastoral care of the diocese of Toowoomba, Australia.
RE/ VIS 20110502 (20)

The first hint that Bishop Morris was on his way out came yesterday in an open letter to parishes in his diocese.

“It has been determined by Pope Benedict that the diocese would be better served by the leadership of a new bishop” he said, adding that the Holy Father had told him personally that Church law made it clear that “the successor of Peter nominates and may remove from office” any bishop he finds unfit for the job. “This makes my position as Bishop of Toowoomba untenable,” he concluded.

“In effect, it is a removal from office,” Father Peter Dorfield, the diocese’s vicar general, told Australia’s ABC News.

Critics of the bishop, though, say the problems in Toowoomba go beyond the bishop’s public disagreement with Catholic doctrine on the priesthood.

They claim Bishop Morris - who prefers a shirt and tie to a priestly collar and bishops’ attire - has done much to undermine Catholic identity and teachings during his term of office.

Such criticisms include “communion services” being co-celebrated by lay people and priests and the widespread use of communal “general absolution” rites as an alternative to personal confession.

Contacted by CNA, Archbishop Chaput declined to comment on the matter. He noted that parties involved in any Vatican visitation routinely agree to keep their deliberations private, and all details remain confidential.

The Diocese of Toowoomba spans more than 188,000 square miles and has a Catholic population of roughly 66,000 served by 35 parishes.

Bishop Brian Finnegan of Brisbane has now been appointed an administrator until a new bishop can be found.

Bishop Morris, 67, will now officially retire. The normal retirement age for a bishop is 75.

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Good riddance [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/crazy.gif[/img]. In all seriousness though, we definitely need to pray for that diocese[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/amen.gif[/img]

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Priests voice support for axed bishop
May 4, 2011

TWO vigils have been held in Toowoomba, Queensland, to protest against the Vatican's sacking of Bishop William Morris.

About 200 people gathered for a quiet prayer session opposite Bishop Morris's Toowoomba home last night, while another group assembled at the city's St Patrick's Cathedral.

The two demonstrations of sympathy for the bishop were to combine at the cathedral because of bad weather, said Father Peter Dorfield, the vicar-general of the Toowoomba diocese. Father Dorfield is one of eight priests who have criticised Bishop Morris's sacking as unfair and disheartening.

Read more: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/priests-voice-support-for-axed-bishop-20110503-1e6wj.html#ixzz1LKkMeC00

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Archbishop Bathersby said the ousting of the bishop came as a surprise, and he had thought the situation would not come to a head.

“It happened suddenly and I suppose it was as big a surprise to the bishop himself.”

He said the bishop and Rome had been in contact over a number of years and there had been a “fair amount of discussion” between them, but was told there was no need for him to be part of the conversation.

“I’m unaware of what was discussion in that regard,” he said.

“I thought that the discussions had gone on and I thought they might finish and Bishop Bill would go on to his retirement.”

He said although the decision could prove to have a negative effect on the Toowoomba parish, many in the community loved the Catholic Church under the Pope’s leadership and they could cope with any problems that came along.

The dismissal has created international headlines, with media making particular reference to the stern wording of a letter on the Vatican website stating it was determined by "Pope Benedict that the diocese would be better served by the leadership of a new bishop".

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If you publicly dispute Catholic doctrine, you shouldn't be surprised to get the sack. I wonder if this will be the first of more sackings.

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='cappie' timestamp='1304464021' post='2236582']
Priests voice support for axed bishop
. Father Dorfield is one of eight priests who have criticised Bishop Morris's sacking as unfair and disheartening.


1 down. Eight to go?

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I'll remember that this was likely the bishop who ordained these men and hope that they will learn to cooperate with the new leadership. After all, their vow of obedience is to the bishop and his successors.

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Mary Magdalene

[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1304466541' post='2236599']
If you publicly dispute Catholic doctrine, you shouldn't be surprised to get the sack. I wonder if this will be the first of more sackings.

Agreed! Although this "former" bishop obviously needs many prayers as at some point he clearly has lost his way.

As an Australian, I hope that this serves as a warning to priests and bishops within the country to watch out. As there are many still out there doing things that are not in line with the Church's teachings.

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I am glad to see that things may be getting better in Australia. Now should we be praying for Cappie for Bishop?

God bless-

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[quote name='let_go_let_God' timestamp='1304518488' post='2236804']
I am glad to see that things may be getting better in Australia. Now should we be praying for Cappie for Bishop?

God bless-

It's funny but that was my reaction as well, when in reality it means that things have gotten horribly bad in Australia. Yet I think we all have a feeling that any time the pope focuses on a place, that place will turn around. It's an amazing piece of confidence that we share.

God bless the Church! God bless the Pope!

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1304466541' post='2236599']
If you publicly dispute Catholic doctrine, you shouldn't be surprised to get the sack. I wonder if this will be the first of more sackings.

i totally agree with ya

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