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[url="http://luckily-catholic.blogspot.com/2011/05/carmel-take-three.html"]http://luckily-catholic.blogspot.com/2011/05/carmel-take-three.html[/url] :)

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Congratulations! These sound like very wonderful nuns. I hope you have an amesome time! :clapping:

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Catherine Therese

great news! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap2.gif[/img]

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Wellfaith. I found them! Haha a lot of nights are spent going on extensive searches for religious communities. I actually pushed this one off to the side for a bit because of something stupid that I can't remember. Haha but God sends us the unexpected, eh?

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306601972' post='2247082']
Wellfaith. I found them! Haha a lot of nights are spent going on extensive searches for religious communities. I actually pushed this one off to the side for a bit because of something stupid that I can't remember. Haha but God sends us the unexpected, eh?

Im sorry, I meant did your mother like them, is she happy youre in contact with them? I hope so, at youre tender age you will need lots of support from your family.

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That's great news! Keep your sprititual Carmelite friends by your side!

Bonne chance, et Dieu vous benisse~

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[quote name='faithcecelia' timestamp='1306602324' post='2247087']
Im sorry, I meant did your mother like them, is she happy youre in contact with them? I hope so, at youre tender age you will need lots of support from your family.

haha oops. sorry. im so used to answering the question of how i found nuns. (many of my friends are protestant and most of my family. comes with the territory.) but it was another visit with sr.mary john so my mom was VERY comfortable. she wasnt on the edge of tears this time. haha but i was again. (joyful tears. joyful tears. lol) i didnt cry though. haha i was just so happy. lol i think she's starting to warm up to the thought. im worried about one thing though. my biological dad doesnt know about any of this. i mean he knows im alive, he saw me a few months ago, but he doesnt even know im discerning. im probably just going to tell him the day i enter but i do not know how to do that. i havent thought about this till now and now im a bit scared about this aspect. any advice?

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306605199' post='2247091']
haha oops. sorry. im so used to answering the question of how i found nuns. (many of my friends are protestant and most of my family. comes with the territory.) but it was another visit with sr.mary john so my mom was VERY comfortable. she wasnt on the edge of tears this time. haha but i was again. (joyful tears. joyful tears. lol) i didnt cry though. haha i was just so happy. lol i think she's starting to warm up to the thought. im worried about one thing though. my biological dad doesnt know about any of this. i mean he knows im alive, he saw me a few months ago, but he doesnt even know im discerning. im probably just going to tell him the day i enter but i do not know how to do that. i havent thought about this till now and now im a bit scared about this aspect. any advice?

Oh bless you sweetheart, it is hard isn't it? My family are protestant too, I'm a convert (although I think I have always been a Catholic spiritually, I just needed to find the Church).

My mother was nagging me to make her a grandma for years, well before I was discerning, and I had to tell her that I honestly did not believe I would ever have children - that was hard enough for her! Then I started dating a lovely, lovely man and she started getting her hopes up again! We went on holiday to Rome and were going to get engaged, but while we were away I realised that God was calling me to be His. It was really hard but thankfully the man involved sensed it so didn't ask me. I called it off when we got home and began my discernment.

I looked at an active order, Community of Our Lady of Walsingham, they were brand new at the time and I loved them dearly but knew I was called to enclosure so found Carmel. I dreaded telling my mum, I knew she would either cry or scream or both! In the end while I was at a Catholic charismatic conference I actually wrote to her! I thought it best as she would have time to get over it before I saw her :like: I ignored her calls until I decided I had to deal with it, and she told me she already knew - she had known when I broke up with my boyfriend! We sobbed down the phone to each other and she told me 'You have to do it, if you say No to God you will never be happy'. Oh dear, Im crying now remembering it :sad:

I didnt tell a lot of people at first, but as I did I was suprised that no one seemed remotely suprised :blink: When God calls you to be His, somehow it shows.

You have lots and lots of time, you are still very young. Just keep listening to God as He reveals His plan for you. It may well be that He wants you in this Carmel, it may be that they are the support you need now but He will show you something else - another community, marriage, the lay single life, etc. Keep listening, He will guide you.

My prayers are with you, my little Carmelite sister xx

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[quote name='the171' timestamp='1306605199' post='2247091']
haha oops. sorry. im so used to answering the question of how i found nuns. (many of my friends are protestant and most of my family. comes with the territory.) but it was another visit with sr.mary john so my mom was VERY comfortable. she wasnt on the edge of tears this time. haha but i was again. (joyful tears. joyful tears. lol) i didnt cry though. haha i was just so happy. lol i think she's starting to warm up to the thought. im worried about one thing though. my biological dad doesnt know about any of this. i mean he knows im alive, he saw me a few months ago, but he doesnt even know im discerning. im probably just going to tell him the day i enter but i do not know how to do that. i havent thought about this till now and now im a bit scared about this aspect. any advice?

As far as the Protestants go: [b]pray for them.[/b] Most of my family is (thankfully) Catholic, but even my Presby aunt asked two years ago if I still wanted to be a sister (at the time, I said no, but she's fine with whatever). Prayers will go an awfully long way. My gran's Baptist friend thinks it's great. Pray for them, and explain the best you can what your life will be about. Many protestants, especially Southern Baptists are big on prayer, and hey, so are the Carmelites!

For your father: I'm not really sure what to do. If there is a close priest friend you could ask, go for it.

Prayers for everyone!

Dieu vous benisse

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Thank you faithcecilia and lapetitesoeur! Your advice means much to me. And I always tell my protestant friends that their in my rosary and mass intentions. Haha a few get mad sometimes. But they know that its coming from my heart. Haha but I'll definitely pray for you two too. And ill pray whether or not and when I'll tell my father. Mayb ill just let him figure it out himself. I'm close to my grammy so shell probably tell him. That'll probably be the easiest for both of us. Ill tr and talk to a priest about it during the rtreat this week. Maybe ill talk to sr.mary john when I make my retreat at carmel. God bless!! Benedicite! Merci mes ami! Its been a whiel since I've used my french

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