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What Are You Favorite Vocation Websites?

Sister Rose Therese

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Sister Rose Therese

OK. The topic says it all.
What are your favorite vocation websites and why? Doesn't matter if it is a general website on vocations or of a particular community or diocese.
What is it that you like about it? Why do you visit them? Is it more for information or inspiration?

Oh, and also, how did you find it or how do you usually find them?

Thanks for your help.
God bless.

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This sounds dumb, but YouTube- I love to watch videos of all sorts of communities- last night I was watching something fascinating about the Norbertines. Religious life should be joyful (obviously, like any vocation, there are trials... but overall) and seeing sisters and nuns talking, working, and praying can give you a good indication of their joy :love: For those, I just search "sisters, nuns, religious life, etc." I also love Rome reports and how they sometimes cover communities :)

For that same reason, I like foryourvocation.org . They have lots of videos, recommended reading (which is amazing- sometimes my SD doesn't out and out suggest particular books, so I can look on there and get an idea)

Also, maybe a touch-bit biased, but I love the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist website. For the obvious reasons that I'm discerning their community- but also, because they have links to Vatican documents on the religious life. Plenty of pictures, it's kept updated fairly regularly, and they post postulant stories!!!!!!!! I love to hear/read vocation stories for any community! Best. love. stories. ever.

Phatmass, of course :)

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I love this site [url="http://poorclarestmd.org/"]http://poorclarestmd.org/[/url]

I have never discerned with them, having realised twice that I am not called to be a Poor Clare, but the site is just lovely and a lot of it is relevant to religious life generally.

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When I was actively researching communities, I loved using the [url="http://religiouslife.com/"]Institute on Religious Life[/url] and [url="http://cmswr.org/"]CMSWR[/url] websites. Now that I know there are only two communities who might accept me with my illnesses, I just go to these websites for the fun of it. I love that CMSWR posts community news, but they haven't updated it since March.

I also found the [url="http://deoestgloria.com/"]Deo Est Gloria[/url] website interesting. They have hundreds of communities all over the world for men and women listed--habited and non-habited. :)

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Yes I agree about Phatmass. And I also love Vision Vocation Guide. ForYourVocation is great too!

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Little Flower

My favorite just general vocation website is http://www.vocationnetwork.org/. I also like http://acatholiclife.blogspot.com/2007/02/nuns-should-wear-habit.html. It lists a bunch of orders that wear the habit. You have to be careful though because a couple of them are SSPX and at least one is Anglican.

My favorite community's website is http://nunsopsummit.org/ They are cloistered Dominican nuns in Summit, New Jersey. They are also super amazing. I just visited them on Monday!!! Also their blog http://www.monialesop.org/

And the Passionist nuns in Kentucky: http://www.passionistnuns.org/ and their blog: http://www.passionistnuns.org/blog/index.php

And http://desertnuns.com/ They are Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration. They are an offshoot of Mother Angelica's community in Hanceville, which is being founded in Phoenix because Mother Angelica's community is overflowing with vocations. They are cloistered nuns but as their monastery is not built yet they have no cloister. But they will be in a cloister once it is built.

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And my "nunning on the internet" as my roommate called it is for both information and inspiration- so many times as a discerner, I feel like no one else in the world is considering this. So I see the joy, the love, the suffering... and it reminds me why I want that. All for Jesus :)

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I've actually been to a lot of these! The Poor Clares in Cleveland have wonderful information, for their website not being updated. Also, the Salesians and FSPs. And Covington Carmel. All lovely sites.

I used Vocations Network when I first got started on this. It was helpful in finding where my talents would be best used. :)

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Dear Sister Rose Therese,

For me, phatmass and the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara website, http://www.ssvmusa.org/

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Phatmass: community of faithful Catholics, and on VS, fellow discerners. I don't feel so alone when I'm here!

the CMSWR website (did I scramble the letters?)

The NDs website: as a future (God- willing, bein sur!) ND, I love looking at everything on their website.

mavocation.org (I think it's .org): This is in France, but they have a lot of great resources as the Church is trying to get more youth to think about vocations! Lots of videos and other fun things.

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Little Flower

[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1310842458' post='2268262']
The NDs website: as a future (God- willing, bein sur!) ND, I love looking at everything on their website.

What does ND stand for? is it the Nashville Dominicans?

[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1310842458' post='2268262']
mavocation.org (I think it's .org): This is in France, but they have a lot of great resources as the Church is trying to get more youth to think about vocations! Lots of videos and other fun things.
:blink: do you speak French?

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[quote name='Little Flower' timestamp='1311106566' post='2270287']
What does ND stand for? is it the Nashville Dominicans?

:blink: do you speak French?

I'm studying to be a French teacher! :nun2:

ND does indeed stand for Nashville Dominicans! There's also the DSMME (Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist), the FSP (Paulines), etc...

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benedictinesofmary.org - because i am dicerning with them and I love the way the web site is set up ( I also visit the nashville dominicans site because of their beautiful website)

olamshrine.com -great first proffesion and investiture photos.

Youtube- Its sort of a mix because you can find some really weird and stupid things, and then some beautiful video's.

http://www.religious-vocation.com/ -my favorite website for religious queries. It is straight to the point and definitely worth my time.

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Little Flower

[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1311223876' post='2272284']
I'm studying to be a French teacher! :nun2:

ND does indeed stand for Nashville Dominicans! There's also the DSMME (Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist), the FSP (Paulines), etc...

Thats neat! I've always wished I could speak French - its a very pretty language in my opinion.

YAY!!!!!!!!!! I got it right!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like their website too. I've read pretty much everything on it! and i LOVE their habits!

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