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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1312829713' post='2283396']

That would be traumatic. I guess I now better understand your hostility to and fear of homosexuality.


..and that is why this whole thread is pointless. i have no fear of homosexuality. i have an aversion to it based on what i believe, my morality, and my faith. but you and others insist on calling it a phobia. phobia means fear ya ninnyhead. hostility to it? yes as i do any sin. hostility to homosexuals? no. but then again, you prolly cannot see the distinction between the two....or refuse to.

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1312842391' post='2283506']

..and that is why this whole thread is pointless. i have no fear of homosexuality. i have an aversion to it based on what i believe, my morality, and my faith. but you and others insist on calling it a phobia. phobia means fear ya ninnyhead. hostility to it? yes as i do any sin. hostility to homosexuals? no. but then again, you prolly cannot see the distinction between the two....or refuse to.

I think you missed where I was going with that.

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1312806156' post='2283289']

It is a shame that you have been taught to believe that the Catholic way is the truth. Most of society today would accept you for who you are and would like that you find true love and would not bat an eyelid with regards to whether you choose to express your love physically or not.
I am amazed that a person in your position can accept the Catholic teachings without requiring proof. You live your life in a daily struggle worrying about what an imagined god might think of what you do in your own privacy with the person you love.

Its a gift from God that this person has been taught the absolute truth of the catholic church even though they have a heavy cross to bear. what is a shame is that you deny the truth of the catholic church. you look to society for your rules and truth but society as has been show time and time again has flawed rules and morality. just look at american history to see how messed up its morality has been. although the catholic church has the complete truth and has true morality. its just a shame you can't or possibly refuse to see this.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1312903595' post='2284764']

Its a gift from God that this person has been taught the absolute truth of the catholic church even though they have a heavy cross to bear. what is a shame is that you deny the truth of the catholic church. you look to society for your rules and truth but society as has been show time and time again has flawed rules and morality. just look at american history to see how messed up its morality has been. although the catholic church has the complete truth and has true morality. its just a shame you can't or possibly refuse to see this.

he's from new zealand, but i think your point still stands.

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Homophobic is just one of those words used to make an ad hominem attack, it has no clearly defined meaning just a lot of negative connotations.

"reactionary" is another such term but you don't hear it so much these days. It's supposed to be someone who is opposed to change.

"birther" anyone who believes the president was not born in the United sTATES.

"Global warming Denier" anyone who doesn't believe the world is going to end any minute because of increased temperatures.

"a prude" like there is something wrong with being prudent. Want to wait till your married to have sex, yes you could be "a prude"

many of these terms apply to me :winner:

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[quote name='stevil' timestamp='1312806156' post='2283289']

It is a shame that you have been taught to believe that the Catholic way is the truth. Most of society today would accept you for who you are and would like that you find true love and would not bat an eyelid with regards to whether you choose to express your love physically or not.
I am amazed that a person in your position can accept the Catholic teachings without requiring proof. You live your life in a daily struggle worrying about what an imagined god might think of what you do in your own privacy with the person you love.
Gee Steve that applies to just anything- life could possibly be more fun if I didn't believe in God and Catholic teachings. Then I could rob, steal murder, lie cheat or anything else I felt like doing at the moment because there were no eternal consequences. It wouldn't matter who or what I hurt because it would be all about what I wanted - but ya know I don't want society to accept me for who and what I am without God, because they wouldn't be getting a bargain, no one living a life of basic instincts could possibly be.
Catholics do worry about what God thinks of us, we should, because He asks for perfection, but the beauty of it is, He is happy with progress, and the whole world is a better place as a result.

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