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Rosalind Moss - Mother Miriam Of The Lamb Of God - Update


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The controversy wasn't over the name at all, but perhaps because of what happened in St Louis at the time, (water under the bridge now and not worth discussing), she felt that changing the name would help in that situation. Where she is now, she is fully supported by her Bishop, and who knows, perhaps he even encouraged her to leave it as it was before.

Let's not forget that we are all human beings, and personalities get involved in everything, and sometimes thing seem to cause controversy when they aren't the underlying cause of it all. It is good for her now that she has the support of someone who shares her vision. Let's continue to pray for her.

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[quote name='reminiscere' timestamp='1315573565' post='2302504']


This is wonderful news, what a joy for her and a great step forward in her journey.

May Our Blessed Mother, Mother of Our and Israel's Hope continue to guide and protect her as she strives to give birth to this new religious community.

Let's keep up our prayers for M. Miriam and her future Sisters.

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Mary's Margaret

I've been following Mother Miriam's journey for a while, but am unclear whether there are other women (aspirants or postulants) with her at this point. Does anyone know?

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I did actually request an receive and application and information packet, but now is not the time for me or them I do not believe. I must say she loos beajutiful in her habit. When I spoke with her she had 2 people with her and was expecting a third but that was in early summer so I do not know.

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Mary's Margaret

Thanks, Darlene. She does look beautiful, and seems to radiate peace in her pictures. In God's time, I'm sure her community will grow and be a blessing to many.

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I have to admit I am a little curious as to what her charism might be now that she has moved from Salesian (hence the Novice year with the Visitation convent) to Benedictine spirituality. Will evangelism continue to be the focus for her community or will there be a new direction? I haven't personally spoken with her in quite a while, so haven't kept up to date on the changes since she left St Louis.

I also wonder if she is going to wear the Star of David Crucifix that she used to wear and wanted all her sisters to wear - now that she is wearing the Benedictine habit.... not important topics of course, just my curiosity! :P

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This was 'tweeted' recently...


It's from the - Inside the Vatican magazine - scroll down the page to see updates ... it does talk about two postulants.

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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1316370864' post='2306298']
So they are now a Benedictine community? Does that mean they will not have an active apostolate?

I wondered the same thing myself and how this all affects her charism of active apostolate taking the full habit into the world, but it might be that she has had to make some changes and adaptations in order to get support... I haven't been in contact with her since I left Carmel this last time, so we will have to wait until someone more knowledgeable can give us more info. In the meantime, we can always pray for her and the new community.

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We have active Benedictines in my area, but they no longer wear traditional habits. How wonderful would it be to have active, habited nuns visible in the world!

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1316371118' post='2306305']

I wondered the same thing myself and how this all affects her charism of active apostolate taking the full habit into the world, but it might be that she has had to make some changes and adaptations in order to get support... I haven't been in contact with her since I left Carmel this last time, so we will have to wait until someone more knowledgeable can give us more info. In the meantime, we can always pray for her and the new community.

I do know that the Sisters are being given classes by Fr. Mark Kirby, OSB of [url="http://vultus.stblogs.org"]http://vultus.stblogs.org[/url]. I'm not sure what their apostolate will be like, but they are being formed as Benedictines.

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[quote name='Luigi' timestamp='1315594449' post='2302627']
My only concern is that if the community experienced controversy with the name in one location/time, they may experience controversy in future places/times.
John 15:18 - If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you.

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't watched it yet, but I saw this posted and thought you all would be interested. I'll probably check it out after work today.


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Thank you Lisa! I will definitely watch this later. :) I have been "following" Mother Miriam on-line for years & I have been praying for the formation of her new community from time to time. Her journey has been amazing...

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