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Hi ya'll!

So last night at Our Lady of Hope, I was volunteering like on every regular Tuesday and all of us kids got into a really looonnnggg conversation with Sr. Joan, who is administrator and vocation director for our home. Well, it really wasn't a conversation since a lot of what she said to my friend and I was, "You have the heart of a Little Sister" and, "Your gonna be Little Sisters." Yeah, we've heard it before. :rolleyes:

I figured while we were talking I might as well bring up me going to the home in Queens. I brought that up and for the first time I got Sr. Joan to seriously say that she will get me down to Queens for Profession and she will see if I can help out all of Epiphany weekend while the other older girls are on Retreat! Since I was half zoned out because I was thinking about all of the work I have to do to finish this quarter I was half paying attention. :blush: This morning though after saying my prayers I suddenly remembered and went crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woot:

The reason why I want to get down to Queens so much is because I want to try to help the Sisters out, and because I need to talk to Sr. Mary Grace. The reason why is because of this:

This May 10, God told me His will for my life. I was in Hawaii on my dad's business trip and for no apparent reason prayed that God would show me His will. I had felt a little bit that God wanted me to be a Little Sister of the Poor so I asked the Blessed Mother, St. Therese, and St. Damien to intercede for me and that they all work together to send me a rose if I should be a Little Sister of the Poor. Of course, my family went to Mass that Sunday at St. Augustine's-by-the-sea-church. The Priest was amazing and he announced that St. Damien's feast day was that Tuesday and that they were having a special Mass and a little gift shop after Mass. Since my family loves St. Damien especially my Mom and brother, we went on Tuesday to Mass. Afterwards, I was looking at some of the trinkets, books, medals and statues that they had for sale, and then I noticed an icon. The only thing I noticed about the icon though was the word "rose" on it. I stumbled into the tiny church to thank my three little friends, and walked over to an icon of Mary. I instantly noticed tiny gold roses carved into the beautiful frame. Then amazed I walked over to a statue of the Blessed Mother, and noticed that besides one vase of the flower of Hawaii, and one vase of daisies that there were numerous vases of beautiful red roses surrounding her. I smiled and almost started tearing up when I remembered that St. Therese's favorite flower was not a rose, but a daisy. I was happy, bewildered, and thankful that my three dear friends had done this for me! When I got home I thought, okay I'll tell my parents, but I knew that that wasn't what God wanted. I kept quiet until i<3 franciscans said something to me on a Tuesday. I spilled the whole story to her and we talked for about an hour when we should have been calling bingo along with the other kids... :blush:
So my parents don't know that I'm on here or that I'm called to be a LSP. In the weirdest way I felt that I was supposed to talk about my vocation with Sr. Mary Grace, a Sister that I knew a little bit and that was leaving our home soon to be transferred to the one in Queens. I was in the chapel at our home and I felt that God really wanted me to talk to her. I had never worked with or for her before and I made a little "deal" with God. I prayed, Lord if You really want me to say something to her, please make it be that I work with her. We got upstairs and Sr. Mary Grace and Sr. Kathleen were working with us that Tuesday. Sr. Mary Grace picked i<3 franciscans and I to work with her! We washed window sills? :rolleyes: After that I kept on working with her for some reason and I played my violin on my b-day at Mass with her, dusted for her etc. When she left for Queens she had i<3 Franciscans and I come on the way down with her and then we drove back with the other Sisters that had come with us. To confirm that I was really supposed to talk to her, I prayed a novena to St. T. to please send me a yellow rose to show that I really had to talk to her. I got my yellow rose, and my more important rose to show that a dear little resident was on his way to heaven. I had prayed for the yellow rose after she left and now I am just trying to get down to Queens!

So I am so happy that I might be going down there so soon! Please pray for me! Thanks!

Rachel, (who really is a future LSP!)

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Yes, many prayers! I hope everything works out for you and the trip to Queens. After talking last night I was exhausted! It seems like you go more out of it than I did. I can't imagine why... LOL

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[quote name='i<3franciscans' timestamp='1320855352' post='2333756']
Yes, many prayers! I hope everything works out for you and the trip to Queens. After talking last night I was exhausted! It seems like you go more out of it than I did. I can't imagine why... LOL

Sr. Joan is exhausting dear. :)

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