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Site To Find A Vocation Director


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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1325794745' post='2363559']
Here's a [url="http://maps.sdiworld.org/seekandfind.php"]site to locate[/url] a spiritual director. You need to narrow it down to city/state/country, then it gives a list of people.

Warning, it's a mix -- it will state if they are Roman Catholic. There are many faiths listed and both genders.

Unfortunately, there is only one in my area who is listed on that website and he's not Catholic. He's Anglican/Episcopalian. I cannot believe the lack of spiritual directors in my diocese! I'm really planning on becoming a lay spiritual director later on so that I can help people interested in vocations here. Even the diocesan Vocation Director had no idea who I should ask! :ohno:

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I'm surprised that more people aren't offering to do spiritual direction via skype. I have some friends who do life coaching and they mostly skype.

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Woa. Suggest skype to the people you contact and maybe they will! A w esome!

[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1325800829' post='2363598']
Joyful, you are freaking amesome! :cheer:

Three in Memphis, one in Birmingham, a few in Jackson. Oi.


Edited by JoyfulLife
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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1325794745' post='2363559']
Here's a [url="http://maps.sdiworld.org/seekandfind.php"]site to locate[/url] a spiritual director. You need to narrow it down to city/state/country, then it gives a list of people.

Warning, it's a mix -- it will state if they are Roman Catholic. There are many faiths listed and both genders.

Please take this site with a huge grain of salt.

I say this as a member of SDI and someone who is listed in their directory.

There are no qualifications for being listed as a spiritual director. Pay the membership fee and you can be listed. There may be wonderful, holy spiritual directors listed and there may be those who have no qualifications or abilities at all.

If I were looking for a new spiritual director, I would start by asking my pastor for a recommendation. I might ask other people who seem to be living holy lives whether they know of any directors. I'd ask at a nearby monastery, convent, or retreat house to see if they might know of someone. Picking someone off a web site -- even someone who claims to be Catholic -- would be my last ditch option.

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Here is an EXCELLENT [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/109503-finding-a-spiritual-director/"]thread[/url] about finding a really good spiritual director! :)

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Very helpful talk on finding a spiritual director, on EWTN right now. Through phatmass chat, or ewtn.com, or ewtn tv.

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