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How Many People Know That Kony2012 Is A Born Again Christian/marxist C


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Yep, already knew he was a person who desired a fundamentalist theocracy; the name kinda gave it away "The Lord's Resistance Army".

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doesnt change anything, he should still be nuked from orbit, its the only way to be sure.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1331506207' post='2399189']
doesnt change anything, he should still be nuked from orbit, its the only way to be sure.

While I appreciate Ripley's advice, collateral damage in this case...however, if one so desired, Milosevic, after he died, was unburied in eastern Europe and had a stake driven through his heart so he wouldn't ever rise again. I imagine if those special forces the US has had over there for months helping fight the LRA manage to kill him, then it wouldn't be hard to stake after death.*

*Note, I do not endorse nor encourage people desecrating the dead. This is only meant to provide an example of another way to be sure that would not realistically be used.

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The LRA isn't the Marxist ones. Killing them won't stop child soldiers, it will only empower the marxists.

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[quote name='RezaMikhaeil' timestamp='1331511229' post='2399231']
The LRA isn't the Marxist ones. Killing them won't stop child soldiers, it will only empower the marxists.

First of all, in much of the developing world Marxist movements are really little more than nationalist movements dressed up in ideological trimmings. Secondly, Museveni (the President of Uganda) has not been a Marxist for decades.

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Hey! Who's that Comrade shaking hands with Museveni?

Edited by Hasan
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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1331515022' post='2399265']

Hey! Who's that Comrade shaking hands with Museveni?

It appears to be the pseudo-deity of the Grand Old Party? Alternatively, it could be the man whose special envoy in 1983, named Donald Rumsfeld, shook hands with then US ally Saddam Hussein.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1331515022' post='2399265']

Hey! Who's that Comrade shaking hands with Museveni?

Are you so naive to think that Presidents do not regularly meet and shake hands with their enemies? What do you feel about Obama and all the murderers he has not only met and shook hands with, but also apologiozed for America to?


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1331522281' post='2399366']
Are you so naive to think that Presidents do not regularly meet and shake hands with their enemies?[/QUOTE]

He liberalized his markets. Also, when did Uganda become our enemy?

[QUOTE] What do you feel about Obama and all the murderers he has not only met and shook hands with, but also apologiozed for America to?


Which murderers did he apologize for America to?

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[sup]all for oil huh? that's a nice twist for this story. why do all the scumbags in the world own the oil??? [/sup]

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[quote name='blacksheep' timestamp='1331558441' post='2399531']
[sup]all for oil huh? that's a nice twist for this story. why do all the scumbags in the world own the oil??? [/sup]

I wouldn't take this article as gospel.

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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1331522281' post='2399366']
Are you so naive to think that Presidents do not regularly meet and shake hands with their enemies? What do you feel about Obama and all the murderers he has not only met and shook hands with, but also apologiozed for America to?


Doesn't this sort of deflate Gingrich's whole "never again bow to a Saudi king" line, and totally wipe away any credibility or substance behind the recently-released video of then-student Obama introducing and--gasp--embracing Professor Derrick Bell?

Sometimes you respect the office without respecting the person in it.

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