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Email From Postulant Juchu!


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Hi, everyone!

If you remember, our VS sister, Juchu, left very suddenly for her monastery. That was during a time when the Board was acting up and we couldn't do PMs. As soon a that feature reappeared I sent a PM to her, but I didn't get a response. I figured I had missed her!

But, look what I found in my mailbox this morning -- [color=#a52a2a]a message from Postulant Juchu! :nun:[/color]

She said was able to respond to that message and might be able to send a letter from time to time; if she does, I will share it.

She did give me this message for you:

[indent=1]juchu said:

[color=#a52a2a]I am doing good and I officially entered the Postulancy after having arrived and "settled in" a bit and a retreat of four days.[/color][/indent]
[color=#a52a2a]It is still new to present me as "yep, I am the postulant" to the guests ;) but I guess time will take it.

Thank your for your prayers! I am praying for all of you here on phatmass.[/color][/indent]

In case she can read it, I am going to reply to her io let her know we have received the message and that I had shared this with you. She indicated she will have limited access while a postulant and may be able to snail mail occasionally.

If you want me to pass on any messages, we will handle it the same as with (soon to be Sr.) Marigold - post them in this thread or send me a PM and I will combine them and pass them on. I won't be able to forward any of those until May 9 or 10 because I will be away.

It is good, I think, that we have a way to stay in contact with those who have gone in, and it is a privilege for me to be of service to the VS community this way!



Edited by AnneLine
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Hurray! I'm so glad to hear from juchu. I'll be writing her when I'm settled in, but grateful for our VS extern in the meantime... ;)

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Hey we needed one, right? And my husband won't let me go, so I'm staying around. Seems logical...... :)

However, I will be away this weekend (check the prayer room for the reasons) - prayers are gratefully accepted. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

huhu, it's me :)

Thanks for your message, AnneLine... I still owe you a letter... time really goes by so fast, the days are full...

As planned already when I left to enter, I am back at my parents for a week for health check-ups. I really ask for your prayers!

Otherwise, I am really happy. Happy almost sounds to superficial... At peace. Even though it has not all been easy, especially to accept for now the limitations of my health and to really learn dependency on God and on my sisters. And I am thankful for acceptance of my sisters... nobody is perfect.

Even though I did many live-ins with the community due to still having to finish university, postulancy really feels different for me. And I am so thankful to live this now!

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Oh, Marigold - have you left yet? Has she left yet??

I am able to lurk on phatmass from time to time, but I definetly have not the time to follow everything... From time to time I read some posts to be a bit "updated" for my prayers, but time is short!

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[quote name='juchu' timestamp='1338487413' post='2438757']
Oh, Marigold - have you left yet? Has she left yet??

I am able to lurk on phatmass from time to time, but I definetly have not the time to follow everything... From time to time I read some posts to be a bit "updated" for my prayers, but time is short!

She left! PM me and I can send you her address (although I don't have it with me now and won't until Monday afternoon) if you would like to write to her!

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Will be back home tomorrow! Everything took a little longer than planned, but things should be sorted out now so that I can move health insurances...
I ask for continued prayers for my health. It is nothing will go away "totally", but the sisters have a lot of patience with me, but I have to have patience with myself as well...

At some other threads I posted in during this week, people asked about my community. I had posted before that I will not post my community name publically here on phatmass since we are in the process of seeing how to handle social media, facebook, forums. The sisters are very aware of that this makes part of todays world, but more in the course of the year when there is the yearly meeting with all the sisters such things will be discussed and I do not want to act before any community decisions.

Since my novice mistress knows that we "young sisters" use these things, I personally do not feel uncomfortable being on facebook and reading here. But "me" is something different than "the community" so that is why I am being discret.

So tomorrow I am back to silence again anyway... Have to pack and clean...

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It's been good to see your name logged in from time to time over the last week!

So glad all is working out well for you health wise!

What you have said about wanting to respect your Community's timing regarding using social media makes total sense. What to use and how to use it is something that each community needs to discern for itself -- the balance of what is best for each sister, for the vocations contacts, for monastery business, for prayer requests, for general info regarding the order.

It shows great respect and thoughtfulness on your part that you are not doing anything that will inadvertently 'pre-decide' things before your superiors make those decisions. Now I understand why we might sometimes see your name on the 'logged in' list but not hear anything from you. Hopefully we can keep you informed through this thread what is going on that might be of interest to you!

We keep you and your sisters in prayer, and look forward to learning more from you when/as it seems appropriate! If you can let us know, is there a standard 'timing' for your community regarding postulancy, novitiate, temporary and/or permanant vows? Do you follow a similar structure to most Roman Catholic communities?

I think one of the beautiful things "I" have learned over the last year (and I think this may be true for most of us!) is that there are many strains of monastic life, not just within the Roman Catholic world. We have been enriched by your presence, that of Sr. Marigold from the Orthodox Church, and also people who are not Catholic but have an interest and respect for things monastic (including our sister, Antigonos, who has blessed us with her own Jewish perspective!)

This what true Ecumenism is, I believe -- sharing and working together while respecting what is different between us as well. (Religious traditions, and even the wide variety of religious communities and lifestyles -- and yes, our friendly Carmelite, Dominican, Jesuit, Franciscan, Benedictine rivalries!) The beautiful prayer that Jesus shared with us during his last supper (truly his 'ethical will' in the Jewish tradition!) was "That they may be one, Father, and you and I are one...."

God is present among us as we stand in truth together. I am blessed by sharing Phatmass with all of you!!! May we indeed all be one in serving the Lord better.

Juchu, I will pray for you and your sisters, and I am happy to keep posting things on PhatMass for you -- just be very clear what you want me to post so I don't post something you don't want on line. AnneLine needs to know what goes ON-line!


Juchu -- wanted to find a video that we could all share to pray together -- and as Taize is an ecumenical movement, and there are icons that will remind us of Sr. Marigold, I think this Taize video that is something we can share.... ALL who are searching for our vocations need to remember to "Wait for the Lord, His Day is Near, Wait for the Lord, Be Strong, Take Heart!"


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Glad you liked what I said, Theresa T-- and I hope Juchu gets a chance to see it, too!.

I do think we are learning so much from each other!!!

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Yes, I saw it! One hour till my train leaves, I am off now!

Thanks for all your kind messages. Yes, we are learning a lot from each other!

In my humble opinion, I truly believe that the "monastery movement" in the different confession is something that deeply unites us, despite all the controversions about not beeing able to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist together as Christians.
I think I wrote it before somewhere here, but offering your life to God through the vows is something that will - one day hopefully - always unite me with my catholic and orthodox sisters.

As the baptised people of God we are ALL called to live our life close to him... And "religious life" is one among many ways to do this.

But not more time for theological reflections.... better catch that train ;)
You have my prayers!!

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Oh and yes, I LOVE Taizé!!! I have been there multiply times during the last years, it has had a big part on my discernemnt and this is where I "learned" to pray as a teenager.

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