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Hell Is My Cell.

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='jaime' timestamp='1336266445' post='2427510']
I've checked and www.tabledubahrye.tumblr.com is currently free.

I love you beaker avatar jamie person, that muppett iz beaker right ?

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Mark of the Cross

[url="http://www.ewtn.com/library/papaldoc/jp2heavn.htm"]John Paul 2 describes Heaven, hell and Purgatory as 'states' not 'places'.[/url] We can be in a 'place' and a 'state' simultaneously. The State of hell is isolation from God. Yes, I've been there most of my early life! Heaven is being in God's presence. Yes, been there, but unfortunately not as much as I'd like. Purgatory, the state of feeling a failure and displeasing to God and not feeling able to face him. 'A leave me alone I wanna be lonely' feeling. I spend a lot of time in Purgatory.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1336330226' post='2427688']
alleluia, thanks brothers and sisters in christ,one does not have to be in the transmundane lane to have a spiritual boquet. :) oh and if it seems like i baited you all, blame jesus' lol coz he iz tha fisherman and me only the bait haha. But aye it is true everything i said about where i'm at so often for about 3 years now and no calling to a vocation/clergy as far as i can tell so far,though some people i know would tell you otherwise possibly, well they surely have hinted it to me. It is funny how we are to fish each other in the sense of the other boats coming in to help bring in the catch to avoid sinkage :)

Sorry the start of this post was @ 5am and i feel was somewhat egotistical, searching vainly for affirmation when my ownly affirmation i should need is Jesus.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1336347305' post='2427802']
. 'A leave me alone I wanna be lonely' feeling.

I like how you have said "A leave me alone i wanna be lonely feeling'. thats kinda how i feel, which makes my relationship with God and others feel kind of forced often. Except @ holy mass, though it can be a struggle to even get there the last few weeks.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Everybody's has their demons Tab, and I know you are having your struggles right now. I second the advice to pray the rosary. That's always helped me and when I started I had to really force myself to say it.
Above all, try to relax. John XXIII once said that "some people don't know how to pray because they don't know how to relax".
God will not fail you, just trust in Him no matter how hard it may be sometimes. We really do have to become like children sometimes as Jesus said. When I feel a crisis (which is often) I remind myself of what a good priest told me years ago: "Our prayer life a is a place of peaks and valleys". You will always have your ups and downs. Fear and anxiety are the tools of the demons pushing us to despair. Brush them off. God will show you a way.


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Posted Today, 06:31 PM
Everybody's has their demons Tab, and I know you are having your struggles right now. I second the advice to pray the rosary. That's always helped me and when I started I had to really force myself to say it.
Above all, try to relax. John XXIII once said that "some people don't know how to pray because they don't know how to relax".
God will not fail you, just trust in Him no matter how hard it may be sometimes. We really do have to become like children sometimes as Jesus said. When I feel a crisis (which is often) I remind myself of what a good priest told me years ago: "Our prayer life a is a place of peaks and valleys". You will always have your ups and downs. Fear and anxiety are the tools of the demons pushing us to despair. Brush them off. God will show you a way.

Good advice.
Here comes my two pennies worth.......again.............
We can become overly moralistic and legalistic in our spirituality. Our spirituality becomes all about "me" - my miseries, my sins, my failings, my needs, my wants etc. etc. etc. We can unconsciously project all this on to The Lord, rather than own up to that it is my thoughts about me and only my thoughts about me. I have negative thoughts about myself and so I tend towards that Jesus has negative thinking about me too. These are all projections - projection of my attitudes on to Him. In some ways this is understandable since we are slowly moving out of a quite moralistic and legalistic spiritual age - and still taking baby steps in a new age of gentle humble acceptable of our lowly estate and reflecting more on the wonder and beauty of our God of Loving Mercy and Compassion. We may have no problems knowing intellectually that our God is absolute Loving Mercy and Compassion - but can have problems permitting Him to be so in our spiritual living and relating to Him. Satan would do all that it possibly can, move heaven and earth if possible, to defray and prevent this re-new-ed spirituality (its nothing new and has existed for over 2000 years)from taking hold and where that thing finds some anxiety and fear, it will stir and stir and stir that pot endlessly and relentlessly. Relax in Jesus "seek afterPeace and pursue it".

I dont think we can relax spiritualy until we let go of our own self and learn to rest and relax in The Lord, for His yoke is indeed sweet and His burden totally light and easy to carry. His burden is His Loving Mercy and Compassion and dear old human pride and self sufficiency and self reliance just has to move over and give way. They-cannot co-exist.

Holiness and sanctity has nothing to do with what I can do and achieve, it is all about what The Lord can do and achieve if I will only allow Him to do so.

I would like to add to a few really great posts about the powerful intercession of Mary, who proves to those who turn with heart towards her trustfully begging her motherly help. She will prove over and over and over her motherly care. If one has problems developing a devotion to Our Lady, pray daily and ask for this great gift. Well Mary knows that her role is to lead us into the footsteps of Her Son and she will. If one finds the Rosary difficult, start out small and ask Our Lady daily for the devotion, rather than forcing oneself to pray it. Pray as you can, not as you can not. And prayer is the very simple raising of the heart and mind to God or those in Heaven in the way we find easiest.

Edit: Of great power too is the intercession of St. Joseph. He is Patron of The Church and therefore patron of all the baptized. As The Church moves through an age of purification (much needed purification we very sadly now know and not forgetting the victims involved either) and often even persecution in many forms, I pray to St. Joseph too every day. St Joseph was chosen to be the foster son of Jesus and the husband of Mary. He really must have been and still is a person of great value to God. A remarkable saint chosen for such an amazing journey and role in that journey. Like Mary, his wife, a gentle, humble self effacing sort of saint - yet such an outstanding and primary place in the story of our redemption.

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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I would like to add a prayer that could greatly help! I've had some very rough experiences and perhaps had a unfortunate chance of glimpsing hell. Trust me my friend, you'll know if your there, words can not explain it. I've tried and all they portray is a pale shadow to what its like. But something that could help you, as it helped me that day is your guardian angel. They seem to me like something that is very under utilized these days. Yes, we have the Saints, Mary, the rosary but we have OUR angel as well. I have a small devotion to it since I would not be here, literally, if it wasn't for an actual intervention from my guardian angel. These a prayers can found in iBrevary in the [url="http://www.ibreviary.com/m/preghiere.php?tipo=Preghiera&id=220"]Prayers to the Holy Angels[/url] section. Definitely check them out, you may find them of great use in expanding ones spiritual weapons locker.

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