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Aclu Is At It Again!


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I heard from a friend of mine that the American Civil Liberties Union has started raising a stink about crosses being put on the graves at Arlington National Cemetery. Is that true? If so, it doesn't surprise me. They're concerned about the liberties of everyone BUT Christians! The thing is, at Arlington they have symbols of Judaism and other religions on the graves of non-Christian soldiers and others who are buried there. What a double standard! It's like how they think it's fine to show menorahs at Christmas / Hanukkah time but not manger scenes! It's often been said that anti-Catholicism is the last acceptable prejudice, but at times it seems to me that anti-Christianity in general is also considered acceptable. Of course, it just proves what hypocrites these people are -- they demand tolerance and yet offer none.

Edited by davejc29201
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When Atheists request that the phrase "under God" be taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance because it is "offensive to their religious beliefs [or lack thereof]", they are forgetting that it would offend many more Shristians and Jews and other Americans who DO believe in God. It's been that way for two centuries, and, somehow, Agnostics and Atheists learned to get over it.

People need to learn that discriminating against the majorities doesn't nullify discrimination against the minorities.


Edited by geetarplayer
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Well... just for correctness, I remember the words "under God" being added to the Pledge of Allegiance being added sometime in the 1950's or thereabouts.

And, I often hear claims about the Founding Father's being Christian. Eh, which Founding Father? Most of them seemed to be highly influenced by the deists and the French Enlightenment. That's probably why we are a secular nation. Which is a good thing, mind you. Otherwise we would probably be a Protestant Christian nation.

As for the ACLU throwing a fuss over crosses in Arlington National Cemetery, I'm not surprised. At all. I don't know enough about the issue, but it seems to me that once again the left is over-reacting in the name of secularism.

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Jake Huether

I know! In central San Jose there is a statue of some aztec god - looks like a pile of dog carp actually (it's some sort of serpent). and that came from our tax dollars. But nooooo. Even if I fronted a million bucks to have a statue of Christ put up, they wouldn't dare do it.

Urrr! P's me off!

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