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My Last Night...


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Tonight is my last night in my own apartment before I go for my Postulancy. It's hard to imagine leaving my little nido, but I am hoping to find another. The families of the children I used to tutor are throwing me a party tomorrow, and I will say goodbye to them all for a little while, some of them possibly forever.

Pray for me. Pray for my former students, that they may see some of the "catching force, the sympathetic influence" of my actions. Pray for the Latin Mass Community that I am leaving, that they may have such an abundant charity that every person who visits them will be moved to join them, if possible. Pray for the college guys I used to lead, that they may be moved to seek streams of living water that never go dry, and keep that fount clean from all sin. Pray for my parents to accept and rejoice in my discernment process. Pray for the rest of my family, that they may see the light of the gospel. Pray for the community to which I am going.

I will not be on here starting Tuesday afternoon. If I don't talk to some of you in chat before then. Goodbye!!!

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Spem in alium

Praying. May you be filled with the strength and peace of Christ and his Blessed Mother.

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Praying for you, though I don't know you well and consequently don't know where your postulancy is. Regardless, how exciting!

May God bless your journey.

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Will hold you and your vocation in my prayers.

(It sounds as if you will not be on Phatmass after this.... if your community permits, and if you would like me to post important dates or other messages for you on Phatmass after your entrance, PM me asnailmail address. I am doing this for another Phatmasser, and will keep your info confidential. I'm not a very good correspondent, but might be able to mail you once or twice a year....)

Blessings, AnneLine

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