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Video Of The Pontifical Mass For The Discalced Carmelites In Canyon.


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Well, I guess I was so excited to find it that I wanted to post a new topic for it! :heart:

At the request of Reverend Mother (I still don't know who it is yet; does anyone know ?) there isn't any footage or pictures of the Sisters. But here is the Mass, and the other link for pictures during the Mass and a few at the reception that happend after. :nun:


The link for pictures: [url="http://sanctamargaritamaria.blogspot.ca/2012/10/ef-pontifical-mass-for-opening-of.html"]http://sanctamargari...opening-of.html[/url]

Edited by VeniJesuAmorMi
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Super wonderful to see!!! Thanks for posting! And I'm so happy to hear that Reverend Mother requested the Sisters remain hidden, yay!!

I believe this would have been Mother Teresa of Valparaiso because I know she was there along with Mother Agnes, the Subprioress and Novice Mistress (revealing nothing new here as it's in the articles)

I am not sure what the procedure is on when a new Prioress is appointed, but I know that it takes a number of years and a number of Nuns in Solemn Vows for an actual election within the new monastery to take place. Until then a Prioress is appointed by the Prioress of the founding monastery, and they are technically still under them. I think Elysburg is officially still under Valparaiso in this way .. perhaps even Brooklyn to Buffalo.
Anyway, thanks again for sharing!!! :nun1:

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  • 3 months later...

Praised be Jesus Christ! just ran into this, a video of the High Mass offered on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception at the new Carmel in Canyon, CA offered by a priest from the Institute of Christ the King, http://www.institute-christ-king.org/oakland/




just the sermon




a couple links with pictures to give some perspective on where this is being taped from, http://mjaldon.wordpress.com/2012/08/17/one-week-later-im-still-ascending-a-mountain/  &  http://www.catholicvoiceoakland.org/2012/09-17/frontpage1.htm


It's lovely to hear the nuns singing! 

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  • 6 months later...


Wonderful! Thanks so much for posting Chiqui. :) To see those pictures is a real treat. It's all so simple and humble. I wonder what their plans are for the new monastery. I wonder if it will be modeled after the monastery in Valparaiso. More wondering...:), but I wonder if they are taking vocations as the space is so small, but I know Mother Teresa in Valparaiso never has stopped accepting new entrances, and I hear they just keep getting more and more. It wouldn't be surprising if they make a new foundation soon again, but it will be exciting.


The new monastery the Sisters in Elysburg are planning is beautiful also: http://friendsofcarmeljmj.org/future-plans/architectural-rendering The one in Valparaiso does seem to look more Spanish.

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