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Great News

Julie de Sales

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Julie de Sales

I want to share with you a great joy! While I was making my live-in experience in August to the Poor Clare nuns, there was also a young active sister who was doing the same thing, discerning if God wanted her to make her final vows in her congregation or to become a Poor Clare and lead a contemplative life. She stayed at the monastery for three months and now she send me a message and announced me that she will remain to te Poor Clares and in december she will start the formation process. I'm so incredibly happy for her because she is a goog person and discovering one's true vocation is a great gitf. Please say a prayer for her that she persevere in the path God wants her to follow. Praise God! :nun1:

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That is indeed wonderful!!! Both are not Mother Angelica's Poor Clares are they? Blessings to ypu both!!O:-)

Monastery I mean...lol

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Blessed news for your friend, Julie!! Her 'will I make final vows or not?' sounds like a high drama, made for tv movie plot! She must have been anxious to discern while at the Monastery..

It's so interesting how most Poor Clare communities I've come into contact with all have a couple Sisters who began their journey of the religious life in the active apostolate. God truly calls!

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Julie de Sales

I expressed myself wrong a little bit (it was from the excitement :rotfl2: ) I am not (yet) a sister, but I was also in discernment like her. She was in a congregation that takes care of sick and old people, but with a little franciscan influence in the spirituality. I dont know how much time she had before making her final vows, but she was indeed very anxious to try the contemplative life and said that she will give only one chance to it; this Poor Clares are not Mother Angelica's, but Urbanist ones. They founded in my country recently and I'm glad that new vocations are coming to them.

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Good news indeed.....praise God.

How I wish there were sisters in my town. I occasionally see the PC extern, she comes here once a quarter, but otherwise, nada.

Maybe I'll start a novena.

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